Migraine, the hammering pain in the brain, also known as "Ardhavabhedhaka" in Ayurvedic terms, is caused by an imbalance in the tridoshas, which are vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. It has a negative impact on the neurological system's functioning, impairing memory, concentration, and focus, as well as deteriorating eye health, irregular sleep cycles or insomnia, and decreased productivity at work or at home. It can be persistent in some circumstances and have an impact on your daily well-being.

While a chronic condition might require allopathic medications, if you prefer a natural way to treat this throbbing pain, look no further! The world of Ayurveda brings you a natural remedy in the form of Shirashoolari Vati to remedy this neurological condition right away!

Also Read: Migraine Bothering You? Try These Versatile Ayurvedic Remedies For Instant Pain Relief

What Is Shirashoolari Vati?

Shirashoolari Vati, an Ayurvedic formulation, is renowned for its potential benefits in managing certain health conditions like migraine headaches, insomnia and other CNS disorders. Additionally, it is also helpful in remedying the symptoms associated with headaches, such as nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.

Also Read: Shirodhara Massage: Benefits, Uses, Procedure, Oils, Treatment And Side Effects

Get Rid Of The Throbbing Pain With Our Wide-Range Of Herbal Remedies!

How To Prepare Shirashoolari Vati?




Godanti bhasma



Clean and dry the herbs and powder them separately.

Mix the bhasma with the powdered herbs in a mortar and pestle.

Roll the mixture into circular tablets or vatis.

Store them in glass-coloured, amber bottles for future use.

Benefits Of Individual Ingredients:

Haritaki: It stimulates the nervous system and calms the excited nerves.

Pippali: The herb acts on specific brain centres and helps to induce sleep for the treatment of insomnia, as well as soothes or calms the nerves and produces sleep.

Godanti bhasma: This powdered ash relieves pain, fever symptoms, and even oedema during an inflammatory response.

Nisoth:It relieves pain while having no influence on awareness levels.

Medicinal Properties Of Shirashoolari Vati

The formulation is sanctified with the following healing properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-psychotic
  • Anti-stress
  • Anti-depressive
  • Anti-anxiety

Ayurvedic Indications Of Shirashoolari Vati

Ayurveda, the holistic science of herbal therapies, has extensively explored this formulation time and gain in various ayurvedic scriptures and publications for a range of diseases, such as:

Suryavarta (treats frontal sinusitis)

Ardhavabhedaka (treats migraine)

Chhardi (treats vomiting)

Medhya (memory booster)

Bhrama (treats vertigo/dizziness)

Shankhamoola Darana (tearing pain in temporal regions)

Health Benefits Of Shirashoolari Vati:

Remedies Headaches:

Shirashoolari Vati is quite effective in relieving chronic headaches, tension, and so on. Typically, headaches are caused by an excessive workload, tension, anxiety, and so on. It relaxes irritable nerves, calms the brain, and improves nerve function.

Also Read: Five Common Types Of Headaches: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Enhances Cognitive Functioning

Shirashoolari Vati is a traditional treatment for improving brain function. Its potent antioxidants and flavonoids boost a person's memory capacity, focus, concentration, tranquilly, and alertness. As a brain tonic and stimulant, this vati improves memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive capacities. The formulation's neuroprotective components help to prevent memory loss and ease brain strain.

Reduces Stress

Stress is the body's reaction, shown as a physical or mental alteration, to any incident or thought that causes one to feel angry, frustrated, or nervous. Shirashoolari Vati is extremely beneficial for relieving tension in the mind and body. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which suppresses stress hormones while hyper-alert brain waves (bets waves) change into relaxed-alert brain waves (alpha waves), while producing calmness, relaxation and peace. The body conserves energy, relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, and decreases the heart rate as a result of this transition.

Improves Sleep Quality

Sleeplessness is typical for many people in today's fast-paced world, whether it's due to an impending deadline at work or some other type of stress. Sleep deprivation may be incredibly taxing, causing weariness and lethargy and disrupting your physical and emotional well-being. Shirashoolari Vati lowers cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone, and so reduces stress and enhances the quality, duration, and quiet of sleep.

Remedies Anxiety

Shirashoolari Vati is a natural stress reliever.  It clears brain toxins and improves cognitive capacities such as memory, focus, and so on. It also balances the vata and pitta doshas in the body, which regulates the serotonin hormone and helps to alleviate anxiety symptoms such as restlessness, unease, cold hands and feet, and so on.

Also Read: Anxiety Attacks? Here’s How You Deal With It

Shirashoolari Vati Dosage:

Shirashoolari Vati dose varies according to age and specific health circumstances and should be taken strictly as directed by an Ayurvedic physician.

Adults: 2-3 tablets, twice a day with water or as directed by the doctor.

Shirashoolari Vati Side Effects And Precautions:

It's crucial to approach Ayurvedic remedies with caution and under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional. If any unexpected or adverse effects occur while using Shirashoolari Vati or any Ayurvedic medicine, it's essential to discontinue use and seek immediate medical advice.

Some potential side effects of Shirashoolari Vati might include:

Gastrointestinal Upset: Digestive disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea might occur in some individuals, particularly if the formulation contains ingredients that could irritate the stomach.

Allergic Reactions: Rarely, allergic reactions to certain herbal components in the formulation might manifest as itching, rash, or swelling.

Interactions: Herbal ingredients in Ayurvedic formulations may interact with other medications or supplements, leading to unforeseen reactions or reduced efficacy of either medication.

Heavy Metal Contamination: In some instances, traditional Ayurvedic preparations have been found to contain traces of heavy metals due to improper manufacturing or sourcing practices, leading to potential toxicity over prolonged use.

Individual Sensitivities: People with specific health conditions or sensitivities to certain herbs or ingredients within Shirashoolari Vati may experience adverse reactions.


Shirashoolari Vati, rooted in Ayurvedic tradition, holds promise in providing relief from headaches and mild pains. However, its efficacy and safety must be approached with caution. Consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional is crucial before incorporating Shirashoolari Vati or any Ayurvedic remedy into one's health regimen. Prioritizing informed decisions and holistic health practices ensures personalized and safe usage for optimal well-being.


  1. Ayurvedic management of Vataja Shirashoola w.s.r. to Tension Headache - A Case Study By Devika D.1*, Hamsaveni V.2 https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/1813/2109
  2. Ayurveda for management of migraine: A narrative review of clinical evidence

 By Akhila Soman, 1 Shivakumar Venkatram, 1 Umesh Chikkanna, 1 Kishore K. Ramakrishna, 1 Hemanth Bhargav, 1 Pooja Mailankody, 2 and Shivarama Varambally 1




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