Lodhradi Choornam is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal powdered formulation that holds a special place in Ayurvedic medicine for its immense therapeutic properties. This herbal blend is versatile and renowned for its ability to address various health concerns.  

Lodhradi Choornam is primarily used to address gynaecological and dermatological issues. It is bestowed with strong astringent, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties that are particularly beneficial for promoting skin health and women's reproductive health and play a significant role in Ayurvedic treatments.

Also Read: Lodhra: Benefits, Uses, Formulation, Ingredients, Dosage And Side Effects

How To Prepare Lodhradi Choornam?


33.33% Lodhra – Symplocos racemosa

33.33% Vacha (Sweet flag) – Acorus calamus

33.33% Coriander – Coriandrum sativum


Wash, dry, powder and sieve the herbs separately.

Mix the trio in the given proportion.

Sieve the mixture again to remove impurities.

Store the herbal powder in amber-coloured, glass bottles for future use.

Ayurvedic Indications Of Lodhradi Choornam:

The timeless, holistic practice of Ayurveda has extensively mentioned the usage of this herbal powder in several Ayurvedic scriptures and journals for various indications, which include, 

  • Varnya (improves complexion) 
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Vayasthapana (prevents ageing
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders) 
  • Mookhadooshika (treats acne and pimples)

Health Benefits Of Lodhradi Choornam

Enhances Skin Health

An imbalance of the Pitta doshas in the body can cause skin infections, eczema, acne, and a dull complexion. Ayurveda recognizes Lodhradi choornam as a well-known one-step cure for different skin diseases because of its antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It aids in the treatment of a variety of skin illnesses due to its blood-purifying characteristics, which aid in the removal of toxins from the blood. It not only safeguards the skin from oxidative damage caused by harmful UVA and UVB rays, but also lowers the chance of wrinkles, blemishes, spots, fine lines, and dark circles. It is also useful for treating allergic diseases such as acne, pimples, zits, psoriasis, scabies, eczema, and hives.

Also Read: The Elixir Of Youth: Proven Ayurvedic Herbs For Astounding Anti-Ageing Benefits

Encourages Wound Healing

The astringent and anti-inflammatory qualities of lodhra present in this formulation may also aid in wound healing. Lodhradi Choornam can be applied topically to the affected area to aid in healing.

Tightens Loose Skin

Because of its ability to tighten and tone the skin, Lodhradi Choornam is utilized in Ayurvedic beauty treatments. It can be used topically on the face or other regions to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles,fine lines, pigmentation and other ageing indicators.

Improves Skin Tone

The astringent and healing characteristics of the components in Lodhradi Choornam may aid in enhancing the overall complexion of the skin in Kapha-type skin. The formula may aid in the creation of a cleaner, more luminous complexion.

Uplifts Women's Reproductive Health 

Lodhradi Choornam is widely employed in Ayurveda to address various women's health concerns, including irregular menstruation, leucorrhea (vaginal discharge), and hormonal imbalances.

Also Read: Menstrual Worries: 5 Different Period Problems And Their Ayurvedic Remedies

Treats Skin Disorders

This herbal formulation is also beneficial for managing skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and other dermatological issues. Its cooling and purifying properties help promote clear and healthy skin.

Purifies Blood

Lodhradi Choornam is known for its blood-purifying properties. By detoxifying the blood, it supports overall well-being and vitality.

How To Use Lodhradi Choornam For Skin?

To use Lodhradi Choornam for the skin, create a paste by mixing the powder with water, milk or rosewater. Apply the pack evenly on washed face, avoiding the eyes. Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes, then gently scrub off the face pack with gentle circular strokes. Next, rinse with warm water and follow with a mild moisturizer. Use as needed for skin concerns, seeking guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Ways To Use Lodhradi Choornam For Skin Issues

Face Pack To Improve Skin Tone

1 tbsp of Lodhradi Choornam can be combined with 1 tbsp of raw milk and 1 tsp of turmeric to make a face pack that can be applied topically to the skin. The face pack may aid in the reduction of inflammation, the improvement of the complexion, and the tightening and toning of the skin.

Face Pack For Acne And Pimples

1 tbsp of Lodhradi Choornam can be mixed with 1 tbsp aloe vera gel and 2 drops of tea tree oil and applied topically to the problem area to relieve acne or pimple symptoms like redness, oedema, and inflammation.

Face Pack For Rejuvenated Skin

Lodhradi Choornam is sometimes utilized in Ayurvedic beauty treatments because of its potential to improve skin appearance. It can be applied topically to the face by mixing with rose water or glycerine to help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and other ageing indicators, as well as to improve skin texture.

Lodhradi Choornam Dosage:

The recommended dosage of Lodhradi Choornam can vary depending on an individual's age, the severity of the condition, and the practitioner's prescription. However, a common dosage for topical skin application in adults is typically 3-6 grams (approximately one to two teaspoons) mixed with water, milk or rose water or as directed by an Ayurvedic physician.

Lodhradi Choornam Side Effects:

Lodhradi Choornam is generally considered safe when taken under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. However, like all herbal formulations, it may have side effects in some individuals. Possible side effects include itchy skin or allergic reactions. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional and conduct a patch test before starting any new herbal remedy.

Lodhradi Choornam Precautions:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare provider before using Lodhradi Choornam.
  • Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients should avoid their use.
  • Always follow the prescribed dosage and consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for guidance on the appropriate usage for your specific health concerns.


Lodhradi Choornam, a versatile Ayurvedic herbal powder, offers a holistic approach to skincare and women's health. Its blend of natural ingredients provides solutions for various skin issues and gynaecological concerns. Always seek guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner for optimal usage and personalized benefits.