A beautiful, long and dense mane is what every woman desires as it not only enhances their beauty but also indicates good health. However, in the recent times, hair fall problems and scalp issues are becoming increasingly common and impacting both men and women alike. In addition to genetic aberrations and environmental contaminants, even a sedentary lifestyle, hectic work schedules, mental stress, insomnia, poor dietary habits and irregular sleep and food timings, contribute towards the weakening of the roots, frequent shedding of strands and an overall depreciation of hair health. While popping supplements for hair health isn’t a big deal, if you want a surer shot at dealing with the hair woes, the timeless approach of Ayurveda brings you a perfect remedy for all your hair issues in the form of Gunjadi Tailam.
Gunjadi Tailam

What Is Gunjadi Tailam?

Gunjadi Tailam a.k.a Gunja oil is a medicated herbal hair oil that is primarily indicated for all sorts of scalp and hair problems. Sanctified with the goodness of purified gunja seed powder, bhringraj juice and sesame oil, this incredible hair oil treats itching, dandruff, scalp acne, scalp psoriasis, scalp eczema, scalp pruritus,  hair fall, premature greying and other skin diseases. A complete hair massage using this oil is also beneficial for reducing stress levels and calming the mind which directly boosts blood circulation in the head and scalp region and augments overall hair health.

How To Prepare Gunjadi Tailam?


250 grams Shuddha (Detoxified) (Gunja Beej) – Abrus precatorius Kalka (Paste)

1 kg Sesame Oil

4 kg Bhringraj Juice


Wash and dry the purified gunja seeds

Grind them to make a fine powder

Mix the powder in Bhringraj Juice and make a paste of it

Now, take a thick-bottomed pan and pour sesame oil into it.

Once the oil warms, pour the paste or kalka into it 

Boil the mixture with continuous stirring, and simmer the mixture until only the oil remains behind

Let the mixture cool naturally for several hours

After it cools down, filter the oil to remove the residual plant parts

Preserve the oil in amber-coloured glass bottles for future use

Medicinal Properties

Gunjadi tailam is bequeathed the following medicinal properties:

  • Antimicrobial
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antipruritic
  • Antidandruff
  • Hair growth promoter

Ayurvedic Properties Of The Gunjadi Tailam

Rasa (taste): Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)

Guna(quality): Laghu, Ruksa (dry)

Virya (potency): Ushna(hot)

Vipaka (effect after digestion): Katu

Health Benefits Of Gunjadi Tailam

Promotes Hair Growth And Treats Baldness

Gunjadi tailam plays a significant role in treating and preventing baldness. It effectively boosts blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which in turn nourishes the roots by fetching more nutrients through the blood supply and stimulating hair growth. Ayurveda vouches that regular use of Gunjadi oil furnishes effective results by activating the hair follicles and enhancing new growth.

Mix 2 tsp of gunjadi oil with 1 teaspoon each of Brahmi and triphala powders. Add a few drops of coconut oil to make a herbal hair lepa (hair pack). Apply this pack 3-4 times a week. Wash off after 30 - 40 minutes with lukewarm water and shampoo afterwards.

Remedies Dandruff And Scalp Itchiness

Dandruff primarily occurs due to excessive dry scalp, humidity in the air and lack of personal hygiene and eventually leads to itching and flaking. Gunjadi tailam not only has strong anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial traits but also has a high specific gravity, which allows the oil to infiltrate deep inside the scalp, to hydrate and nourish it and treat dry scalp and itching.

Also Read: Home Remedies To Get Rid of Itchy Dandruff

For effective results, massage your scalp and hair with Gunjadi oil before going to sleep. Wrap a steamed towel around your scalp to permit the oil to penetrate deep into the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Leave it on throughout the night and rub some lemon juice on the scalp before shampooing your hair the next day.

Reduces Hair Fall

Gunjadi oil is a one-stop remedy for hair fall. It effectively lessens Vata and Kapha doshas in the body, cools the scalp and diminishes stress levels which are chiefly the most prevailing causes of hair fall. It furnishes nourishment to the hair follicles, boosts blood circulation in the scalp, hinders dryness of the scalp and hence reduces sudden breakage and hair fall.

Also Checkout: 5 Easy Home Remedies To Control Hair Loss - Infographic

Hinders Premature Greying Of Hair

The active constituents of Gunjadi tailam contain Gunja seed powder and Bhringaraj juice which are extremely beneficial in promoting health, retaining the natural colour of hair and preventing premature greying.

Make a hair pack of 2 tbsp of gunjadi tailam, 3 tbsp henna powder, bhringaraj powder and amla powder. Apply this all over the hair and let it dry for 3 hours. Monthly use of this hair pack not only plays a pivotal role in dyeing grey hairs but also reduces premature greying in the future.

Cures Scalp Infections

The goodness of anti-bacterial properties in Gunjadi tailam makes it a prompt solution for treating a variety of scalp infections. Majorly presence of bhringaraj juice in this hair oil is effective in treating different forms of folliculitis, scalp pruritus, and dermatitis which stems due to different strains of bacteria and causes inflamed hair follicles, itching and eventually leads to hair fall and premature balding. It also safely treats a ringworm infection on the scalp due to Tinea capitis.

Make a paste of 1 tsp of purified gunja seed powder, 1 tsp gunjadi oil, and 1 tsp each of haritaki and neem powders. Add a few drops of coconut and tea tree oil to it. Part the hair and apply it to the affected areas. Wash off after an hour with lukewarm water and mild shampoo. Regular use of this magical oil diminishes inflammation of the hair follicles, prevents scalp tenderness, alleviates scalp itching and boosts hair growth.

Are You Worried About Hair Fall And Scalp Infections? Check Out Our Wide Range Of Ayurvedic Hair Oils For Promoting Hair Growth

How To Apply Gunjadi Tailam?

Wash your hands and warm the Gunjadi Oil in a water boiler

Take a small amount of Gunjadi Oil on your palm

Part the hair and massage the oil on the scalp

Leave the oil overnight and the next morning wash the hair with a mild shampoo

Apply the Gunjadi Oil routinely until you get absolute relief from the scalp problems and achieve other desired results


This tailam may interact with other ongoing scalp medications. Hence, it is better to consult the treating doctor regarding it before the application of the oil.

Side Effects

The oil is not for oral consumption and should only be applied after consulting a doctor for a recommended dosage. In case of oral consumption, thoroughly wash the mouth as impure gunja seed powder or the oil may cause abdominal troubles and diarrhoea.


Gunja seed powder is prohibited to be used during pregnancy and lactation. Hence, even for the application of the oil, it is mandatory to consult a doctor.


Deemed as a potentially ‘hair nourishing’ oil, Gunjadi tailam effectively treats and cures a wide range of hair woes, including scalp pruritus, itching, dandruff, hair fall, scalp dermatitis and other infections. Apply with a proper doctor’s consultation, to steer clear of side effects and reap its numerous benefits.