If you find yourself grappling with irregular bowel movements, you're not traversing this path alone. Our digestive health is pivotal for our overall well-being. However, in the quest for optimal gut health, Constipation can be a nagging discomfort, disrupting our daily routines and affecting our way of life.

Also Read: Constipation Awareness Month 2023: Must Add Herbal Supplements for Instant Relief

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is a common digestive condition characterized by infrequent, difficult, or painful bowel movements. It occurs when the stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract, leading to the absorption of excess water and making the stool hard and difficult to pass. 

Are You Suffering From Constipation? Select From Our Wide Range Of Supplements And Remedies For This Aching Syndrome

Common characteristic indications of constipation include straining during bowel motions, a sense of incomplete evacuation, passing hard stools and abdominal discomfort. Various factors can contribute to constipation, such as a low-fiber diet, inadequate fluid intake, lack of physical activity, certain medications, and underlying health conditions. 

Also Checkout: 5 Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Constipation - Infographic

While dietary and lifestyle adjustments play a crucial role, the right supplements can offer gentle relief and support regular bowel movements. 

Here are our 5 best laxative supplements crafted to ease constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

5 Superb Laxative Supplements To Treat Constipation

Naturolax-A Orange Flavour Powder 300gm

Naturolax -A Powder Tasty is a powdered version of natural Isabgol husk that has the goodness of Isabgol fibre, Nimbukamlam, Svarjikshara, and Kashni, making it an effective cure for constipation. It is a natural fibre supplement that also helps lower cholesterol. It is also beneficial for disorders including liver enlargement, anaemia, hyperacidity, and hepatitis. It is also useful for eliminating toxic poisons from the body.

German's Laxative Drops 30 ml

German's Laxative Drop contains potent components such as Carduus Marianus, Chelidonium maj, Cholesterinum, Colocynthis, Lycopodium, and Nux Vomica, making it an effective cure for constipation. It is useful when the stool is lumpy and firm, making bowel movements difficult. It also protects against rectum obstruction and digestive diseases.

Dr. Juneja's Petsaffa Natural Laxative Granules 120 gm

Pet Saffa Natural Laxative Granules contain 9 ayurvedic constituents, including Senna leaf, Kala namak, Ajwain, Haritaki, Nisot, Svarjiksara powder, Sendha namak, Saunf, and Castor oil seed, which provide relief from stomach problems without adverse effects. It is a natural laxative that effectively treats constipation, acidity, gastritis, irritable bowel motions, and other stomach-related problems. This sugar-free laxative supplement aids in the treatment of disorders by eliminating toxic substances from the digestive tract, relaxing bowel motions, and promoting overall digestive health. It also guarantees that the intestines are thoroughly cleansed. 

Softovac Powder 100gm

Softovac Bowel Regulator Powder is a natural remedy for constipation, indigestion, and other digestive woes. It regulates bowel movements and activates digestive juice secretion, alleviating stomach discomfort. The powder contains natural ingredients like isabgol, sonamukhi, amaltas, harad, mulethi, saunf, and gulab jal, which help regulate bowel movement, alleviate stomach discomfort, prevent flatulence and other digestive problems and form a protective layer in the intestine.
sugar free

Softovac SF Sugar Free Powder 100gm

Softovac-SF Bowel Regulator Powder is a non-addictive ayurvedic formulation that aids in bowel regulation and constipation relief. It contains key ingredients like Isabgol, Sonamukhi, Harad, Amaltas, Mulethi, Saunf, and Sodium Benzoate, which help manage digestive problems and alleviate symptoms like stomach or abdominal pain. This sugar-free formula provides relief in cases of constipation, activates the secretion of digestive juices, prevents flatulence and improves the symptoms of indigestion.


  •  Efficacy and Safety of Over-the-Counter Therapies for Chronic Constipation: An Updated Systematic Review - By Satish S.C. Rao, MD, PhD1 and Darren M. Brenner, MDcorresponding author2


  • Constipation: Evaluation and Management - By Bhairvi Jani, MD, Elizabeth Marsicano, MDcorresponding author
