Diabetes is without a doubt one of the most chronic health conditions that has been increasing at an exponential rate and challenging medical experts all over the world. Unfortunately, it is also being reported among young people as young as their twenties, owing primarily to their poor, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy dietary choices.

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic illness that primarily affects how the body uses the dissolved sugar or glucose, in the blood. High blood sugar levels, if not treated promptly, can cause significant damage to important organs such as the pancreas, heart, kidneys, and eyes. While chronic conditions may necessitate allopathic treatment, if you have borderline diabetes or prefer a natural approach, Ayurveda can help. This comprehensive science of alternative medicine provides us with a treasure trove of herbs, spices, and food options that can treat practically any medical issue. Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a wonderful herbal mixture that is an absolute solution from the heart of Ayurveda for diabetes.
vasant ras

What Is Vasant Kusumakar Ras?

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a revered Ayurvedic medicine renowned for its multifaceted health benefits. It's a blend of potent herbs and minerals that are carefully processed to create a powerful therapeutic formulation. It is used as an anti-hyperglycemic, an aphrodisiac, and a cardioprotective agent. It is well-known for its effectiveness in normalising and stabilising blood glucose levels in people suffering from diabetes. Additionally, Vasant Kusumakar Ras is also recommended for men's difficulties, urinary illnesses, mental disorders, and geriatric ailments.

The formulation typically includes several key ingredients such as Swarna Bhasma (gold), Rajata Bhasma (silver), Vanga Bhasma (tin), Naga Bhasma (lead), Abhraka Bhasma (mica), Lauha Bhasma (iron), Shuddha Parad (purified mercury), Shuddha Gandhak (purified sulphur), along with various herbs and medicinal substances.

Also Read: Madhunashini Vati: Benefits, Ingredients, Method, Dosage And Side Effects

How Is Vasant Kusumakar Ras Prepared?


13.79% Praval Pishti

13.79% Mukta Pishti

13.79% Abhrak Bhasma

13.79% Ras Sindoor

6.90% Swarna Bhasma

6.90% Raupya (Rajat) Bhasma

10.34% Vanga (Bang) Bhasma

10.34% Loha Bhasma

10.34% Naga Bhasma (100 puti)

Herbal Decoctions or Juices:

Vasaka - Adhatoda vasica

Banana Tree Leaves – Musa paradisiaca

Kamal (Lotus) – Nelumbium speciosum

Haldi (Turmeric) – Curcuma longa

Ikshu (Sugarcane) – Saccharum officinarum

Chameli (Royal Jasmine) – Jasminum grandiflorum

Shatavari - Asparagus racemosa



Take the above-mentioned bhasma formulations in a mortar and mix properly.

Subject the powdered mixture to 100 putas.

Make a separate decoction of the above-mentioned herbs and juices to get a homogeneous mixture.

Triturate the bhasma with decoction mixture 7 times to get the Rasa formulation.

Store the formulation in amber-coloured, glass bottles for future use.
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Medicinal Properties Of Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is sanctified with the following healing properties:

  • Anti-hyperglycemic 
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Analgesic
  • Androgenic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Rejuvenative agent
  • Anti-ageing
  • Cardioprotective 
  • Cardiac tonic
  • Anti-stress
  • Antitussive
  • Haematinic 
  • Immuno-modulator 
  • Muscle relaxant
  • Libido Stimulant

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Ayurvedic Indications Of Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Ayurveda, the holistic science of herbal treatments, has thoroughly discussed this formulation time and gain in different ayurvedic texts and publications for a variety of ailments, including:

  • Prameha (manages diabetes) 
  • Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorders)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body) 
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)  
  • Dahahara (relieves burning sensation)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)  
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Gulmajit (useful in abdominal tumours) 
  • Hikkanigrahana (controls hiccups) 
  • Kantya (relieves sore throat)
  • Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation)
  • Sangrahini (treats diarrhoea
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Kamala (prevents jaundice) 
  • Hridaya (treats heart problems)  
  • Shonitasthapana (prevents bleeding) 
  • Pandu (treats anaemia) 
  • Raktamandala (treats ringworm infections) 
  • Medhya (improves intelligence)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)  
  • Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms) 
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Anulomana (improves breathing)  
  • Vayasthapana (prevents ageing)
  • Jvara (useful for fever)
  • Kasahara (Relieves cough) 
  • Shwasha (relieves breathing difficulties) 
  • Amahara (treats indigestion) 
  • Kanthya (improves voice)
  • Krichra (treats painful micturition)

Health Benefits Of Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is renowned in Ayurveda for its versatile healing properties. Its primary uses and benefits include:

Controls Diabetes

Diabetes is referred to as Madhumeha in Ayurveda, and Vasant Kusumakar Ras is an effective formulation for managing excessive sugar levels by boosting metabolism due to its Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) characteristics and Kapha-Pitta balancing doshas. The formulation's remarkable anti-glycemic properties play a critical part in lowering blood sugar levels in the body. This herbal remedy activates the pancreas and stimulates the secretion of a balanced amount of Insulin, as well as regulating carbohydrate metabolism. This mechanism easily aids in the conversion of excess glucose flowing in the blood into glycogen, preventing unexpected rises in blood sugar levels. It is an ayurvedic formula that aids diabetics.

Also Read: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Reduce Sugar Cravings

People's addiction to sugar and sugary food is one of the most vexing habits in today's sedentary lifestyle. Several studies show that when this herbal treatment is taken at the recommended dosage, the person's ability to taste sweet foods decreases. This effectively reduces sugar cravings and binges, assisting in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

Subsidies Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes retinopathy is a chronic metabolic condition that causes the microscopic blood vessels within the retina to enlarge and leak fluid or to induce the development of new blood vessels. In either instance, it impairs visual perception. Vasant Kusumakar Ras's remarkable herb collection effectively protects the nerve cells in the retina, fortifies the blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, and inhibits the production of new blood vessels, lowering the possibilities of diabetic retinopathy.

Also Read: How to recognise signs of diabetic retinopathy

Remedies Leucorrhea

Leucorrhea, also known as Sweta Pradara in Ayurvedic terms, is a condition that causes a discharge of thick, white mucus from the female genitals. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in the Vata Doshas commonly results in leucorrhea. Vasant Kusumakar Ras, according to Ayurveda, is a powerful astringent herbal medicine that plays a vital part in the treatment of leucorrhea. It aids in the management of exacerbated Kapha and the relief of leucorrhea symptoms. Aside from vaginal discharge, it is also important for period regulation, dealing with postnatal difficulties, and even managing severe stomach pain/bleeding.

Also Read: Shweta Pradara/ Leucorrhea: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Abnormal Vaginal Discharge At Home

Improves Cardiac Function

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is well-known for boosting heart efficacy. The formulation's major bio-active ingredients improve the heart's left ventricular function. As a result of its potent antioxidative properties, the tablet is particularly useful in treating a variety of cardiac problems. It strengthens the heart muscles, prevents plaque deposition in the blood vessels, and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis (i.e., artery hardening), lowering the risk of heart attacks, blood clots, mitral regurgitation, heart blockages, ischemic cardiomyopathy, and other conditions. It also helps to lower the levels of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

Manages High Blood Pressure 

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is extremely important in the management of systolic blood pressure. The medicine is quite useful in treating mild to moderate hypertension problems and also prevents pre-hypertensive activity due to its powerful cardio-tonic trait. However, in serious medical circumstances, hospitalisation is required to avoid heart failure.

Relieves Urinary Disorders 

Apart from managing diabetes, Vasant Kusumakar Ras is also useful in treating underlying urinary diseases such as urinary incontinence, painful urination, and peeing with a burning feeling. When taken with cow's milk, the drug not only relieves pain and burning micturition but also stimulates proper urination. Being a mild diuretic, this formulation treats dysuria and with the presence of strong anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities, Vasant Kumar Ras is useful in treating urinary infections.

Protects Against Infections

Because of the biochemical elements found in this herbal vati, this strong diabetes remedy has been utilised since time immemorial to fight germs and protect the body from numerous illnesses. Vasant Kusumakar Ras is used not only to remove bacteria or germs from the body, but also to cure and mend wounds due to its strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal capabilities. The bioactive components also aid in the reduction of general debility, weakness, and fatigue, as well as the improvement of the body's vitality.

Also Read: Top 8 Ayurvedic Formulations That Can Bolster Your Immunity

Improves Digestion

Despite being a secondary indication, Vasant Kusumakar Ras is well-known for its digestive properties. The tablet's appetising quality prevents gas generation in the alimentary canal, reducing flatulence, bloating, and abdominal distension. Regular consumption of this formulation also decreases indigestion, stimulates appetite, and promotes improved nutritional absorption in the body. The abundance of bioactive components also aids in the prevention of certain intestinal illnesses.

Also Read: Digestive Disorders: 7 Ways To Improve Gut Health

Enhances Neural Functions

Vasant Kusumakar Ras is an ancient and traditional medicine for improving brain function by lowering blood sugar levels. The active ingredients' strong antioxidants boost an individual's memory ability, attention, concentration, tranquillity, and alertness. Ayurvedic study of various types concludes that those who use this herbal tablet have better memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive capacities. It also aids in the treatment of neurodegenerative illnesses, alleviates numbness in the hands and feet, and fortifies the nervous system for improved overall performance.
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Vasant Kusumakar Ras Dosage:

The dosage of Vasant Kusumakar Ras varies based on the age, and individual health conditions and should be taken strictly as per the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician. 

Adults: 30 to 125 mg; once or twice a day with honey, ghee, or milk or as suggested by the Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner.

Appropriate Adjuvants For Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Health Condition Suitable Adjuvant

Diabetes Mellitus - Haldi (Turmeric) Decoction

Diabetic Carbuncles - Shilajit and Haldi (Turmeric) Decoction

Haemophilia or Bleeding Disorders - Chandan (Sandalwood) and Vasa (Adhatoda Vasica) Decoction

Aphrodisiac Purpose - Shatavari, Ashwagandha powder and milk

Nervine Weakness - Kushmanda Rasayana

Vasant Kusumakar Ras Side Effects:

While Vasant Kusumakar Ras is esteemed for its therapeutic benefits, it contains heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic in processed form. Therefore, improper usage or excessive dosage may lead to potential side effects such as:

Heavy Metal Toxicity: Prolonged and unregulated use can lead to heavy metal toxicity affecting the kidneys, liver, and nervous system.

Digestive Issues: It may cause gastric irritation, nausea, or vomiting in some individuals.

Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to certain ingredients.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras Precautions:

Consultation: Always seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before starting this medicine.

Dosage Regulation: Strictly adhere to the recommended dosage prescribed by the practitioner.

Avoid Self-Medication: Never self-prescribe or exceed the recommended dosage without proper consultation.

Quality Assurance: Ensure the product is obtained from a reputable and trusted source to avoid contamination or adulteration.


Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a potent Ayurvedic formulation with a wide range of benefits, especially in managing diabetes and promoting overall health. However, its usage demands caution and expert supervision due to the presence of heavy metals. Always prioritize safety and seek professional advice before incorporating it into your health regimen.