Do you sense weight and tightness in your stomach despite not eating for hours? Do you experience nausea or heartburn after eating your favourite biryani or biting on a slice of pizza? If you are having stomach pains and bloating accompanied by belching or burping, you can have underlying indigestion or ama leading to other digestive issues.

Also Read: Gut Health: 5 Must-To-Add Supplements For Optimal Digestive Functions And Overall Well-being

A robust digestive system is the cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing various aspects of our health. While a balanced diet is essential, incorporating digestive supplements can further support and optimize gut function. From probiotics to enzymes to ayurvedic supplements, there's a wide array of options to prevent gut issues like indigestion, acidity, heartburn, flatulence, GERD etc and support your digestive system

Also Read: Indigestion: Pick These Over-The-Products Right Now, For Instant Relief

Say goodbye to post-meal discomfort and embrace a vibrant digestive experience. Here are seven potent ayurvedic supplements that promise not only relief but a hearty invitation to savour your favourite meals without worry.

7 Essential Supplements for Tackling Indigestion

Zenius Stomach 3 in One Powder 100 gm

Zenius Stomach 3 in One Powder 100 gm

Zenius Stomach 3 in One Powder is an ayurvedic formulation comprising components like Triphla, Senna, Kali namak, Nisoth etc that not only relieves acidity and gas, but also reduces abnormal pain, and improves the digestive system. This powder relieves discomfort caused by an acidic stomach and the sense of neglecting food. It protects the mucosa from ulceration while also promoting ulcer repair. This combination also treats stomach ulcers, and excessive gastric output, and serves as a demulcent. It promotes the production of thick protective mucus for the stomach lining, which speeds up the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Kerala Ayurveda Dasamoolarishta Syrup 450 ml

Dasamoolarishta from Kerala Ayurveda is an efficient carminative and digestive compound, also known as Deepana and Pachana, that helps with frequent belching, bloating, and indigestion. It promotes digestion and overall gut health while providing long-term relief from stomach gas and heaviness. This tonic helps to reduce post-meal heaviness.

Anuja Digestone Tablet 60's

Anuja Digestone Tablet 60's

Anuja Disgestone Tablet is an herb-based tablet that relieves gas and bloating. This mixture can relieve stomach pain and improve nutrient absorption. It not only promotes regular bowel movements but also assists digestion. This tablet can aid with constipation, indigestion, acidity, and gas and, hence, promote overall digestive health and well-being.

Planet Ayurveda Digestion Support Capsules 60's
Planet Ayurveda Digestion Support Capsules 60's

Planet Ayurveda Digestion Support Capsule is a combination of unique herbs known in Ayurveda as the best digestives. Herbs such as Haritaki, Fennel, Cumin, and Piper maintain the stomach's natural pH balance and aid in the digestion of all foods. It stimulates the liver, pancreas, and intestines to secrete digestive fluids, which aid in general digestion and nutrient assimilation. 

German's Digestion Care and Cure Syrup 200 ml
German's Digestion Care and Cure Syrup 200 ml

German's Digestion Care and Cure Syrup is an effective formulation for regulating the digestive tract. Asafoetida, Carbo Vegetabilis, Coriandrum Sativum, Hydrastis Canadensis, and other herbal components can help alleviate acid reflux, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. The syrup also alleviates the after-effects of drinking.

Dabur Pudin Hara Active Liquid 30 ml
Dabur Pudin Hara Active Liquid 30 ml

Dabur Pudin Hara Active Liquid is an Ayurvedic medicine that treats indigestion, gas, acidity, and stomach discomfort. It is prepared using a unique Ayurvedic recipe that includes Pudina Satva (Mentha Piperata, aerial part) as the major component. The formulation is intended to provide immediate and effective relief from stomach issues. It is thought to contain carminative and antispasmodic effects that can help with symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, and indigestion. It primarily contains natural substances that are recognised to soothe the stomach and digestive system and provide quick relief from stomach discomfort and pain.

Zandu Pancharishta Digestive Tonic 450 ml
Zandu Pancharishta Digestive Tonic 450 ml

Zandu Pancharishta Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic Complete Digestive Care is an Ayurvedic digestive tonic that combines the goodness of 35 potent Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Triphala, Yastimadhu, Trikatu, Trijat, Arjuna, etc. that are loaded with carminative and digestive qualities. It helps enhance immunity, aids digestion, and boosts appetite. It helps build digestive immunity by treating the root cause of digestive problems, thereby providing long-term relief from gastrointestinal issues.


  1. Development of Herbal Ayurvedic Formulation as Digestive Tablets, Evaluation of it’s Pharmaceutical, Pharmacognostic Parameters and Screening of its Antioxidant Potential - By Vikas Sharma1*, Chandana Majee1, Rahul Kaushik2, Shivani Saxena,1 Salahuddin 1, Avijit Mazumdar1;PID=2021-14-11-43

  1. The Use of Medicinal Plants in Digestive System Related Disorders: A Systematic Review - by Harveer Singh Cheema1*, Mitra Pal Singh2



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