Saptavinshati Guggulu is an Ayurvedic proprietary medication that is primarily indicated for the skin, blood, intestines, rectum, and bones. It is chiefly used to cure infections, prevent suppuration, treat fistulas, cure sinus infections, remedy skin woes, and minimise pus discharge. It works with Kshara Sutra Treatment to provide complete relief from fistula. When taken alone, it lowers pus discharge in the fistula but does not cure it in most cases. It hastens the healing of fistulas, sinuses, wounds, skin blemishes, and traumas. Additionally, it can also help with a productive cough, asthma, chest pain, stomach cramps and pain, anorectal pain, flatulence, bloating, persistent fever, ascites, kidney stones, dysuria, worms, infected wounds, diabetes, and elephantiasis.

 How To Prepare Saptavinashati Guggul?

Saptavinashati Guggulu is a combination of several potent herbs that work synergistically to promote overall well-being. The preparation of this formulation involves a traditional Ayurvedic process called Guggul Kalpana, where the herbs are combined with guggulu and other substances to form a solid tablet-like formulation.


54 parts Shuddha Guggulu 

1 part each of:



Vaividang (False black pepper)- Embelia Ribes

Elaichi (Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum        

Piplamool (Long Pepper Root) – Piper Longum      

Hauber (Juniper berry) – Juniperus Communis      

Devdaru (Deodar Cedar) – Cedrus Deodara  

Tumbaru (Toothache Tree) – Zanthoxylum Alatum           

Nagarmotha (Nutgrass) – Cyperus Rotundus

Giloy (Guduchi) – Tinospora Cordifolia 

Chitrak – Plumbago Zeylanica      

Shati (Kapoor Kachri) – Hedychium Spicatum

Pushkarmool – Inula Racemosa   

Chavya – Piper Cuba  

Indravaruni (Indrayana) – Citrullus Colocynthis Roots     

Haldi or Haridra (Turmeric) – Curcuma Longa         

Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) – Berberis Aristata 

Gajpippali (Gajapippal) – Scindapsus Officinalis     

Vida Namak       

Kala Namak – Black Salt       

Sendha Namak (Rock Salt)  

Yavakshara – Hordeum Vulgare   



Wash and thoroughly dry the herbs in the sun.

Individually grind the herbs into a powder.

Place each powdered herb in direct sunshine for 3-4 days, or until no moisture remains.

Next, boil the appropriate amount of Gokshura in water till the water quantity is half.

Separately, heat the Guggul until it reaches a semi-solid consistency.

Add guggul and the remaining powdered herbs and combine them together.

Stir it thoroughly to ensure that everything is well mixed.

Roll the semi-solid mixture into gutikas or tablets with your palm.

For future usage, store them in amber-colored glass bottles.

 Medicinal Properties Of Saptavinshati Guggulu

Saptavinshati Guggulu chiefly showcases the following remedial properties:

  • Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-microbial
  • Antipruritic
  • Wound healing enhancer
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Carminative
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Analgesic
  • Vermifuge

 Ayurvedic Indications Of Saptavinshati Guggulu

This polyherbal combination is recognised as a potent Rasayani Dravya by the holistic discipline of Ayurveda, and it is mentioned in the ancient ayurvedic texts of Charaka Samhita, Sarangadhar Samhita, and Raj Nighantu for treating a variety of ailments, including: 

  • Arsha (treats piles)
  • Hridya (treats cardiac problems)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Medohara (treats obesity)
  • Vatahara (treats arthritis)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Swara (improves voice quality)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Dahahara (relieves burning sensation)
  • Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorders)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Kamala (prevents jaundice)
  • Prameha (manages diabetes)

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 Health Benefits Of Saptavinshati Guggulu

 Remedies Fistula (Fistula-in-ano)

An anal fistula, also known as a fistula-in-ano, is a short tunnel-like formation that connects an infected gland within the anus to a cutaneous opening around the anus, characterising symptoms like discomfort and oedema in and around the anus. Abal fistula is known as Bhagandara in Ayurveda, where 'Bhaga' refers to the region between the anus and genitals (i.e., the perineum) and 'Darana' means to tear apart or demolish. As a result, the term Bhagandara refers to a wound or tear in the perianal or perineal area around the anus that is primarily caused by persistent constipation.

Saptavinshati Guggulu, which contains Rechana (laxative) properties, aids in the prevention of constipation and efficiently treats the symptoms of anal fistula.

Also Read: Rectovaginal Fistula: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

 Improves Skin Health

Ayurveda recognises Saptavinshati Guggulu as a well-known one-step cure for numerous skin diseases due to its antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It aids in the treatment of a variety of skin infections due to its detoxifying traits, which aid in the removal of toxins from the blood. It not only protects the skin from oxidative radical damage caused by harmful UVA and UVB radiation, but it also lowers the chance of wrinkles, blemishes, spots, fine lines, and dark circles. It also shows excellent results in the treatment of allergic conditions such as psoriasis, scabies, eczema, acne, pimples, zits, and many others.

 Treats Dysuria

Dysuria, also known as painful micturition, is a sign of a urinary tract infection in which an individual has intense discomfort, difficulty, and a burning feeling while urinating. Painful micturition is frequently caused by an imbalance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha). Saptavinshati Guggulu showcases potent anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help increase urine production by breaking up stones in the urinary tract, thereby providing relief from painful urination.

 Heals Wounds

Saptavinshati Guggulu has antiseptic, antibacterial, and disinfecting qualities. This unique herbal blend not only improves skin colour but also heals wounds and prevents skin infections. The calming properties of the flower extracts in this composition alleviate rashes, itching, and burning sensations. The medication's natural healing properties are useful in treating wounds, scars, snake bites, and scratches. Saptavinshati Guggulu's bioactive components encourage cell regeneration, aid in healing, and aid in the treatment of scar tissue.

 Protects Against Intestinal Issues

Saptavinshati Guggulu has significant anti-inflammatory and purgative qualities that aid in suppressing the harmful bacteria Helicobacter pylori and preventing it from developing in the intestines. It efficiently avoids constipation and piles by softening the stool and promoting smooth passage through the body due to its powerful laxative properties. It also keeps the fluid in the colon from drying out, preventing abdominal pain, distension, and colic. Prescribed usage of Saptavinshati Guggulu relieves constipation, indigestion, gas problems, and intestinal worms, and helps to strengthen the intestines.

Also Read: Carminative Herbs: Spectacular Natural Remedies For Relief From Excessive Gas And Flatulence

 Effect On The Doshas:

The abundance of natural substances in this magical recipe increases its medicinal value by efficiently calming vitiated Vata (air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas. However, it may also normalise erratic Pitta (fire and air) doshas in rare circumstances.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

 Saptavinshati Guggulu Dosage:

The dosage of Saptavinshati Guggulu may vary depending on the condition being treated, the patient's age, and other individual factors. It is typically taken orally, with the general recommended dosage being:

 Adults: 500 mg to 2 grams (1 to 4 Tablets), thrice a day after meals, along with honey to mask its pungent taste.

However, it is crucial to consult an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner for the appropriate dosage for your specific needs.

 Saptavinshati Guggulu Side Effects

Saptavinshati Guggulu is generally safe when taken in the recommended dosages. However, in some cases, individuals may experience mild to moderate side effects such as:

 Gastrointestinal discomfort: In rare cases, it may cause mild digestive disturbances like gas, bloating, or loose stools.

 Allergic Reactions: Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients in the formulation should avoid its use.

Saptavinshati Guggulu Precautions:

 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant and lactating women should consult a qualified healthcare professional before using this herbal supplement.

 Children: The dosage for children should be determined under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

 Drug Interactions: Saptavinshati Guggulu may interact with certain medications. Therefore, it is essential to inform your healthcare provider about any ongoing medications or health conditions before starting this supplement.


Saptavinshati Guggulu is a well-regarded Ayurvedic formulation that offers numerous health benefits, particularly for digestive, joint, and skin-related issues. However, like any herbal supplement, it is essential to use it under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure safe and effective use. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new herbal supplement into your healthcare regimen.