While many of us recognize Mace as the yellowish-brown spice that adds depth and flavour to our favourite dishes, there's a hidden gem within the nutmeg family that often goes unnoticed – Mace Oil. It's not just another kitchen staple; it's a wellness superhero in a bottle! Extracted from the nutmeg seed, this aromatic dynamo isn't just about spicing up your recipes; it's a holistic game-changer for your overall well-being. Packed with a plethora of benefits, from energizing your body, and relieving stomach aches to offering a sensory sanctuary, the humble Mace Oil is poised to be the unsung hero of your health journey. 
mace oil

Also Read: Mace: Supercool Benefits This Sassy Sweet Spice Brings To The Table

Checkout Our Extensive Range Of Essential Oils For Health And Beauty Concerns!

What Is Mace Oil?

Mace oil, scientifically known as Myristica fragrans, is extracted through steam distillation from the bright red aril enveloping the nutmeg seed. The nutmeg tree, native to Indonesia, bears both nutmeg and mace, each offering unique flavours and aromatic compounds.

Also Read: Nutmeg/Jaiphal: 5 Splendid Wellness Incentives Of This Aromatic Spice

Composition of Mace Oil:

Mace oil boasts a rich profile of bioactive compounds, including myristicin, elemicin, eugenol, and safrole. These components contribute to its distinctive fragrance and therapeutic properties, making it a valuable addition to aromatherapy and holistic wellness practices.

Aroma and Characteristics:

Mace oil is characterized by its warm, spicy, and sweet aroma with subtle floral undertones. The aromatic profile is often described as uplifting, soothing, and capable of creating a comforting ambience.

The Spectacular Benefits Of Mace Oil:

Remedies Stress:

Mace oil, when diffused or used in aromatherapy, promotes relaxation, alleviates stress, and creates a calming atmosphere. Its warm and spicy notes make it a favourite for inducing a sense of well-being.

Aids Digestive:

The oil possesses digestive properties and has been traditionally used to relieve indigestion, flatulence, and nausea. A gentle massage with diluted mace oil on the abdomen may aid in soothing digestive discomfort.

Relaxes Muscle Pain:

Mace oil's warming properties make it an excellent choice for soothing muscular aches and pains. When blended with carrier oil, it can be massaged onto the affected areas to promote relaxation and ease tension.

Relieves Inflammation:

Rich in compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, mace oil may offer relief from inflammation. It can be diluted and applied topically to areas affected by joint pain or inflammation.

Boosts Libido:

In certain traditional practices, mace oil is considered an aphrodisiac, believed to enhance libido and intimacy. Aromatherapy or diluted topical applications can be explored for this purpose.

Augments Skin Health:

Mace oil, with its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, may contribute to skincare. It can be added to skincare formulations, promoting a healthy complexion and assisting in addressing skin concerns like acne, pimples, blemishes, sunburn, ageing signs, etc.

Precautions and Considerations While Using Mace Oil:

  • Always dilute mace oil with a suitable carrier oil before topical application.
  • Ensure you do a patch test to refrain from any allergic reactions.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before using mace oil, especially during pregnancy or for individuals with specific health conditions.


Mace oil, with its captivating fragrance and versatile benefits, stands as a testament to nature's potency. Whether diffused to uplift the mood or incorporated into wellness rituals, mace oil offers a holistic approach to health and tranquillity. Embrace the aromatic journey of mace oil and unlock its manifold benefits for your well-being.


  1. Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans Houtt.) essential oil: A review on its composition, biological, and pharmacological activities - By Kaliyaperumal Ashokkumar, 1 Jesus Simal‐Gandara,corresponding author 2 Muthusamy Murugan, 1 Mannananil Krishnankutty Dhanya, 1 and Arjun Pandian 3


  1. Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Nutmeg and Mace by GC-FID/MS Indigenous to Pakistan and Evaluation of their Biological Activities -  By Mahmood Ahmed, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq, Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Zahoor Samra
