Babularishta, also spelt Babularishtam, is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation known for its numerous health benefits. This herbal tonic is widely used for its effectiveness in treating various ailments, particularly those related to the digestive and respiratory systems. Babularishta lessens the intensity of breathing difficulties during an asthma attack. It reduces chest tightness, wheezing, and dyspnea. It helps to control a chronic cough, alleviates airway inflammation and clears the bronchial pathways. Additionally, it helps with blood diseases, dermatitis, acne, phthisis, other skin conditions, hemoptysis, lung injuries, asthma, whooping cough, chronic cough, etc.

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How To Prepare Babularishta?


200 Parts Babul Bark –  Acacia Arabica

16 Parts Dhataki Flower- Woodfordia Fruticosa

2 Parts Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper Longum

1 part each of:

Jaiphal (Nutmeg) – Myristica Fragrans

Laung (Clove) – Syzygium Aromaticum

Elachi (Green Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum

Dalchini (Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum

Tejpata (Indian Bay Leaf) – Cinnamomum Tamala

Kankol (Kababchini) – Piper Cubeba

Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea

Kali Mirch (Black Pepper) – Piper Nigrum

1024 Parts Water

100 Parts Gur – Jaggery


Clean and sun-dry all the herbal components and then powder them individually.

Boil the babul bark in water until the water volume is reduced to ¼ of its original amount.

To get rid of contaminants, strain the decoction with a muslin towel.

Stir well to thoroughly combine the jaggery with the clear decoction.

Now transfer the mixture into an asava container with a wide opening and coat it with honey or ghee from the inside.

After adding the remaining powdered aromatic herbs to the filtrate, cover the opening of the container with a clay-smeared cloth.

For thirty days, leave the vessel unattended in the fermentation chamber.

After the 30-day fermentation period is up, strain the mixture through a fresh muslin cloth to get rid of any contaminants.

Store the mixture in amber-coloured, glass bottles for future use.

Uses Of Key Ingredients Of Babularishta

Babularishta is made from a combination of several herbs, each contributing to its therapeutic properties. The key ingredients include:

Babool (Acacia nilotica): Known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Munakka (Vitis vinifera): It acts as a natural laxative and improves digestion.

Dhataki Pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa): It aids in fermentation and enhances the efficacy of the formulation.

Jaggery (Gur): It is used as a natural sweetener and provides energy.

Water: It is used as a solvent to extract the medicinal properties of the herbs.

Babularishta Medicinal Properties

Babularishta has been sanctified with the following curative qualities:

  • Antitussive
  • Mucolytic
  • Styptic
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antihemorrhagic

Babularishta Ayurvedic Indications

Several ancient writings, like the Ashtanga Hridyam, Sarangadhar Samhita, and Charaka Samhita, penned by the sages Sarangadhar and Charaka, respectively, have referenced this traditional ayurvedic therapy from ancient times. It is most beneficial for the following indications: 

  • Kapha-Vata hara (treats Kapha and Vata imbalances)
  • Kasahara (Relieves cough) 
  • Kantya (relieves sore throat)
  • Anulomana (improves breathing) 
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders) 
  • Raktadoshahara (blood purifying
  • Vran Ropana (heals wounds) 
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Shwasha (relieves breathing difficulties)  
  • Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms) 
  • Hridaya (treats heart problems) 
  • Kanthya (improves voice) 
  • Ama nashak (removes toxins)
  • Svasha hara (treats asthma)
  • Jwara hara (reduces fever)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite
  • Balya (increase strength)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)

Health Benefits Of Babularishta

Alleviates Common Cold Symptoms

The transition from the hot summers to the monsoons is not without its own set of problems. Fever and respiratory infections brought on by the common cold virus are also among the most frequent infections that happen at this time. Fever associated with repeated coughs can also be quite uncomfortable, interfere with a restful night's sleep, and leave you feeling worn out. Babularishta, rich in anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and expectorant characteristics, is very significant in treating symptoms of the common cold, persistent cough, and flu. In addition to preventing runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, and irritation, it also lessens nasal mucosal inflammation and irritation, which eventually offers relief from the majority of respiratory woes. Additionally, it is also highly potent against asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illnesses.

Also Read: Respiratory Health: 5 Incredible Herbs To Boost Your Lung Power

Treats Sore Throat

Sore and irritated throats are among the most typical signs of the common cold. When using Babularishta in accordance with prescribed dosages, irritation, painful throat discomfort, and coughing are significantly decreased. It is also very helpful when there is no burning sensation and a white coating or itching on the tongue and throat.

Improves Digestion

Babularishta, well regarded for its tasty and digestive qualities, provides a one-stop solution for all digestive problems. The anti-flatulent characteristic lessens gas production in the gastrointestinal tract, which lessens bloating, constipation, flatulence, and distension in the abdomen. In addition, it aids in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach and intestine, promotes the release of digestive fluids, and improves the absorption of vital nutrients via the intestines.

Also Read: Digestive Disorders: 7 Ways To Improve Gut Health

Encourages Skin Health

Blessed with potent antioxidant qualities, Babularishta is a boon for achieving naturally flawless, glowing skin. It helps prevent wrinkles, fine lines, spots, dark circles, and other indications of aging by protecting the skin from oxidative radical damage caused by UVA and UVB radiation. Rich in anti-inflammatory herbs, this skin tonic also helps prevent a number of other skin infections, such as erysipelas (a blister-like condition caused by the Streptococcus bacteria strain), and reduce inflammatory conditions like dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and carbuncles.

Also Read: Summer Skin Care: Invest In These Anti-Aging Herbs For A Radiant Glow

Relieves Urinary Anomalies

Babularishta works wonders for urinary tract infections, uncomfortable urination, and calculi in the urine. It aids in the body's removal of dangerous AMA (i.e., toxins) such as uric acid, creatinine, and urea. By assisting in the elimination of excess uric acid and regulating the uric acid level in the kidneys, it helps to prevent or cure gout and supports the good functioning of the kidney. It has also been shown to be useful for kidney stones, cystitis, and chronic kidney disease. It helps control diabetes, which helps to prevent frequent urination.

Babularishta Therapeutic Dosage:

Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, the dosage of this Arishta formulation may differ from person to person. Before ingesting it, it is highly advised to speak with an Ayurvedic physician or practitioner. The typical dosage of Babularishta is:

Adults: 10-30 ml, twice daily after meals.

It is recommended to dilute Babularishta with an equal amount of water before consumption.

Babularishta Side Effects:

Babularishta is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience side effects if taken in excess quantity:

Gastrointestinal Issues: Mild stomach upset or diarrhea in some cases.

Allergic Reactions: Rare, but possible in individuals sensitive to any of the herbal ingredients.

Interaction with Medications: May interact with certain medications; consult a doctor if you are taking other drugs.

Babularishta Precautions:

While Babularishta is generally safe for most people, it’s important to take certain precautions:

Consult a Doctor: Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before starting any new herbal remedy.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Avoid use during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless advised by a healthcare professional.

Diabetes: Babularishta contains jaggery, which can affect blood sugar levels. Hence, patients suffering from diabetes should use it with caution.

Alcohol Content: As a fermented product, Babularishta contains a small amount of alcohol. Those with alcohol sensitivities should be cautious.


Babularishta is a versatile Ayurvedic tonic with a wide range of health benefits, from boosting immunity to improving respiratory and digestive health. Its natural ingredients and traditional preparation method make it a valuable addition to holistic wellness practices. However, like any herbal remedy, it should be used with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and efficacy.

(This article is reviewed by Kalyani Krishna Chief Content Editor)

Author Profile

Soumita Basu:

Soumita Basu holds a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and is keenly interested in Ayurveda, home remedies, yoga, fitness, diagnostics, and beauty. With nearly 6 years of experience, she produces evidence-based health content, including articles, videos, and infographics, to provide valuable insights to her audience.


1. Traditionally fermented biomedicines arishtas and asavas from Ayurveda

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2. Comparative Studies of Babularista with different marketed brands herbal Formulation.

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