Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal medicine renowned for its digestive and therapeutic properties. This herbal formulation, prepared by grinding various natural ingredients, has been used for centuries to address a wide range of digestive issues including indigestion, constipation, abdominal distension, spleen enlargement, loss of appetite, haemorrhoids, malabsorption syndrome, and rheumatism.

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What Is Lavan Bhaskar Churna?

Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a composition of numerous ayurvedic herbs created by Churna principles. It is a very popular medicine and a traditional hallmark therapy for any gastrointestinal problems.

This formulation contains powerful herbal constituents such as different varieties of salt, pomegranate seeds, cinnamon, cardamom, trikatu, jeerak, pippali, coriander etc which have powerful carminative and anti-flatulent characteristics that help reduce intestinal gas, bloating, and abdominal heaviness.

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How To Prepare Lavan Bhaskar Churna?


8 Parts Samudra Lavana (Sea Salt)        

5 Parts Kala Namak (Black Salt)   

4 parts Anardana (Pomegranate Seeds)

2 parts each of:

Vida Lavana       

Sendha Namak (Rock salt)

Coriandrum Sativum – Dhania

Mesua Ferrea – Nagkesar    

Abies Webbiana – Talispatra

Piper Longum – Pippali

Piper Longum – Piplamool

Kala Jeera 

Cinnamomum Tamala – Tejpata

Garcinia Pedunculata – Amlavetasa      

1 part each of:

Zingiber Officinale – Sonth (dried ginger root)

Piper Nigrum – Black Pepper

Cuminum Cyminum – Jeera (Cumin Seeds)   

½ part Cinnamomum Zeylanicum – Dalchini 

½ part Elettaria Cardamomum – Elaichi Lemon Juice       Q.S.


Clean and dry all the ingredients thoroughly.

Grind each ingredient separately to obtain a fine powder.

Mix all the powdered ingredients.

Add lemon juice to the mixture and form small tablets or granules.

Let them dry in the sun for a day or two.

Store the churna in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Benefits Of Specific Ingredients:

Black Salt (Saindhava Lavana): Black salt, also known as rock salt or Himalayan salt, is rich in essential minerals and helps balance electrolytes, aiding digestion.

Long Pepper (Pippali): Long pepper is known for its carminative properties, which help alleviate flatulence, bloating, and indigestion.

Ginger (Shunti): Ginger is a potent digestive aid, promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes and reducing nausea.

Clove (Lavanga): Clove possesses antimicrobial properties and supports digestive health by reducing gastric discomfort.

Black Cardamom (Badi Elaichi): Black cardamom helps in relieving gastrointestinal discomfort and enhancing digestion.

Cumin (Jeera): Cumin seeds are renowned for their digestive benefits, including reducing gas and bloating.

Cinnamon (Dalchini): Cinnamon aids in digestion and may also help regulate blood sugar levels.

Ammonium Chloride (Saindhav Namak): Ammonium chloride helps improve digestion and reduces acidity.

Lemon Juice (Nimbu Ras): Lemon juice is a natural source of vitamin C and enhances the flavor of the churna.

Medicinal Properties of Lavan Bhaskar Churna:

Lavan Bhaskar Churna is intrinsically sanctified with the following:

  • Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
  • Appetizer
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Mild laxative
  • Mild Diuretic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antitussive
  • Antiflatulent
  • Carminative
  • Antispasmodic
  • Cholagogue

Ayurvedic Indications Of Lavan Bhaskar Churna:

The comprehensive science of Ayurveda, as well as various ayurvedic classics such as Charaka Samhita and Sarangadhar Samhita, highly support this magical energizer as the treatment for:

  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Mutrakrichra (treats dysuria)
  • Anaha (treats bloating)
  • Shothahara (reduces inflammation)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms)

Health Benefits Of Lavan Bhaskar Churna

Increases Appetite

Lavan Bhaskar Churna is highly important for individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa, bulimia, pre-existing chronic debilitating diseases, and during convalescence after an acute or chronic infectious disorder. This miracle cure improves hunger and digestion when used regularly.

Stops bloating and flatulence

This digestive powder is effective in reducing flatulence, intestinal gas, bloating, and abdominal heaviness due to the presence of bioactive substances such as sea and rock salt, cumin, coriander, jeera, and laung.

Treats Constipation

Ayurveda, a centuries-old practice, highly advises using this herbal mixture to cure constipation. It actively enhances bile secretion by the liver, which operates on the peristalsis movement of the intestines and liver, allowing for smooth passage of faecal matter from the large intestine. It also serves an important function in reducing mucus and excess fat content in faeces, keeping them from adhering to the intestinal walls and allowing for easier passage.

Remedies IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as Grahani, is primarily caused by an excessive intake of difficult-to-digest food particles, unhealthy dietary choices, the consumption of foods that cause allergies, the consumption of foods low in nutrients, overeating, eating at irregular intervals, and other physical and mental factors such as emotional problems, stress, and so on. IBS can cause diarrhoea as well as constipation. Lavan Bhaskar Churna is an excellent treatment for this painful sickness due to its usage of triphala, trikatu, and other potent herbs. This herbal composition not only prevents constipation but also decreases mental stress due to the presence of herbs such as ashwagandha and licorice.

Also Read: Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Relieve IBS

Encourages Digestion

Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a traditional treatment for gastrointestinal illnesses such as esophagitis, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, and stomach discomfort. The formulation aids in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach and intestine, improves the secretion of digestive juices, and so boosts the absorption of critical nutrients through the intestines due to the intense carminative nature of the herbs used. It aids in the elimination of stomach gas, which lowers abdominal distension, bloating, and gaseous pains.

Also Read: 5 Herbs for a Healthy Digestive System

Reduces Acidity and Gastritis

Excessive acid secretion in the stomach can be extremely irritating and cause discomfort throughout the day. Lavan Bhaskar Churna, a powerful herbal treatment, is the ultimate cure for acidity and gastritis. It efficiently moderates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and other stomach acids in the stomach and maintains an optimal level of hunger. It also relieves throat, chest, stomach, and belly burning. On doctor's guidance, regular use of this ayurvedic composition treats stomach acidity and other underlying ailments.

Cures Ulcer

Various investigations have indicated that the glycoprotein secretions of the herbs that are being used to prepare Lavan Bhaskar Churna are particularly efficient in treating various types of stomach ulcers, including peptic and ulcerative colitis, as well as colic discomfort. It also aids in the healing of ulcers and sores when used correctly.

Ayurvedic Properties Of Lavan Bhaskar Churna:

  • Rasa (Taste): Lavana (Salty)
  • Guna (Main Quality): Laghu (Light),
  • Virya (Potency): Ushna (Hot)
  • Prabhava (Action): Carminative
  • Dosha Karma (Effect On Humors): Pacifies Kapha Dosha & Vata Dosha
  • Dhatu (Tissue) Effect: Rasa (Lymphatic fluid), Rakta (Blood)
  • Organs Effect: Stomach, Intestine, Spleen, Liver, Lungs
  • Main Indication: Loss Of Appetite

Lavan Bhaskar Churna Dosage:

The recommended dosage of Lavan Bhaskar Churna may vary depending on individual needs, body strength, health condition and the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Adults: 2 to 3 grams (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon) once or twice a day, before or after meals, with warm water or buttermilk or as directed by an Ayurvedic physician.

Note: It's essential to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using this churna to determine the most suitable dosage for your specific health concerns.

Lavan Bhaskar Churna Side Effects and Precautions

Lavan Bhaskar Churna is generally safe when used as directed. However, it is essential to consider the following precautions and potential side effects:

  • Excessive consumption of this churna may lead to increased thirst and a feeling of dryness in the mouth.
  • Individuals with hypertension should use this churna cautiously due to its salt content.
  • Pregnant or nursing women and individuals with specific medical conditions should consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using this churna.
  • Always use this churna under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure it is suitable for your individual constitution and needs.


Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a time-tested Ayurvedic remedy known for its digestive benefits and holistic wellness promotion. It’s natural ingredients and centuries-old heritage makes it a valuable addition to your wellness routine. However, it's crucial to use it under the guidance of an Ayurvedic expert, ensuring that it aligns with your unique constitution and health requirements. When used mindfully and with proper care, Lavan Bhaskar Churna can contribute to a healthier and more balanced life.


The content provided here is for informational purposes only. This blog is not intended to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition. Reliance does not endorse or recommend any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the blog.