Many of us love sporting a sleeveless or a short-sleeved dress, every now and then but dread about the fact that those pesky dark elbows might show up. Where glowing smooth arms uplift your appearance, the annoying dark spots on elbows become its kryptonite and ruin the look.

Dark elbows are generally caused due to hormonal imbalance i.e. excessive secretion of melanin, accumulation of dead skin cells, overexposure to the sunrays, friction and dryness. Since these parts do not contain any oil glands to keep them naturally moisturised, they become dry and freckled.  

DIY exfoliants

Exfoliation is necessary if you want to get rid of the dry skin that ultimately leads to dark patches. These homemade exfoliants bequeathed with natural products, creams and oils not only scrubs off the dead cells away but also nourishes the dry skin to reveal the fresh smooth skin underneath.

Want To Flaunt Smooth Soft Radiant Skin? Choose From Our Wide Range Of Body Scrubs!

Worry not, if you have dark elbows, cause this article brings you easy to make home remedies to make those dreadful dark patches on your elbows disappear.

Lemon Juice And Honey Scrub


1 lemon

1-2 tbsp honey

2 tbsp sugar granules

1-2 drops of lavender essential oil


Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.

Add the rest of the ingredients to it.

Gently massage the mixture on your elbows in circular strokes.

Keep it for 10-15 minutes.

Wash off with cool water and apply some moisturiser.

How It Works:

The three active ingredients lemon, sugar and honey has excellent skin-lightening properties. Sugar being a natural exfoliator, scrubs off the dry skin cells, whereas honey moisturises the skin underneath. The addition of the essential oil imparts an invigorating aroma when you apply the scrub onto your arms. Also Read: Healing Benefits Of Honey For Skin Health And Beauty

DIY scrubs

Aloe vera And Walnut Powder Scrub


2-3 tbsp of freshly scraped aloe vera

1-2 tbsp of granulated walnut powder

1 tbsp almond oil


Scrape out the aloe vera gel from the leaves.

Mix walnut powder and almond oil in it.

Use this as a scrub on your elbows.

Scrub gently for 10 minutes in circular motions.

Wash off with lukewarm water and apply some lotion.

How It Works:

The active constituent aloin in aloe vera contains potent properties that help remove those dark patches. Almond powder exfoliates the dry scaly skin whereas almond oil nourishes and moisturises the skin within. Also Read: Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Glowing Skin

Potato Juice And Gram Flour Scrub


4-5 tbsp of potato juice

1-2 tbsp of gram flour (besan)

1-2 tsp of coconut oil


Grind sliced potatoes in a mixer grinder and squeeze out the juice.

Add the besan and coconut oil to it.

Mix it thoroughly to get a smooth paste.

Apply it over the elbows and scrub the dry skin in repetitive circular motions.

Keep it for some time and wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

The skin lightening enzyme catecholase in potatoes offers a natural bleaching effect to the dark elbows and helps diminish the spots. Gram flour exfoliates the dead skin cells whereas coconut oil known for its moisturising properties nourishes the skin on the elbows and imparts smooth radiant hands within a fortnight.