With the lockdown easing out, places are slowly re-opening, yet the fear of the extremely infectious Covid-19 is still looming high. Additionally, due to change of seasons, most people are troubled with imbalances of the Kapha doshas causing infectious diseases and respiratory anomalies like cough, cold, sore throat, asthma etc. Well, although one can go for modern medicines, but trust us when we say a good boost to the immunity is enough to evade these seasonal infections naturally. One such amazing herbal formulation is Kanakasava.

Kanakasava ingredients

What Is Kanakasava?

Kanakasava, also known as Kanakasavam is a classical ayurvedic decoction that confers absolute remedy towards most respiratory anomalies, gut problems, bleeding disorders and weakened immunity. Being a potent bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory formulation, it provides relief from an abrupt asthma attack by increasing the airflow to the lungs and dilating and relaxing the bronchial passageways. It is also extremely effective in treating chronic fever, hemorrhages, bronchitis, common cold, rhinitis, productive cough, phthisis, and lung injury. Kanakasava chiefly contains 5-10% of self-generated alcohol that helps transport water and alcohol-soluble herbs to the body and the formulation is prepared in accordance with the asava-arishta technique.

Bolster Your Immunity With Our Wide Range Of Ayurvedic Formulations During These Seasonal Flu’s!

Ayurvedic Indications

Time and again, this ayurvedic medication has been mentioned in several ancient scriptures of Susruta and Charaka for the following indications including Kasahara (Relieves cough), Kapha-Vata hara (treats Kapha and Vata imbalances), Balya (increase strength), Anulomana (improves breathing), Ama nashak (removes toxins), Svasha hara (treats asthma), Jwara hara (reduces fever), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Hikkanigrahana (treats incessant hiccups), Kantya (relieves sore throat), Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation), Kanthya (improves voice), and Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body).

How To Prepare Kanakasava?


Kwatha Dravyas:

4 Parts Shuddha Datura (Panchang)  – Purified Datura metel    

4 Parts Vasaka – Adhatoda vasica

2 Parts Mulethi (Yashtimadhu) – Glycyrrhiza glabra               

2 Parts Sonth (Ginger Rhizome) – Zingiber officinale             

2 Parts Bharangi – Clerodendrum serratum      

2 Parts Talispatra – Abies webbiana           

2 Parts Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum 

2 Parts Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum    

2 Parts Nagkesar – Mesua ferrea

Prakshepa Dravyas:       

16 Parts Dhataki Flower- Woodfordia fruticosa           

20 Parts Draksha or Munakka – Vitis vinifera                

Sandhana Dravyas:         

100 Parts Sharkara (Sugar)    

50 Parts Shahad (Honey)

512 Parts Water


Sun dry the herbal components for 2-3 days to remove moisture particles.

Grind them to make a fine powder.

Now, pour the required quantity of water in the asava vessel and add sugar and honey to it.

While stirring it, add crushed draksha and dhataki powder to the water mixture.

One by one add all the herbal ingredients with continuous stirring.

Close the mouth of the vessel with a cotton cloth and leave the mixture untouched for 30 days.

After completion of the fermentation process, filter and decant the liquid in amber-coloured glass bottles for future use.

Health Benefits of Kanakasava

Remedies Respiratory Anomalies

Recurrent coughs and congested throat can cause a lot of discomforts and prevent a peaceful good night’s sleep while making you feel tired and exhausted. Being rich in anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and expectorant properties, Kanakasava is quintessential in treating the common cold, sore throat, incessant cough and flu symptoms. It also reduces chest and nasal congestion, gets rid of excess sputum and stops nasal discharge. It is also highly effective in treating asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illnesses. Drink this concoction daily to prevent respiratory infections and improve lung health.

Also Read: Respiratory Health: 5 Incredible Herbs To Boost Your Lung Power

Enhances Gut Health

Kanakasava is a powerful digestive stimulant. The carminative and appetite-stimulant properties of the herb help in breaking down food particles in the stomach and intestine, promote the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increase the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines. It is also helpful in eliminating abdominal gas which in turn reduces abdominal distension, bloating and gaseous cramps. It offers an amazing cure for a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders like esophagitis, diarrhea, flatulence, dyspepsia, heartburn, peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Treats Bleeding Disorders

Being a potent antibiotic and antiseptic formulation, kanakasava is extremely beneficial in case of bleeding disorders. The miraculous fibrinolytic properties of the herbal ingredients help in forming clot at the site of wound and hence treats bleeding disorders and infections.

Wards Off Infections

The abundance of antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties, make this herbal concoction the ultimate solution to ward off various infections. The bio-active components of the aromatic herbs used in Kanakasava actively helps in bolstering immunity and preventing bacterial infestation. It not only helps reduce the risk of various bacterial and fungal infections like fever, tuberculosis, dengue, etc. but also prevents allergic conditions on the skin.

Also Read: Bolster Your Ojas: 5 Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs That Keep You Healthy & Fit

Relieves Fever

Enriched with potent analgesic, antipyretic and temperature-reducing properties, Kanakasava works wonders in treating different types of fever. It not only reduces the body temperature and treats intermittent and high fever but also effective against fever due to common cold, flu or influenza.


The effectual therapeutic dosage of Kanakasava usually varies from person to person depending upon the age, body strength, effects on appetite, severity, and condition of the patient. It is strongly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications, past medical conditions and prescribe an effective dose for a specific time period.

Adults: 6 - 15 ml, along with equal quantity of water, immediately after meals or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor or health care provider.

Side Effects

Imbued with immense health-promoting herbal ingredients, kanakasava is extremely beneficial in recommended doses. But if it is consumed in excess or without prior consultation with a doctor, it can lead to side effects and allergic reactions including nausea, headache, vomiting and restlessness. It also strictly advised for pregnant women, lactating mothers, children below age 5 or people diagnosed with tachycardia, glaucoma, elevated ocular pressure or those having a pacemaker not to consume this herbal concoction without consulting a doctor.


This amazing rejuvenative concoction enriched with a quarry of natural herbal components has umpteen health benefits. Be it preventing cough and cold, asthma, promoting digestion, boosting immunity, providing relief from sore throat and sinusitis or treating tuberculosis, kanakasava does it all. Consume this powerful ayurvedic herb during the flu season to shield your body from various infectious diseases.