Rosemary, a popular herb derived from the evergreen Rosmarinus officinalis shrub, is not only a fragrant seasoning that imparts a zesty flavour and strong mustard-like aroma to dishes in Mediterranean cuisine but also provides a rather useful oil. Obtained from steam distillation processes of the flowering tops and leaves of the rosemary plant, rosemary essential oil possesses a fluid viscosity with a colourless to light yellow hue and is a blessing for skin and hair health.

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Imbued with a plethora of potent bioactive compounds namely alpha-pinene, camphor, cineole, eucalyptol, bornyl acetate, rosemary essential oil showcases anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. These elements help heal acne, diminish scars, and dark spots, balance skin pH, control sebum/oil secretions, and deliver noteworthy anti-ageing qualities. Moreover, rosemary essential oil nurtures the mane, thwarts dandruff, and stimulates hair growth, besides being used in aromatherapy and spa massages for relaxing effects, thanks to its rejuvenating woody scent.

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Astounding Uses Of Rosemary Essential Oil For Skin And Hair:

Treats Pimple Outbursts

Rosemary essential oil is packed with bioactive constituents that significantly lower inflammation in the skin. This makes it an excellent home remedy for mending acne flare-ups, for it subsides swelling, and redness and soothes damaged, peeling tissues. This herbal oily blend also has a light consistency and can be smoothly applied on the face, to aid in regulating sebum oil production and maintaining optimal pH of the skin.

Reverses The Age Clock

Comprising myriad skin-fortifying elements, rosemary essential oil works wonders in slowing down skin aging. This natural concoction banishes age spots, wrinkles, and creases on the face, as well as necklines. In addition, massaging 3 drops of rosemary essential oil mixed with 1 cup of rice flour on the face once a week bolsters collagen synthesis, thereby tightening dermal tissues, retaining skin elasticity, and keeping it soft, youthful, and supple.

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Brightens Skin

Rosemary essential oil provides remarkable merits for dealing with uneven skin tone and conferring a crystal clear complexion. Be it suntans, blackheads, blemishes, acne scars, or rashes due to skin allergies/infections, rosemary essential oil removes all forms of discoloration and bestows flawless, radiant skin. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder and 2 drops of rosemary essential oil in 3 tbsp of yogurt, smear it on the face, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse off with cold water for luminous, spotless skin.

Remedies Dandruff

Encompassing umpteen antimicrobial constituents, rosemary essential oil resolves a host of hair woes and eliminates flaking and impurities in the scalp. Laden with powerful antifungal attributes, the aromatic plant residue dispels dandruff and pacifies an irritated, itchy scalp. Combine 3 drops of rosemary essential oil with 1 cup fenugreek paste made from mashed methi leaves, dab this hair mask on the scalp and tresses, let it stay for 30 minutes, then wash with a gentle shampoo to get rid of dandruff and obtain a healthy scalp.

Boosts Hair Growth

Rosemary essential oil is a superb therapeutic tonic for topical application on the scalp and hair, to promote the growth of strong, dense, and soft locks. Alopecia or baldness is a major concern in men which develops in many forms and also affects a considerable number of women. Dilute 3 drops of rosemary essential oil in 5 tbsp of a carrier oil i.e. coconut oil or almond oil and thoroughly massage the scalp and hair from root to tips twice a week. Rosemary essential oil penetrates deep into hair shafts, provides ample nourishment, and nutrients, stimulates blood circulation to the follicles/hair roots, and vastly augments hair growth.

Rosemary Oil And Kokum Butter Anti-Acne Pack


3 drops rosemary essential oil

1 tbsp kokum butter


Mix the rosemary essential oil and kokum butter in a dish.

After cleansing, pat dry and apply a thin, uniform layer of the mixture all over the face.

Let it stay for 3 – 5 minutes, then rinse off with cold water.

How It Works:

Blessed with powerful antibacterial properties, rosemary essential oil combats acne-causing bacteria and treats pimples, cysts, and boils effectively. Kokum butter is a storehouse of anti-inflammatory compounds and thus helps to soothe redness, and swelling in acne-prone skin and confers a smooth, even complexion.

Rosemary Oil And Aloe Vera Anti-Dandruff Mask


9 – 11 drops of rosemary essential oil

½ cup aloe vera gel


Combine the rosemary essential oil and aloe vera gel in a small container and close the lid.

Shake the contents well and let it sit for 1 – 2 hours.

Massage 2 – 3 teaspoons of the mix into the scalp in the evening and let it stay overnight.

Wash the hair and scalp with a gentle shampoo the next morning and dry using a clean towel.

How It Works:

Rosemary essential oil is famed for its amazing antifungal potential, which aids in dispelling dandruff, itching, and infection in the scalp. Aloe vera gel is an excellent natural hydrating agent, that reduces dryness in the hair, and scalp and also infuses a silky soft texture to the mane.

Additional Benefits This Tincture For Smooth Skin And Lustrous Hair

Nourishes The Scalp

A healthy scalp is indicative of healthy hair. Rosemary oil contains strong anti-disease, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties that upkeep scalp health. It nourishes the hair leading to less hair fall and bolstering hair growth.

Combats Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen due to environment-based issues, underlying health conditions, stress, or due to nutritional deficiencies. Rosemary oil has anti-swelling properties that can help to fight several harmful effects of outside conditions, stress, dust, and grime and fight hair loss.

Hydrates The Skin

Rosemary can get absorbed into the bloodstream when applied to the skin topically. When diluted with other essential oils with a neutral carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, it makes it more effective by preventing premature evaporation of the oil. This gives the skin the hydration it needs.  


  1. Rosemary Essential Oils as a Promising Source of Bioactive Compounds: Chemical Composition, Thermal Properties, Biological Activity, and Gastronomical Perspectives

1Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Studentski trg 12/V, 11158 Belgrade, Serbia; moc.liamg@38cicim (D.M.); moc.liamg@civejogalb.navets (S.B.)