A traditional beverage from the Yunnan Province of China, now getting popular across the world, Pu-erh tea, amongst many types of fermented tea that you may have heard about, is a little different type of beverage. A herbal drink made by fermenting the leaves of Camellia Sinensis- the plant used for making green, oolong, and black tea, Pu-erh tea is relished primarily in southwestern China and Taiwan. What makes it different from other teas is that the leaves themselves are fermented rather than the brewed tea itself. The tea producers believe that with the fermentation of its leaves, the herb not only remains fresh, but the tea quality also improves with age and becomes more aromatic with time.

Also Read: Oolong Tea: 7 Astonishing Health Incentives Of Having This Healthy Beverage

Being a fermented drink, Pu-erh teas are often described as having a subtle mushroom-like taste. In Chinese culture, this herbal decoction has been popularly known as a ‘cutting grease beverage’ that helps to improve digestion post a heavy meal. Like other teas, Pu-erh tea contains caffeine, which primarily stimulates the central nervous system. The drink also offers many anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits that improve the overall health and well-being of the body. Interestingly, people love to sip on this beverage as it not only provides the health benefits of tea but also of a fermented food ingredient. It is mainly sold in compressed cakes of tea leaves and as a loose tea.

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Benefits Of Drinking Pu-erh Tea.

Like every green, white, and other herbal tea, Pu-erh also offers the following wellness incentives:

Promotes Weight Loss

The herbal drink contains catechins, epicatechin, and antioxidants that help synthesize fewer new fats while burning more stored body fat. This process can lead to weight loss.

Improves Gut Health

Since Pu-erh tea is fermented, it adds beneficial gut bacteria to the body. These probiotics may help improve your blood sugar control, which plays a key role in keeping the digestive system healthy.

Reduces Bad Cholesterol

It has been observed that adding supplements and extracts of Pu-erh tea extracts may help to lower certain blood fats called triglycerides and bad cholesterols. Because it can keep fat from being absorbed into your bloodstream and decrease fat accumulation, these effects can decrease the risk of heart disease.

Inhibits Cancer Growth

Due to the presence of phenolic compounds and potential antioxidants, Pu-erh tea extracts can help to ward off breast cancer, oral cancer, and colon cancer cells by fighting them inside the body.

May Boost Liver Health

As the tea has been linked to helping in decreasing fat accumulation, Pu-erh tea may help prevent or reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease- a liver problem in which excess fat accumulates in your liver. 

Also Read: Lavender Tea: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And How To Brew

Precautions When You Consume Pu-erh Tea

Most of the side effects of Pu-erh tea can be due to its strong caffeine content. Certain side effects of excessive caffeine can include insomnia, dizziness, changes in the heart’s rhythm, dehydration, and diarrhoea. Moreover, as most fermented foods may affect your gut bacteria concentrations, excess usage of Pu-erh tea may potentially cause some digestive upset. If you have any concerns about your caffeine intake, specifically when you are on certain medications, you must consult your healthcare provider before starting this tea or its supplements.

How To Brew Pu-erh Tea?

Here is a simple way to enjoy this herbal infusion at any time of the day:

  • Take a single cake or 3 to4 grams of loose-leaf tea for one cup 
  • Add this to boiling water
  • Discard the first lot of boiled tea
  • This is more like a rinse that helps to get a high-quality tea brew
  • Add some more water
  • Allow the tea to brew for about three to five minutes. You can do this for longer or shorter periods
  • Pour the tea into teacups and add honey or lemon if you want
  • Enjoy the aromatic, wholesome delicious beverage 


Ripe and Raw Pu-Erh Tea: LC-MS Profiling, Antioxidant Capacity and Enzyme Inhibition Activities of Aqueous and Hydro-Alcoholic Extracts

Gabriella Roda,1 Cristina Marinello,1 Anita Grassi,1 Claudia Picozzi

