Gut health defines a person’s overall health and it’s the body’s main point of entry for nutrients. Most of us face several digestive woes, but one such uncomfortable condition that can lead to several complications is constipation. It is medically defined as three days without a bowel movement or infrequent or hard-to-pass bowel. However, this differs from person to person and surprisingly more than 14% of people across the globe experience chronic constipation. As per reports, about 22% of Indians are facing this problem. Several factors can trigger the condition, but changing lifestyles and poor dietary habits are two of the main culprits.

Excessive intake of junk foods, alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, avoiding the urge to void, certain medications, and binge eating can take a toll on your digestive system and functions. According to the National Institute Of Nutrition, the current recommended dietary allowance of fibre is 30gm/day for adults, which is hardly met by most people.


Also Read: Constipation: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Well, eating a fibre-rich diet can keep constipation at bay. Evidence reveals that foods rich in soluble fibre help smooth the passage of the bowel. Staying well hydrated and having a whole lot of fresh foods and herbs also play a key role in treating constipation.

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Here we have curated the best fruits and other foods that can help relieve this digestive problem.

Superb Fruits To Fight Constipation


Dried plums or prunes are a highly valued natural cure for constipation. Prunes are bestowed with ample amounts of fibre offering 3 grams per ¼ cup serving. The presence of insoluble fibre cellulose in prunes increases the water content of the stool and adds bulk. While the soluble fibre is fermented in the colon to make short-chain fatty acids that increase stool weight. Apart from this, prunes are also rich in phenolic compounds that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and work as a natural laxative.

You can have prunes as a standalone snack or add them to salads, cereals, oatmeal, baked foods, and smoothies.
Good foods for constipation


Apples are packed with fibre and one medium-sized apple with skin contains 4.8 grams of fibre. Though most of the fibre is insoluble, apples do contain soluble fibre which is in the form of pectin that has an amphoteric action. Surprisingly, apples can offer respite from both constipation and diarrhoea, based on the person’s need. The pectin is quickly fermented by gut bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids that pull water into the colon, soften stool and reduce gut transit time.

Adding apples to the diet regimen is an easy way to increase your fibre intake and ease constipation. Have apples as a snack or blend them into salads, baked goods, smoothies, juices, or breakfast cereals.

Also Read: Apples: 5 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Adding Wonder Fruit In The Daily Diet


Pears are a good choice of fruit as they contain a wealth of fibre. A medium-sized fruit offers 5.5 grams of fibre. They are also laden with fructose and sorbitol, which stimulates bowel movement and acts as a natural laxative by letting water into the system, making stool soft and easy to pass.

You can add pears into meal plans in a wide variety of ways such as raw or cooked, salads, savoury dishes, and baked foods.


Kiwis are one of the best fruits high in dietary fiber, with one single fruit offering 2 grams of fiber. A study found that having two kiwis in a day may help reduce transit time and increase the frequency of bowel movements, and also reduces abdominal discomfort and avert constipation. Apart from this, kiwis are also a great source of the enzyme actinidin which helps to ease constipation and promote gut motility.

Enjoy them as raw fruit, cut them in half, and scoop out the succulent green flesh. They also make an amazing addition to salads and smoothies for that taste and fiber boost.


Figs are an excellent way to pump your fibre intake and support healthy bowel movements. It contains the enzyme ficin, which is attributed to have positive effects on bowel function and digestive health.

Figs serve as a nutritious snack on their own and can also be combined with both sweet and savoury dishes. Soak about 3 dried figs overnight in water and have it first thing in the morning to bid adieu to constipation.

Also Read: Fig/Anjeer: Nutrition, Ayurvedic, Therapeutic Benefits And Uses For Skin And Hair Health

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, grapefruits, and mandarins are powerhouses of nutrition and dietary fibre. Adding these citrus fruits into the diet regimen can help regularise bowel function and improve the digestion process. Citrus fruits are packed with soluble fibre pectin that triggers colonic transit time and offers respite from constipation. To reap the maximum benefits of citrus fruits enjoy them fresh.

Oranges and mandarins are handy snacks and grapefruit can be paired with salad and breakfast.

Bael Fruit

Bael or wood apple is an amazing fruit that comes with a treasure trove of nutrients. Natural laxative traits of bael aid in cleaning the intestine and avert constipation. Regular consumption of beal juice or sherbet along with tamarind, water, and jaggery or blending with salt and pepper has been shown to work wonders in fighting constipation.

Also Read: Bael: Medicinal Uses, Therapeutic Benefits For Skin, Diabetes And Supplements

Are Bananas Good For Constipation?

The fiber-packed bananas work wonders in regularising bowel movements and calming the effects of constipation. The high content of fiber in bananas can help avert and alleviate constipation.

But a few studies have also found that bananas can make people constipation. So, if you experience that bananas can make you constipated limit their intake or if it doesn’t work that way then totally avoid it from your diet and see if that helps. A food that eases constipation for one person may have the opposite effect on others. So it is important to analyze which fruit works best for you and have them accordingly.

Other Foods That Relieve Constipation

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green veggies like spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are not only loaded with fibre but also splendid sources of folate and vitamins C and K. These greens add bulk and weight to stool, making it easier to pass via the gut.

Olive/ Flaxseed oils

The natural laxative effect of olive and flaxseed oils have shown to ease the flow of materials via the intestines. These oils contain bioactive compounds that support digestion and ease constipation. Further, olive and flaxseed oils are attributed to have potent antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory actions.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in the gut that help to enhance digestive health and soften stools. Kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt are some of the sources of probiotics when added to a meal plan regularly help to treat constipation and related issues.

Also Read: Probiotics: When And What

Beans /Lentils

Lentils, beans, and peas also known as pulses are one of the most valued food groups loaded with fibre. Pulses contain both soluble and insoluble fibre that can relieve constipation by adding bulk to the stool and also soften them to facilitate smooth passage.

Whole Grain Cereals

Whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, brown bread, and brown rice are an incredible source of insoluble dietary fibre. Add them to your diet to boost fibre content and regularise bowel functions.


We all know that a well-balanced and wholesome diet help to augment overall health and maintain bodily processes. Thus, incorporating fruits, vegetables, pulses, and seeds can help ease constipation as these foods are packed with fibre and gut-friendly nutrients.

A fiber-dense diet supports adding bulk and weight to stools, softening them and promoting bowel movements. But, in a few people, high-fiber diets can worsen constipation, hence it’s essential to talk with your healthcare provider about what’s the right food for you.

Apart from this, it’s important to stay well hydrated and drink plenty of fluids, as fluid needs will increase when you increase fiber intake. Getting regular exercise is also an important factor in easing symptoms of constipation and fostering healthy bowel habits. Including some of these foods in your diet, as well as drinking plenty of water and staying active, can help to improve regularity, and stool consistency and offers respite from constipation.