In these days and times of a fast-paced lifestyle, every second counts. In this hugely competitive world, the human brain is processing numerous thoughts and it is important to possess great intellect, excellent memory skills and cognitive abilities if you want to excel in every aspect of life. Traditional medicine is a treasure trove of herbal remedies, offering solutions for improving memory and enhancing cognitive skills. 

Just as the name signifies, Char Magaz is a unique blend of 4 brain-boosting seeds mainly of the melon family that are full of vitamins and minerals, proteins, fatty acids, offering surprising health benefits. 

These little seeds of wonder are commonly seen in all Indian kitchen cabinets owing to their exceptional taste and nutritional demands. Be it improving brain functioning, enhancing the skin, promoting cardiac functioning, diminishing memory loss and for overall health and stamina, these four melon seeds do it all. Apart from promoting health, it is also used in making Indian curries, sweet dishes, sherbet, snacks and other popular health drinks. Also Read: Medhya Rasayana: Benefits Of These Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Improve Cognitive Abilities
char magaz

What Are The Four Seeds In Char Magaz?

Char Magaz is a classical powdered formulation or recipe that consists of 4 types of melon seed kernels which are pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon, and cantaloupe (i.e. rockmelon). In literal terms, ‘char’ means four and magaz signify ‘brains’, i.e. four seed kernels that enhance cognitive abilities and brain functions and also increase memory.

Enhance Your Memory Capacity With These Brain-Boosting Ayurvedic Formulations!

How To Make Char Magaz At Home?


25 grams of Watermelon seeds    

25 grams of Cucumber seeds    

25 grams of Rockmelon (Cantaloupe) seeds  

25 grams of Pumpkin seeds   


You can either buy the seeds directly or scoop them out from the fruit.

Wash the seeds properly underwater.

Dry them under direct sunlight.

Powder the seeds together in a grinder.

Again, keep the powder under direct sunlight to remove any moisture particles present in it.

Store the powder in a glass container for future use.

Therapeutic Properties Of Char Magaz:

Char magaz is categorised under the potent Medhya Rasayana components portraying four different vital properties that account for its immense nutritional benefit and curative efficacy. These properties include:

Memory Booster – It effectively enhances memory and retention. 

Nootropic – Promotes learning, reasoning and perception of new things.

Nervine Tonic – This property strengthens the various nerves within the body.

Neuroprotective – The bioactive components in the seed kernels protects the brain and nerves from damage.

Nutritional Qualities Of Char Magaz

The Char Magaz seeds showcase a wealth of healthful nutrients including vitamins, minerals unsaturated fats, and proteins. It is immensely rich in B-vitamins like riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. It also contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, and copper. The host of bioactive constituents include tryptophan, arginine, glutamic acids and lysine. 

Astounding Benefits Of Char Magaz

Improves Cognitive Functioning:

Char Magaz is an ancient and traditional remedy to increase the functioning of the brain. The potent antioxidants present in the seeds improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Several types of research conclude that people taking seed powder regularly, have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. Also Read: Brain Foods That Help You Concentrate

Regulates Diabetes:

Owing to the potent hypoglycaemic property, char magaz hold high significance in assuaging the blood sugar levels within the body. The β-pancreatic cells, which helps in the production of insulin become extremely active in consuming the powdered seeds. It also helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels in the body. 

Boil 2 tbsp of Magaz seeds in a litre of water for an hour. Strain it and drink the same as tea to keep blood glucose levels under control.

Nourishes the Skin

Char Magaz is a powerful antioxidant and thus helps to reduce free radical damage in the body. The seed oils being a rich source of fatty acids prevents several signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, and spots. It also reduces the risk of skin cancer. It extensively evades the clogging of skin pores and actively hydrates and moisturises the skin and thus bestows a radiant crystal-clear complexion.

Make a face mask by mixing 2tbsp of magaz seed powder in 1 tbsp rose water and apply it all over the face. Do it on alternate days to get a glowing skin.

Enhances Cardiac Functioning

Char Magaz is extremely effective in treating various heart ailments due to its strong antioxidative nature.  It strengthens the heart muscles and prevents lipid build up in the blood vessels. The bioactive constituents like arginine and lysine reduce the levels of non-esterified fatty acids i.e. NEFA, and hence reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc. It also plays a key role in lowering the levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Facilitates Weight Gain

The abundance of healthful nutrients in Char Magaz makes it an appropriate choice for providing nourishment for people suffering from malnourishment, are emaciated or underweight and need to build lean muscle mass. Being a powerhouse of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, Char magaz offers a one-shot herbal remedy for gaining weight safely.

Coconut ladoos made using ghee, almonds and char magaz powder when consumed once daily, help in reducing weakness and increases body weight.

Promotes Hair Growth

The abundance of proteins like lysine, arginine, and glutamic acid in char magaz seeds not only enhance hair health by promoting hair growth but also controls hair loss. While the presence of copper in char magaz is highly essential in stimulating the pigment melanin-an agent to prevent greying of hair, the wealth of fatty acids keeps the hair hydrated and strong. Regular use of the seed oil improves hair texture, adds shine, and stimulates hair growth.

Boosts Sexual Health And Stamina

Char magaz is typically effective for improving men’s health. Thanks to the presence of the amino acid named arginine, this seed boosts sexual health and libido. It also showcases powerful spermatogenic properties that are extremely beneficial for treating hypospermia (low volume of semen), asthenozoospermia (i.e., sperm motility), oligospermia (i.e., low sperm count), teratospermia (i.e., abnormal sperm shape) and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e., sperm production). Being a natural antioxidant, it improves the production of testosterone and luteinizing hormone. The presence of lycopene in the seed powder is good for sperm formation.

Prevents Kidney Stones

The anti-lithiasis quality of char magaz prevents the formation of kidney stones, helps to break or reduce the size of the formed ones and thus prevents various underlying health conditions like polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, and cystitis. Being diuretic in nature, it also prevents urinary tract infection and promotes overall health of the kidney.

Ayurvedic Properties Of Char Magaz

The four melon seed kernels have an extensive cooling effect on the body. If taken in the required amount it pacifies the Vata and Pitta Doshas whereas an overdosage may cause a Kapha imbalance.

Dosage Of Char Magaz:

The precise therapeutic dosage may vary from person to person depending upon the age, severity, and condition of the patient. One must consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, as he or she will thoroughly examine the indications and prescribe the effective dosage for the specific time period.

5 grams of char magaz can be included in the daily diet by infusing it in milk or other recipes to enjoy its therapeutic benefits.

Adverse Effects:

Loaded with an array of nutrients, Char Magaz is extremely beneficial in limited quantities. But if they are consumed in excess, it can cause kidney contamination and other related issues. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Are The Four Seeds In Char Magaz?

Char Magaz is a traditional powdered recipe that mainly comprises four different types of melon seed kernels; which are, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, and cantaloupe. In literal words, ‘char’ means four and magaz means ‘brain,’ signifying the four seed kernels that extensively enhance cognitive abilities, brain processes, memory and concentration.

What Are The Nutrients Present In Magaz Seeds?

The four incredible seeds are abundant in protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. They are a rich source of vitamin B comprising niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid. The seeds are also replete with tryptophan,  arginine, glutamic acids, and lysine and contain minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and copper.

Does Magaz Seeds Help Manage Marasmus and Kwashiorkor?

Magaz seeds play a key role in treating Marasmus and Kwashiorkor as scientific studies suggest that the seeds contain certain vital protein components that are highly significant in preventing protein deficiency diseases like Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.

How To Eat Char Magaz Seeds?

Char Magaz is one such incredible herbal formulation that is beneficial in whatever way it is consumed. One can soak them overnight, grind them and add them in the curry or other Mughlai dishes while cooking to thicken the gravy, or added to desserts like kheer, burfi, ladoo, or a powdered mixture of the char magaz can be added to a glass full of milk, health drinks or simple smoothies or even sprinkled on fruit salads.

Can Char Magaz Be Taken During Pregnancy And Lactation?

Yes, be it powdered or raw, it is extremely beneficial to consume Char Magaz during pregnancy and lactation owing to its numerous benefits for the mother and the developing baby inside her. Not only does it help in brain development in the fetus but also helps in increasing adequate weight for the baby. It also helps in boosting breast milk production in the new mom. However, ensure you talk to your treating doctor before including it in your diet to maintain a healthy dose of nutrients without consuming an excess of it.


The four mighty seed kernels are extremely beneficial in improving cognitive abilities, enhancing weight gain, regulating diabetes, augmenting beauty and many more. Without any alter indications, these little seeds bestow a one-shot remedy for improving the neural functioning and boosting memory capacity.