Over time, owing to the overuse of different types of products, hormonal changes, and environmental factors, the skin loses its tenacity and glow, appearing more dull, lifeless, or wrinkled. And this indulges one to spend a lump sum of money at the parlours to get some kind of treatment. But what if we tell you, that it is possible to reverse the age clock and get a rejuvenated crystal-clear skin, right at home.

Seems impossible, doesn’t it? But honestly, it's not! Taking correct care of the skin from the correct age delays various signs of aging. Instead of smearing your face with the harsh chemicals used in the salons, try going the natural way. Offering stellar skin-revitalizing properties comes your redemption in the form of the humble papaya.

Reverse The Age-Clock With Our Wide-Range Of Beauty Products To Get A Radiant And Rejuvenated Skin!

Touted as the “Angel Fruit”, the versatile papaya has immense benefits towards health and beauty. Imbued with vital nutrients, papaya not only benefits the body by boosting digestion or keeping the liver healthy but also revitalises the skin making it soft, healthy, and wrinkle-free. Be it a delicious breakfast smoothie or an afternoon fruit salad, the humble papaya can not only be eaten raw but also used in the form of a toner, scrub, mask, or even moisturiser. Also Read: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Papaya For Healthy Skin And Hair
papaya diy for skin

Multi-faceted Benefits Of Papaya

Papain, the active enzyme present in papaya imbues the fruit with beauty benefits.  Loaded with an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, and magnesium, papaya is used for remedying a host of skin issues.

What’s More?

  • Hydrates the skin making it soft and supple.
  • Increases the production of collagen.
  • Acts as a mild exfoliator to remove dead skin cells.
  • Diminishes dark spots and blemishes.
  • Soothes irritated and sun-burnt skin.
  • Acts as a depilatory agent to remove unwanted facial hair.
  • Treats topical fungal infection.

Want to achieve glowing rejuvenated skin, without the interference of chemicals, here are 3 easily prepared home-made papaya recipes to your rescue.

DIY Papaya Recipes For Skin

Papaya And Curd Acne-Reducing Scrub


1/2 cup ripe papaya (mashed)

1 tbsp papaya seeds (roughly crushed)

1-2 tbsp homemade curd

2 tsp of fresh lemon juice

1tsp honey


Mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

The papaya seeds give the mixture a coarse texture.

Apply it all over the face.

Scrub your face mildly in round circular motions for 10 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.


While the enzyme papain in papaya prevents sun damage and photoaging, honey nourishes and moisturises the skin. The addition of curd and lemon juice not only cleanses the skin but also unclogs pores and prevents the topical growth of harmful bacteria causing acne and pimples. Also Read: 5 Best Anti-Ageing Foods For Glowing Skin

Papaya And Cucumber Anti-ageing Face Pack


1/2 cup of ripe papaya pieces

3-4 tbsp cucumber zest

1/4 cup of ripe banana pieces

1 egg white


Put everything in a mixture to get a smooth paste.

Smear it all over the face.

Keep it on for 20 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.


Imbued with antioxidants cucumber soothes the skin and diminishes redness, puffiness, and blemishes. Both banana and egg white are anti-ageing ingredients. While banana has a moisturising effect on the skin, egg white tightens the skin pores and reduces the various signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines and spots. Use this face pack thrice a week to get an ageless, radiant skin.

Papaya And Rose Skin-Brightening Toner


1 cup raw papaya

1 cup rose water

2-3 tbsp camphor powder

Coldwater as per requirement


Make a paste of the raw papaya and cold water using a grinder.

Mix rose water and camphor powder to it.

Store it in a pump bottle and refrigerate for future use.

Dab a cotton ball with papaya toner and apply it all over the face.


Having strong anti-bacterial and astringent properties, rose is extremely beneficial for oily and sensitive skin. The addition of papaya and camphor helps in reducing skin tanning while lightening the skin and reducing blemishes. Use it twice a day to achieve crystal clear, glowing complexion within a week.