Ayaskriti is a commonly used ayurvedic proprietary Kashyam-type formulation that is primarily indicated for the treatment and management of haemorrhoids, leucoderma, skin diseases, loss of appetite, worm infestation, urinary disorders, anaemia, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption disorders, and obesity. The major action of Ayaskriti chiefly affects the abnormal Vata and Kapha Doshas. It promotes body metabolism and fat burning and hence, treats obesity and keeps a check on weight. The most noticeable impact of this medication is belly fat growth. However, consistent and prescribed use of Ayaskriti helps to reduce general body weight, with modest variations in benefits from person to person.

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What Is Ayaskriti?

Ayaskriti is an Ayurvedic herbal iron-based kashayam formulation that is composed of two words; where ‘Ayas’, means iron, and ‘Kriti’ means method. Ayaskriti promotes digestion, metabolism, and assimilation. Its iron content raises the iron level in the blood, which helps with anaemia. It promotes the combustion of stored fats, which may be mediated by iron and the lipolytic activity of the other herbs in it.

How To Prepare Ayaskriti?

Ayaskriti Ingredients:

Kwatha dravyas: (960 grams each of)

Vijaya - Pterocarpus marsupium  

Tinisha- Anogeissus lactifolia  

Bhurja- Betula utilis  

Shwetavaha- Calotropis procera  

Prakeerya- Sapindus trifoliatus  

Khadira- Acacia catechu  

Kadara- Acacia polyantha  

Bhandi- Rubia cordifolia  

Shimshapa- Dalbergia sissoo  

Meshashrungi- Prosopis specigera  

Chandana- Santalum album  

Raktachandana- Pterocarpus santalinus  

Daruharidra- Berberis aristata  

Tala- Borassus flabellifer  

Palasha- Butea monosperma  

Jonkaka- Aquilaris agallocha  

Shaka- Grewia populifolia  

Shala -Shorea robusta  

Kramuka- Phyllanthus reticulates  

Dhava- Anogeissus lactifolia  

Kalinga- Holarrhena antidysenterica  

Ajakarna- Acacia leucophloea  

Ashwakarna- Cassia fistula  

Jala- Water 98 liters

Shadhana dravya:

Guda - Jaggery 9.5 Kg

Madhu- Honey 1.6 Kg

Prakshepaka dravya: (48 grams each of)

Vatsaka- Holarrhena antidysenterica   

Murva- Marsdenia tenacissima   

Bharangi- Clerodendron serratum   

Katuki- Picrorrhiza kurroa   

Maricha- Piper nigrum   

Ativisha- Aconitum heterophylum   

Gandira- Coleus forskohlii   

Ela- Elettaria cardamomum   

Pata- Cyclea pelteta   

Ajaji- Carum carvi   

Kadvanga phalam- Oroxylum indicum   

Ajamoda- Trchyspermum roxburghianum   

Sarshapa- Brassica alba   

Vacha- Acorus calamus   

Jeeraka- Cuminum cyminum   

Hingu- Ferula foetida   

Vidanga- Emblia ribes   

Pasugandha- Cleome gynandra   

Pippali- Piper longa   

Pippalimoola- Root of Piper longa   

Chavya- Piper retrofractum   

Chitraka- Plumbago zeylanica   

Shunti- Zingiber officinale   

Shudha loha patra- Iron foil   


Boil the kashaya dravyas in water to prepare the decoction.

Reduce the water quantity of the kashaya to ¼th, then strain. 

Cool the liquid, then add jaggery, honey, and the other prakshepaka dravyas and Loha patra (iron foil heated till red hot, then immersed in the decoction until melted). 

Pour the liquid into an earthen pot vessel smeared with ghee from the inside.

Ferment for 1 month in the fermentation room undisturbed.

After fermentation, filter the Arishta and store it in an airtight glass bottle away from direct sunlight and moisture for future use.

Medicinal Properties Of Ayaskriti

Ayaskriti is intrinsically blessed with the following healing qualities:

  • Anthelmintic
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antihyperglycemic
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Carminative
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Fat Burner
  • Febrifuge

Ayurvedic Properties of Ayaskriti:

Roga karma: Prameha, aruchi, krimi, pandu, arshas, switra, kusta, grahani and sthoulya

Dosha karma: Kaphavatahara

Agni  karma: Deepana

Other karmas: Medohara, kledahara

Ayurvedic Indications Of Ayaskriti

The alternative treatment of Ayurveda affirms this herbomineral compound as a potent Rasayani Dravya and exemplifies it in multiple ancient Ayurvedic texts of Charaka Samhita, Raj Nighantu, and Bhavprakash Nighantu for treating a variety of illnesses, including:

  • Pandu Roga (treats anaemia)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Anaha (treats bloating)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Medahara (treats obesity)
  • Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorder)
  • Ashmari (treats urinary calculi)
  • Vibandha (treats constipation)
  • Krimihara (treats intestinal works)
  • Shoola (treats abdominal colic)
  • Mutrakrichra (treats dysuria)
  • Dahahara (treats burning sensation)
  • Mutraghata (treats urinary obstruction)
  • Vatahara (treats arthritis)
  • Hridya (treats cardiac problems)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Swara (improves voice quality)
  • Shandhivatahara (treats gout)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Kamala (prevents jaundice)
  • Gulmajit (treats abdominal tumours)
  • Udara (treats ascites)
  • Antravruddhi (treats Hernia)
  • Arsha (treats haemorrhoids)

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Health Benefits Of Ayaskriti Kashayam
herbal tea

Relieves Anaemia

Ayaskriti is a one-time antidote for Pandu Roga, also known as iron deficiency anaemia or microcytic anaemia, which arises when Pitta doshas are imbalanced. Furthermore, it is quite important for the treatment and management of anaemia symptoms such as general fatigue, yellow skin discolouration, physical weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, vertigo, swelling, headaches, and sluggishness.

People suffering from severe anaemia experience rapid and erratic pulses and heartbeats. The combination of this formulation and Arjuna powder helps to alleviate anaemia symptoms while also improving heart function.

Also Read: Feeling Fatigued? Superb Yoga Poses To Keep Up Your Energy Levels Throughout The Day

Manages General Debility

General weakness is defined as a feeling of exhaustion, significant mental and physical lethargy, and an extreme lack of vitality. This occurs primarily when the torso is denied a constant flow of energy for an extended period of time. In the Ayurvedic language, weariness is also known as Klama, and it is caused by an imbalance of Kapha dosha and a lack of necessary minerals in the body. Ayaskriti is imbued with Balya (strength provider) and Rasayani properties, which aid in decreasing fatigue symptoms. The formulation's abundance of herbs also meets the need for key minerals, particularly iron, which aids in general strength and metabolism.

Remedies Digestive Abnormalities

Ayaskriti's remarkable carminative and digestive properties make it a go-to cure for any digestive issue. The herbs employed in the composition have Deepana and Pachana properties that inhibit gas generation in the alimentary canal, hence treating and preventing constipation, bloating, flatulence, and abdominal distension. It is also extremely effective in avoiding the creation of excess acids in the stomach, which helps to treat indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers while also allowing for greater nutrient absorption within the body.

Also Read: Digestive Health: 5 Amazing Herbs For Uplifting Gut Health And Function - Infographic

Cures Haemorrhoids

Piles, or haemorrhoids, also known as Arsha in Ayurveda, are a disorder in which the blood vessels inside or around the anus (the opening of your bottom) enlarge, resulting in symptoms such as a lump or growth in the anus, pain and swelling around the anus, bloody faeces, an itchy anus, and so on. It is mostly caused by a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, which eventually impair all three doshas in the body, primarily Vata. This irritated Vata generates a low digestive fire, or Mandagni, in the stomach, resulting in constipation and thickening of the veins in the rectum. Ayaskriti, with its Vata balancing and Rechana (laxative) characteristics, aids in the treatment and prevention of piles by stimulating the digestive fire and relieving constipation.

Also Read: Haemorrhoids: 6 Amazing Natural Home Remedies To Heal Piles

Treats Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by self-starvation or a lack of desire to eat. Some scientific research has also linked it to mental health since the individual suffers from extreme weight difficulties, a fear of getting obese, low self-esteem, and a strong desire to lose weight by any means possible, including forced vomiting to eliminate ingested food. Anorexia, according to Ayurveda, is primarily caused by Agnimandya (poor digestion) and is exacerbated by a disruption in the body's regular Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha levels. Ayaskriti, as a natural digestive and appetiser, improves food digestion, stimulates appetite, and encourages healthy eating habits.

What Is Ayaskriti Good For?

Ayaskriti For Weight Loss

Weight gain is generally caused by improper eating habits, and inactivity, which reduces the digestive fire in the stomach or Agni, resulting in the formation of Meda Dhatu (fat deposits) in the body. The abundance of alkaloids and flavonoids in Ayaskriti suppresses unhealthy food cravings at odd hours and aids the body in losing extra weight faster by increasing metabolic transformation and discouraging fat storage. Because of its ability to remove AMA doshas from the body, it effectively eliminates undesirable poisons while also increasing Agni in the stomach. Furthermore, it reduces the accumulation of LDL cholesterol (also known as low-density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) in the body, allowing for additional weight reduction.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Weight Loss: Powerful Supplements To Shed Excess Fat In No Time

Ayaskriti For Dysuria

Dysuria, also known as painful micturition, is a sign of a urinary tract infection in which a person experiences intense discomfort or difficulties, as well as a burning feeling while urinating. An imbalance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) is commonly the cause of painful micturition. Ayaskriti's potent anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties increase urine production by breaking up stones in the urinary tract and relieving pain during urination.

Ayaskriti For IBS

IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), also known as Grahani in Sanskrit, is primarily caused by poor dietary choices, excessive intake of difficult-to-digest food particles, consumption of foods that cause allergies or are low in nutrients, overeating, eating at irregular intervals, and other physical and mental factors. It might cause diarrhoea and constipation. Because of the carminative properties of the amazing herbs in Ayaskriti, it is an excellent alternative for treating this severe ailment.

Also Read: Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat IBS

Ayaskriti For Skin Health

Ayaskriti, which is rich in antioxidants, is a natural way to obtain immaculate, beautiful skin. It protects the skin from oxidative radical damage caused by damaging UVA and UVB rays, reversing age-related indications such as wrinkles, fine lines, spots, dark circles, etc. This skin tonic, which contains numerous anti-inflammatory herbs, also reduces inflammatory conditions such as dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and carbuncles and prevents various other skin infections such as erysipelas (a blister-like condition characterised by raised red patches on the skin caused by the Streptococcus bacteria strain).

Ayaskriti For Leucoderma

Leucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a skin condition characterised by the loss of pigment, resulting in white patches. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin colour, are destroyed or stop functioning. Ayaskriti is believed to aid in preventing leucoderma by promoting melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin colour. It mainly works by reducing oxidative stress on skin cells and stimulating melanocytes, countering depigmentation. 

Ayaskriti Dosage

The restorative dosage of Ayaskriti varies from person to person, based on age, physical strength, appetite effects, disease severity, and the patient's condition. It is strongly advised to visit an Ayurvedic doctor or medical practitioner before taking the medicine, as he or she will examine the patient's indications and past medical conditions and prescribe a considerable amount for a certain duration. 

Adults: 10 to 30 ml, twice a day after meals, with an equal amount of water or as suggested by the doctor.

Ayaskriti Side Effects

The formulation is possibly safe to use when consumed in prescribed amounts.  However, if people with aggravated Pitta conditions take it without prior consultation, it may lead to heartburn, hyperacidity, burning sensation in the abdomen and worsen other Pitta symptoms.

Ayaskriti Precautions

Without any reliable information on the use of this herbomineral formulation during pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid using it as it can induce abnormalities or birth defects in the developing foetus. However, Ayaskriti can be utilised during lactation as it serves as an iron supplement and aids in the restoration of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size following birth. Some doctors use it with Dashmularishta to reduce postpartum issues and weight gain after pregnancy.


Ayaskriti has been regarded in various Ayurvedic scriptures and journals as the ultimate remedy for anaemia due to its significant therapeutic advantages. This amazing herbomineral composition is known for its tremendous hematogenic and hematinic properties. It also promotes better digestion, soothes liver abnormalities, treats anorexia, prevents skin disorders and thus improves general stamina and body immunity.


  • The study of antioxidant activities of an Ayurvedic medicine Ayaskriti  - By Lenin1, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao2*, K. Prabhu3, Bindu4, R. Arul Amutha Elizabeth5 and Sruthi Dinakar


  • A CONTEMPORARY CRITICAL REVIEW OF ‘AYASKRITI’ - By Dr. Rajshree Bhagirath Bhutada*
