Amidst the growing number of positive cases due to the SARS-COV-2, when the entire nation is at a halt, people staying at home during this lockdown period is getting more and more stressed out. This continuous stress due to the fear of the spreading infection is not only affecting the mental health but also deeply affects the skin in the form of dark circles, fine lines, age spots and zits. Also Read: Mental Health During Coronavirus Lockdown: Useful Tips To Maintain Optimal Well-Being Of The Mind

Although the social distancing and isolation might sound difficult to follow, it gives you a lot of spare time at hand which you never earlier had to take care of yourself and enhance your inner beauty. 

stay at home facial

Now when even the parlours or skincare clinics are all locked down, and you can’t step outside for getting done some kind of beauty-enhancing ritual, fret not as you can even do the same staying right at home. One of the best ways to relax your skin and beat this ongoing stress is by performing a facial. 

A facial not only cleanses the skin of toxins and impurities but also prevents ageing, clears spots and acne and bestows a radiant rejuvenated skin. It chiefly consists of 3 major steps, Cleansing, Exfoliation And Application Of Mask. In between Step 1 and 2, you might as well take facial steam to open up the facial pores and clear out blackheads and other grime particles. 

Perform A Facial Regimen Right At Home To Enhance Your Skin Health. Choose From Our Wide-Range Of Facial Kits!

Without further ado, let's embark on the journey of achieving a crystal clear glowing skin right at home with these easily available ingredients:

Step 1: Cleansing

Cucumber - Tomato Cleanser


2-3 tbsp cucumber zest or juice

1 tbsp raw tomato juice

1 tsp lemon juice


Mix everything in a bowl.

Apply it all over the skin.

Allow it to stay for 15 minutes

Wash off with lukewarm water.

How It Works:

Both cucumber and tomato are extremely good cleansers. Being easily available at home, these can be used daily as well to lighten the skin tone and reverse the damage caused due to pollution and sun. Not only does this natural cleanser control the secretion of oil but also renders a cool soothing sensation to the skin. Also Read: 3 DIY Facial Cleansers To Shield Skin From Pollutants In The Air

Step 2: Exfoliation

Coffee -Honey Scrub


1-2 tbsp grounded coffee

1 tbsp honey

2-3 drops of tea tree oil 


Beat all the ingredients in a small bowl.

Apply it all over the face.

Now slowly exfoliate the skin in circular upward strokes for 15-20 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

Being a natural exfoliator, coffee grounds effectively clear the skin pores and gets rid of the dirt particles, honey, on the other hand, nourishes the skin and prevents it from drying out whereas tea tree oil prevents the growth of bacterial infections and helps clears out acne and pimples.

Step 3: Application Of Mask

Potato -Fuller’s Earth Mask


2-3 tbsp of multani mitti or fuller’s earth

2 tbsp raw potato juice

1 tbsp raw milk


Mix everything into a smooth paste.

Smear it evenly on to the skin.

Allow it to dry completely.

Wash off with cool water and apply a toner afterward to keep the skin hydrated.

How It Works:

This mask is tremendously beneficial in removing tan and evening out the skin tone. Potato being a natural bleaching agent removes dark spots and lines, whereas raw milk nourishes the skin from deep within and keeps the skin hydrated throughout the day. Multani mitti, on the other hand, treats pigmentation, fights acne and offers a smooth, glowing skin.