With the spread of COVID-19 still looming at large, people are facing a hard time to cope with its impact. Be it emotional distress or physical stress, all this is directly affecting the various mechanisms within the body. Additionally, with the ongoing sedentary lifestyle marked by poor dietary choices and little to no exercise, more and more people are falling inside the vicious cycle of dosha imbalance. And this ultimately effects the sleep cycle and digestive system most. Well, with most people relying upon natural remedies and ayurvedic solutions, formulations targeted to address different types of digestive woes are most sought after. And one such spectacular ayurvedic remedy to uplift the gastrointestinal system is Dantyarishtam.


What Is Dantyarishtam?

Dantyarishtam is a magical remedy that offers an ultimate solution for all digestive woes. Imbued with powerful herbs, this ayurvedic concoction is made in accordance with the principles of Asava arishta. It is an extremely popular ayurvedic medicine and an ancient signature remedy for all stomach related ailments. Fabricated using 6 vital ayurvedic ingredients, this classical medicine not only treats loss of appetite but also promotes the secretion of gastric juices and stimulates bile secretion. Bestowed with strong carminative and detoxifying properties, this ayurvedic medicine provides an absolute remedy for intestinal gas, flatulence, incomplete evacuation, bloating, abdominal lumps, haemorrhoids, Vata disorders, Kapha disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Ayurvedic Indications Of Dantyarishtam

The holistic science of Ayurveda and several ayurvedic textbooks of Charaka Samhita and Sarangadhar Samhita, strongly vouch for this magical energizer as a remedy for Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Mutrakrichra (i.e. dysuria), Anaha (i.e. bloating), Amahara (treats indigestion), and Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms).

How To Make Dantyarishtam?


Kwatha Dravya:

1 part Danti (Dantimool or Hastidanti) – Baliospermum montanum  

1 part Chitrakmool – Plumbago zeylanica          

5 parts Brihat Panchamoola (i.e., Bilva, Agnimantha, Kashmari, Shyonaka, and Patala)               

5 parts Laghu Panchamoola (i.e., Sarivan, Kantakari, Shalaparni, Prishniparni and Gokhru)        

3 parts Triphala

256 parts Water

Prakshepa Dravya:

16 parts Dhataki Flower - Woodfordia fruticosa

50 parts Gur – Jaggery


Wash and dry all the herbal ingredients.

Submerge all the herbs in flowers in the mentioned quantity of water.

Boil till the decoction reduces from 256 to 64 parts.

Slightly cool the decoction and filter it to remove the herbal parts.

While the decoction is slightly warm, add dhataki flower and jaggery and give  a stir to everything.

Pour everything in the asava vessel, seal it with a clay-smeared cloth and it for 30 days undisturbed.

After the completion of 30 days, store the liquid for future use in food-grade bottles.

Health Benefits Of Dantyarishtam

Promotes Digestion

Dantyarishtam is a traditional remedy for treating a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders like heartburn, diarrhoea, flatulence, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion, constipation, flatulence and stomach pain. Thanks to the powerful carminative nature of the herbs in use, the formulation helps in breaking down the food particles in the stomach and intestine, enhances the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increases the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines. It helps to eliminate abdominal gas and in turn reduces abdominal distension, bloating and gaseous cramps.

Also Read: 5 Herbs For A Healthy Digestive System

Remedies IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome or Grahani is mostly caused due to unhealthy dietary choices, intake of foods that cause allergy, excessive intake of food particles that are difficult to digest, intake of foods low on nutrients, overeating, eating at irregular intervals, and other physical and mental factors like emotional problems, stress, etc. IBS can cause both diarrhea and constipation. The use of danti, dashamoolas and other powerful herbs in dantyarishtam make it an effective choice for treating this painful disease. This herbal formulation not only prevents constipation but also owing to the presence of triphala, it treats bleeding piles, anemia etc.

Also Read: Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Relieve IBS

Combats Acidity And Gastritis

Excessive secretion of acid in the stomach may be extremely agitating and cause uneasiness throughout the day. Imbued with strong herbal ingredients, Dantyarishtam is the ultimate remedy for acidity and gastritis. It extensively regulates the secretion of the hydrochloric acid and other stomach acids in the stomach and keeps appetite at an optimum level. It also reduces burning sensation in the throat, chest, stomach, and abdomen. Regular consumption of this ayurvedic formulation on doctor’s advice cures stomach acidity and other underlying symptoms in no time.

Cures Ulcers

The glycoprotein secretions of the herbs have been found in various studies to be extremely effective in treating different types of stomach ulcer including peptic and ulcerative colitis and even treat colic pain. In correct doses, it also helps in the healing of ulcers and wounds.

Treats Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which an individual suffers from self-starvation. It is also attached to mental health as the individual suffers from low weight issues, fear of gaining weight, lower self-esteem and an intense desire to reduce weight. Additionally, the person also has a loss of hunger or desire to eat any food. Dantyarishtam being a natural digestive and appetizer aids in the digestion of food, improves appetite, promotes absorption of nutrients and thereby ensures that the person eats healthily.

Dantyarishtam Dosage:

The effective therapeutic dosage of Dantyarishtam may vary from person to person depending upon the age, body strength, effects on appetite, severity, and condition of the patient. It is firmly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications, past medical conditions and prescribe an effective dose for a specific period.

Adults: 10 - 30 ml, along with equal quantity of water, twice a day immediately after meals or as suggested by the health care provider.

Dantyarishtam Side-effects:

Although this incredible formulation is extremely beneficial in treating umpteen health conditions, it is still necessary to consume the formulation in the prescribed dosage and according to the dosha prevalence as suggested by the ayurvedic practitioner or doctor. An excess of it may cause some gastric irritation, burning sensation in the abdomen, gastritis, loose stool, hyperacidity or vertigo. It is also suggested that people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, GERD, heart burn, mouth ulcer, peptic ulcer, and hyperacidity conditions should completely avoid this as the hot and deep penetrative qualities of the herb may increase irritation in the stomach. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should also consult a doctor before consuming dantyarishtam.


Since ancient times, this arishtam formulation of dantimool has been mentioned in several ayurvedic scriptures as an ultimate remedy for numerous health anomalies related to the gastrointestinal system. Being a powerful digestive stimulant and colon detoxifier, it ensures proper ejection of waste materials from the body, promotes digestion, enhances appetite, treats anorexia, prevents bloating and flatulence and thus enhances overall stamina and body immunity.