Angelica a genus of plants botanically called A. sinensis is a herbaceous plant native to China and other East Asian countries. Also called Dong Quai herb or even popular as female ginseng, it has been often used in traditional medicine, particularly in Asian countries since age-old times. The article delves into the essence of angelica root, its health benefits, versatile applications, and potential side effects.

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What Is Angelica?

Revered for its medicinal properties and its culinary uses across various cultures, modern herbal enthusiasts have adored it for its potent health incentives. Primarily used to treat female hormonal issues, angelica root is derived from the Angelica Archangelica plant, a member of the aromatic Apiaceae family. This perennial herb boasts clusters of greenish-white fragrant flowers and large leaves. Renowned for its distinct earthy aroma and slightly bitter taste, angelica has been a staple in herbal medicine since antiquity.

Uses Of Angelica Herb

Herbal Medicine: Used to address several health concerns, Angelica root is a key ingredient in various herbal preparations, including tinctures, teas, and poultices. 

Culinary Preparations: In the culinary world, Angelica adds aroma to a diverse range of dishes and beverages. The herb is commonly used to flavour confectionery and savoury dishes.

Aromatherapy: Angelica root essential oil is valued in aromatherapy for its grounding and balancing properties. It is often diffused or used in massage blends to promote emotional well-being and relaxation.

Traditional Rituals: Angelica root holds cultural significance in various traditional rituals and ceremonies. It is believed to ward off negative energies, purify spaces, and enhance spiritual connections.

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Health Benefits Of Angelica Root

Here is what Angelica Root offers for overall health and wellness:

Promotes Menstrual Health

In traditional herbal medicine, angelica root is prized for its role in promoting menstrual health. It is believed to regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, and mitigate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Aids Smooth Digestion

Angelica root is celebrated for its digestive properties. It contains compounds that promote the secretion of digestive juices that help alleviate indigestion, bloating, and flatulence and enhance gastrointestinal motility

Remedy For Arthritis Borne Pain

Angelica contains bioactive constituents like coumarins and flavonoids that exhibit strong anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Bolsters Immune Support

Regularly consuming angelica root tea or supplements may help fortify the body's natural defense mechanisms. Rich in antioxidants, angelica bolsters the immune system by scavenging free radicals and combating oxidative stress.

Provides Respiratory Relief

Angelica root possesses expectorant properties, making it a popular remedy for respiratory ailments like coughs, colds, and bronchitis. It helps to loosen mucus, soothe irritated airways, and facilitate easier breathing.

Reduces Stress

The aromatic compounds found in angelica root have calming effects on the nervous system. Incorporating angelica root essential oil into aromatherapy blends may help reduce stress, and anxiety, and promote relaxation.

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Side Effects

While angelica offers numerous health benefits, be aware of its following side effects"

May Induce Photosensitivity: Some individuals may experience increased sensitivity to sunlight or UV radiation when consuming angelica root or  topical usage of angelica root products

Can Cause Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions to angelica root are rare but possible. Individuals with a known sensitivity to plants in the Apiaceae family, such as celery, carrots, and parsley should be careful

Harmful During Pregnancy: Due to its potential effects on hormonal regulation, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid angelica root unless under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

May Cause Drug Interactions: Angelica root may interact with certain medications, particularly blood thinners. It is advisable to consult a healthcare provider before using angelica root alongside prescription medications.

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How To Brew A Simple Beverage From Angelica?

There is no doubt that this versatile herb has a lot to offer. A powerhouse of health benefits, infuse angelica root as a beverage, add to a food ingredient, or incorporate it into spiritual practices. And here is a simple soothing tea that you can try from this aromatic herb:


  • 1-2 teaspoons of dried angelica root
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey (optional)


  • In a small pot or a kettle, bring the water to a boil
  • Add the dried angelica root and let the tea simmer for about 10 minutes
  • Strain the tea into a cup
  • If desired, sweeten the tea with honey or your preferred sweetener
  • Enjoy a soothing cup of angelica root tea!

A Word Of Caution:

Always consult a healthcare professional before consuming herbal teas, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


  1. Chemical and Biological Assessment of Angelica Roots from Different Cultivated Regions in a Chinese Herbal Decoction Danggui Buxue Tang

Division of Life Science and Center for Chinese Medicine, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
