Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam is a traditional formulation used by Siddha practitioners for effectively managing common respiratory ailments such as the flu and cold. Siddha practitioners vouch by this herbal concoction in relieving symptoms associated with respiratory health including severe phlegm, dry and wet cough and fever. Also Read: Nilavembu: Benefits, Uses, Formulations, Ingredients, Method, Dosage and Side Effects

Kabasura kudineer or choornam possesses strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, hepato-protective, anti-pyretic, anti-asthmatic and immunomodulatory properties. Several studies have disclosed that kabasura kudineer due to its anti-inflammatory properties aids in reducing swelling in the air passages while antibacterial and antipyretic properties ease fever. Also Read: Respiratory Health: 5 Incredible Herbs To Boost Your Lung Power
kabasura kudineer

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Kabasura Kudineer

Kabasura Kudineer is a well known Siddha medicine that consists of a whopping 15 herbal ingredients, each of them having unique characteristic features of its own. But this Churnam is extensively aimed for boosting the lungs, improving respiratory mechanism and treating infectious conditions like cough, cold, fever and other respiratory infections. This Churnam became quite well-known during the times of flu owing to its therapeutic and curative qualities.

The Churnam though in powdered form is generally consumed after infusing it in water and making a decoction or kadha like consistency.


Ginger (Chukku)

Piper longum (pippali)

Clove (lavangam)

Dusparsha (cirukancori ver)


Kokilaksha(mulli ver)

Haritaki (kadukkaithol)

Malabar nut (adathodai elai)

Ajwain (Karpooravalli)

Kusta (kostam)

Guduchi (seenthil thandu)

Bharangi (Siruthekku)

Kalamegha (siruthekku)

Raja pata (Vattathiruppi)

Musta (korai kizhangu)

Neer (Water)


Dry and grind the herbs into a coarse powder

Dry them under direct sunlight to remove the presence of any moisture particles.

Add water to the dried churnam and heat till the water reduces to ¼ to 1/8 of its initial volume.

Filter the aqueous decoction using a muslin cloth to remove the residue.

The filtrate liquid is stored and consumed within 3 hours owing to its shelf life.

Benefits Of Ingredients:

This chooranam contains the following ingredients combined in equal proportions of 6.66% of each compound to make the formulation.

Ginger (Chukku) - It is known to promote digestion and is beneficial in treating asthma and other chronic respiratory ailments.

Piper longum (pippali) – It has the potential to treat indigestion, asthma and cough.

Clove (lavangam) – It has the power to kill the bacteria and promote liver health.

Dusparsha (cirukancori ver) - It is used to treat haemorrhoids.

Akarakarabha - It is used for healing mouth ulcers, sore throat, cough and ailments caused due to the worsening of vata dosha.

Kokilaksha(mulli ver) - A plant highly valued in ayurvedic medicine for treating jaundice, abdominal distention and urinary infections.

Haritaki (kadukkaithol) – Imbued with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties it facilitates to treat sore throat and allergies.

Malabar nut (adathodai elai) - It is used for treating upper respiratory infections and asthma.

Ajwain (Karpooravalli) – It helps in relieving common cold and cough.

Kusta (kostam) - A popular herb used in treating gout and respiratory ailment.

Guduchi (seenthil thandu) - It possesses antipyretic and immunomodulatory effects.

Bharangi (Siruthekku) - A strong herb used widely for treating allergic rhinitis, asthma and other inflammatory conditions.

Kalamegha (siruthekku) – It is used for cleansing and purifying the blood and liver.

Raja pata (Vattathiruppi) - A potent herb used for curing fever and intestinal worms.

Musta (korai kizhangu) - This herb eases fever and burning sensation.


"Kaba suram Kudineer" in Siddha means fever due to excess accumulation of Kapha, this choornam is effective in balancing the kapha dosha which is known to infect the respiratory system. The formulation is particularly significant in lessening the symptoms associated with respiratory ailments such as fever, cough, and cold, breathing difficulty and treating flu.

Kaba denotes Kapha dosha

Asura denotes the herb which aid in alleviating the ailments associated with Kapha disorder

Kudineer denotes concoction.

This formulation is generally made as a concoction and then administered. It is given for a period of 6-12 weeks based on the advice given by the physician.


25-50ml of concoction twice daily or as directed by the physician.

Add 5-10 grams of choornam in 200ml water and boil it in low flame till the concoction is reduced to 50ml.

Side Effects

There are no side effects upon taking this choornam, however, it is always best to seek the advice of an ayurvedic physician before taking it. This formulation is safe when taken together with homeopathic medicine. It also does not show any adverse effects when taken along with multivitamin and mineral supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Critical Ingredients Of Kabasura Kudineer?

Kabasura Kudineer contains a rich combination of herbs and spices such as Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam (a blend of dried herbal powders), Nilavembu (Andrographis paniculata), Adathodai (Justicia adhatoda), Karpuravalli (Indian borage), Milagu (black pepper), Thippili (long pepper), and more.

What Is Kabasura Kudineer Used For?

Kabasura Kudineer is mainly used to manage respiratory infections, including colds, coughs, fever, flu, bronchitis, and similar conditions. It is attributed to possess antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-boosting properties.

How Is Kabasura Kudineer Consumed?

Kabasura Kudineer is usually prepared by boiling the herbal powder in water until the volume reduces, then filtered and consumed as a decoction. It is usually taken orally, often twice daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Where Can I Find Kabasura Kudineer?

Kabasura Kudineer may be available at traditional Siddha medicine stores, Ayurvedic pharmacies, or online platforms specializing in herbal remedies. It's essential to ensure that you're obtaining it from a reliable source to ensure quality and authenticity of the product.

Is Kabasura Kudineer Approved By Regulatory Authorities?

In India, Kabasura Kudineer is considered a traditional Siddha medicine and may not undergo the same regulatory processes as modern pharmaceuticals. However, it is manufactured and marketed under India's regulations set forth by the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy).

Kabasura Kudineer (KSK), a poly-herbal Siddha medicine, reduced SARS-CoV-2 viral load in asymptomatic COVID-19 individuals as compared to vitamin C and zinc supplementation: findings from a prospective, exploratory, open-labeled, comparative, randomized controlled trial, Tamil Nadu, India
S. Natarajan,corresponding author1 C. Anbarasi,1 P. Sathiyarajeswaran,1 P. Manickam,2 S. Geetha,3 R. Kathiravan,3 P. Prathiba,3 M. Pitchiahkumar,4 P. Parthiban,5 K. Kanakavalli,6 and P. Balaji3

Anti-inflammatory effect of Kaba Sura Kudineer (AYUSH approved COVID-19 drug)-A Siddha poly-herbal formulation against lipopolysaccharide induced inflammatory response in RAW-264.7 macrophages cells
Svenia P. Jose,a Ratheesh M,a,∗ Sheethal S,a Sony Rajan,a Sangeeth Saji,a Vimal Narayanan,b and Sandya Sc


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