Gastritis is a condition that inflames the lining of the digestive tract. It is common among most people these days due to undisciplined lifestyle factors like excessive consumption of alcohol, overuse of pain medication, smoking, and infection caused by Helicobacter pylori. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, bloating, and stomach pain are the symptoms of gastritis.

The stomach secretes powerful and corrosive acids -digestive juices for normal digestion. The stomach is lined by a mucous membrane called gastric mucosa that shields the stomach from these acids. When the protective layer is injured, the acids can damage the gastric mucosa resulting in gastritis.

Several pieces of evidence have shown that diet holds a key role in both triggering the condition as well as prevention. Also, certain foods are known to produce more acids and irritate the digestive tract, while other foods are known to reduce inflammation, soothe the lining, and cure the stomach naturally. Besides dietary modification, it is vital to make healthy lifestyle choices for the long-term management of this digestive problem.

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Gastritis can be treated at home naturally by following some of the simple remedies, however, at times people may need to see a doctor and get a better treatment plan. Home remedies for gastritis work by regulating or impeding Helicobacter pylori, reducing acid secretion, and easing inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Keep reading to know how natural supplements and home remedies can help ease symptoms of gastritis.

Garlic Extract

For more than half of people with gastritis, the H.pylori bacteria strain is the causative factor. Studies have revealed that garlic extract possesses potent antimicrobial traits that can work wonder in treating gastritis caused by H.pylori by killing the bacteria. It is also beneficial in lowering the risk of cancer in the digestive system.

Pro Tip

Crush 2 cloves of raw garlic and have this on an emptying stomach to get respite from gastritis and lessen gas formation. You can also have garlic extract supplement that is readily available in online stores.


Probiotics are good microorganisms that kill harmful bacteria in the gut and improve the digestion process and regularise bowel movements. It is one of the best natural remedies to cure gastritis. Taking probiotics like yogurt will confer good bacteria to your digestive system that hinders the spread of H.pylori and help with the process of healing inflammation.

Also Read: 5 Awesome Wellness Incentives Of Probiotics - Infographic

Some of the other sources that contain probiotics include:

  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kefir
probiotics and home remedies for digestion

Green Tea with Manuka Honey

Green tea is an amazing beverage bestowed with a storehouse of antioxidants that helps in healing gastritis. Drinking green tea with raw honey can soothe the gut lining and promote the digestion process. While adding manuka honey has been shown to be more effective in keeping the growth of Pylori in check, as it is endowed with antibacterial actions.

Also Read: Green Tea: Is There A Perfect Time To Drink This Healthy Beverage?

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils are known to have a remarkable effect on inhibiting the growth of H.pylori.  Essential oils are attributed to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial traits that help to heal gastritis. Essential oils obtained from lemongrass and lemon verbena were found to have a positive impact. Other essential oils like peppermint oil, ginger oil, and clove oil help in the digestion process. However, they are only meant to be inhaled or mixed in carrier oils like olive, coconut, or jojoba oil.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is endowed with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits that are known to heal the inflamed digestive tract. Drinking chamomile tea also aids to get rid of gas and relaxes the muscles that move food along the stomach.