Struggling with irregular bowel movements, worry not, you are not alone. Around 20 % of people experience constipation. The food you eat travels from the mouth via the digestive tract and out of the system. Usually, it takes about 6 to 8 hours for the food to pass via the intestinal tract. While constipation can hamper this process, and further delay digestion which may lead to abdominal discomfort. Bowel movements mainly depend on age, physical activity and eating habits. Often most people get so overboard with work and find it hard to make time to stay well hydrated, get exercise and ease stress at the workplace. Also, a few studies have revealed that about 33% of constipated individuals experience anxiety and 31 % face depression. 


Simple measures like tracking water intake, getting moderate exercise and finding more time to relax and stay calm may be valuable in the long run. Fret not, knowing the foods that can help one poop immediately can greatly support relieving digestive issues instantly. 

Here we have curated some drinks that only promote optimal digestion, but also contribute to augmenting overall well-being. These natural solutions keep one feeling light and happy.

To Regularise Your Bowel Movements And Improve Digestion, Shop From Our Wide Portfolio Of Laxatives

7 Natural Drinks To Poop Immediately

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 Castor Oil

This Ancient remedy is valued as a natural miracle in helping you handle abdominal cramps and irregular bowel. Castor oil works as a laxative that helps the muscles in the intestine to move and eases symptoms of constipation. The only downside is its taste, to lessen the taste, keep the castor oil in the refrigerator for at least an hour to cool and then blend it with a glass of lemon juice.

Have about 1 tablespoon of castor oil on an empty stomach to improve the digestion process and regularises bowel functions.

Apple Juice

The goodness of dietary fibre and sorbitol in apple juice aid in proper defecation and fight constipation.  The presence of pectin, a fibre in apple juice is beneficial in stimulating the digestion process and improving bowel function. Furthermore, apple juice contains vast reserves of nutrients such as vitamins C, A, and calcium which offer many health incentives and optimises overall well-being.

Also Read: Apples: 5 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Adding Wonder Fruit In The Daily Diet


Most of us start the day with a cup of coffee to stay active and energetic all through the day. Coffee is endowed with chlorogenic acid which triggers the secretion of acid in the digestive tract. This initiates peristalsis movements and sends the signal to the brain that it’s time to poop. Even research has found that 29% of people had the urge to defecate within 20 minutes after having a cup of coffee. Remember not to overdo it as it can make you constipated due to dehydration.

Lemon Juice

Packed with the richness of vitamin C, and antioxidants, lemon juice aids to soften the stools making it easier to defecate. This juice works as a detox drink that cleanses the system and speeds up the excretion process.

Drink a glass of lemonade or add 2 tsp of lemon juice to a glass of warm water first thing in the morning to ease constipation.

Prune Juice

Prunes are valued as the holy grail of fruit that can make you poop immediately. Packed with both soluble and insoluble fibre prune juice makes it easier to pass the stool.  Aside from this, prune juice also contains magnesium, potassium and sorbitol, all of which are known to possess natural laxative qualities and promote gut functions. In addition, a study showed that 100 grams of prune can work well as popular over-the-counter laxatives like psyllium.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice is blessed with bioactive compounds that act as natural laxatives. Packed with lubricant quality drinking aloe vera juice helps in restoring hydration. Drink a glass of aloe vera juice mixed with lemon juice on an empty stomach to regulate bowel movements, alleviate constipation and improve IBS symptoms.

Also Read: Aloe Vera: Medicinal Uses, Benefits For Skin And Hair, Supplements And Recipes

Herbal Teas

Mint Tea is attributed to have antispasmodic and carminative traits that support digestive functions. The presence of methanol averts abdominal cramps, relaxes muscles and eases the process of defecation.

Ginger tea is known to trigger metabolism and speeds up digestion and excretion.