Breast milk is deemed one of the healthiest forms of milk and the first food that is given to newborn babies. Apart from the abundance of healthful nutrients like vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, iron, and calcium, breastmilk is enriched with colostrum. The holistic science of Ayurveda illustrates that breastfeeding or ‘Stanyada’ is a vital process, one that benefits both the mother and the newborn by fostering a priceless, emotional bond between the two. Not only does breast milk bequeath the baby with indispensable benefits by fortifying immunity, nourishing the brain tissue, and promoting digestion but also the process of lactation diminishes the risk of breast cancer in the mother. But, in the recent times owing to several external and physiological factors and the intense physical exhaustion faced during childbirth with fluctuating hormones, make it extremely challenging for the new mom to focus on staying happy while breastfeeding leading to an insufficient supply of milk in most cases.
Stanyajanana Rasayanam

While prescribed medications alongside a nutritious meal and adequate rest may help in calming the mind and healing the body but to induce lactation and promote breastmilk production naturally, have your faith in Ayurveda. This 5000-year-old remedial science brings forth a spectacular poly herbal medication powered with galactagogue traits in the form of Stanyajanana Rasayanam.

What is Stanyajanana Rasayanam?

Stanyajanana Rasayanam is an ayurvedic jam-like formulation that is primarily used to enhance breast milk production and treat Stanya dusti (dooshita stanya or vitiated milk). It also helps to evade several neonatal diseases in breastfeeding babies and assists in boosting their memory capability and intelligence. The powerful galactagogue action of this formulation helps to promote the breast milk supply. Additionally, it also has a powerful detoxifying action on the milk, which not only enhances the quality of the breast milk but also increases its digestibility for the feeding baby. Moreover, it also fortifies the immunity of both the lactating mother and the breastfeeding baby.

What Are The Ingredients In Stanyajanana Rasayanam?


Shali (Asian Rice) – Oryza Sativa

Shashtika Rice

Kuth (Indian Costus Root) – Saussurea Lappa

Kasha – Saccharum Spontaneum

Jeera (Cumin Seeds) – Cuminum Cyminum

Dhania (Coriander) – Coriandrum Sativum

Ushira or Khas (Vetiver) – Vetiveria Zizanioides

Gundra (Nagarmotha) – Cyperus rotundus

Madhukapushpa (Mahua) – Madhuca Longifolia

Sariva (Indian Sarsaparilla) – Hemidesmus Indicus

Durva ( Bermuda grass) – Cynodon Dactylon

Kokilaksha – Asteracantha Longifolia roots

Ikshu Mool (root of sugarcane plant) – Saccharum Officinarum

Trijata (Elachi or Ela – Cardamom, Dalchini or Tvak– Cinnamon, and Tamrapatra or Tej pata– Indian Bay Leaf)

Amla or Indian Gooseberry – Phyllanthus Emblica

Elkara – Oncidopsis Elkara

Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum

Pippali or Long Pepper– Piper Longum

Padmaka – Prunus Cerasoides

Ghee – Clarified Butter

Sharkara – Sugar

Medicinal Properties Of Stanyajanana Rasayanam

Stanyajanana Rasayanam is sanctified with the following remedial properties:

  • Galactagogue
  • Antitoxic
  • Antioxidant
  • Carminative
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Adaptogenic
  • Anti-stress
  • Immunomodulator

Ayurvedic Indications Of Stanyajanana Rasayanam

This rasayana preparation has been illustrated time and again in several ancient ayurvedic scriptures of Susruta and Charaka for the following indications:

  • Stanyada (increases breastmilk)
  • Pushtida (good for nutrition)
  • Balya (increase strength)
  • Stanya Dusti (treats vitiated breastmilk)
  • Ama nashak (removes toxins)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Kupachan (prevents bloating)
  • Agnimandya (prevents indigestion)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Kapha-Vata hara (treats abnormal Kapha and Vata)
  • Shotha hara (treats pain and inflammation)

Health Benefits of Stanyajanana Rasayanam

Promotes Supply Of Breastmilk

Prized as a powerful galactagogue medication, Stanyajanana Rasayanam is extremely advantageous for lactating women to stimulate the secretion of milk from the mammary glands. This is highly significant for the young ones since breast milk is excellent for their nourishment and for strengthening their immune system. Feeding the newborn baby with breastmilk not only heals the new mom after delivery but also helps in improving the production and quality of breastmilk.

Treats Vitiated Breast Milk

Ayurveda acknowledges initiated or toxic breastmilk as Stanya Dusti or Dooshita Stanya as a condition that is depicted by the secretion of breastmilk that is bereft of normal traits like the taste, smell, colour, consistency, temperature, foam, viscidity, etc. It primarily occurs due to an abnormal Dosha or combination of Doshas in the mother’s body. Depending upon the type of milk vitiation, different signs emerge in the milk and different symptoms arise in the baby. Regardless of the type or symptoms, Stanyajanana Rasayanam is highly effective in all types of Stanya Dusti. It not only removes toxins from the milk and improves its quality and helps the baby digest the milk easily.

Restores Normal Health Post-Partum

Imbued with powerful herbal ingredients, Stanyajanana Rasayanam is prescribed for post-partum women for ages for replenishing their normal health of women. According to Ayurvedic texts, right after delivery, new mothers have exacerbated Vata doshas in their bodies due to hormonal changes that induce various common problems like weakness and low energy levels while also leading to initiated breastmilk. Owing to its Vata hara and Balya (strength provider) disposition, consuming Stanyajanana Rasayanam helps to bring back the vitiated Vata to normal levels and resuscitate energy and optimum health of women. It contains a distinct set of herbs, which comes in unison to furnish vitality and boost physical strength in postpartum women. After going through intense physical exhaustion during the time of delivery, this magical formulation furnishes relief from pain, and physical and emotional strain boosts bone health and immunity and provides energy.

Also Read: Post Natal Care: Why Is It Important For A New Mom’s Recovery

Enhances Digestion

Indigestion a.k.a Agnimandya in Ayurvedic terminology is a gastrointestinal issue that primarily arises due to an imbalance of the Pitta doshas in the body and depicts a state of an incomplete process of digestion. Being a strong digestive formulation, Stanyajanana Rasayanam industriously helps in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal oddities such as Gerd or gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation, flatulence, peptic ulcer, heartburn, and stomach pain. Thanks to the carminative nature of the herbs in this rasayanam concoction, prescribed usage considerably helps in stimulating the creation of digestive juices and thereby enhances the absorption of essential nutrients in the body cells. Additionally, it also helps to promote digestion in the newborn baby upon drinking breast milk and eliminates gas which in turn prevents colic, abdominal distension and stomach pain in babies.

Also Read: Indigestion: Best Home Remedies To Treat Your Stomach Woes Naturally

Bolsters Immunity

Thanks to the abundance of antioxidants in this powerful formulation, Stanyajanana Rasayanam furnishes an absolute remedy for boosting the immune system, combating microbes and shielding the body against various infections. It also portrays the presence of strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal traits, which is highly significant in preventing infections like the common cold, fever, sore throat, and other respiratory irregularities in the new mother.

Also Read: Top 8 Ayurvedic Formulations That Can Bolster Your Immunity

Effects on Doshas

Owing to its Tridosha nashak qualities, this outstanding herbal remedy harmonizes all three doshas including the Vata doshas (i.e. air), Pitta (fire and air) doshas, and Kapha (earth and water) doshas.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Dosage Of Stanyajanana Rasayanam

The precise therapeutic dosage of this herbal jam may alter from person to person depending upon the age, the stringency of the disease, and the physical condition of the patient. One must consult an ayurvedic doctor or physician to know the best dosage necessary.

Lactating Mothers: 5 - 15 grams, along with lukewarm milk or water, twice a day, 2 hours after meals or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor.

Side Effects

With the presence of a plethora of beneficial herbs, Stanyajanana Rasayanam records no adverse effects. But in case, you take the formulation in excess, it might lead to indigestion, bloating or an increase in weight.


Since there is no credible information regarding the side effects of this rasayanam, it can be taken by lactating mothers as a nutritious breastmilk supplement right after delivery, but it is suggested to consult a doctor before consuming it to avoid unnecessary overdosage.


Since ancient times, this extraordinary nutritious supplement has been prescribed by ayurvedic physicians for new mothers. It is extremely beneficial in promoting breastmilk production, providing nutrition, bolstering immunity, enhancing digestion, lessening pain and inflammation and many more.