Honey has remained a key part of our life since times immemorial. Gifted by Mother Nature this liquid gold is bestowed with a plethora of nutrients and confers amazing health incentives. Honey is a natural sweetener, that is attributed for its flavouring, medicinal, nourishing, moisturising, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Honey always comes in handy for all your needs and uses, right from flavouring your cup of tea to meeting your various health and beauty needs, this wonder ingredient is indeed versatile and magical.

One of the key uses of honey that is gaining immense popularity is augmenting overall fitness and it is valued as an amazing ingredient in shedding weight.


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Honey Nutrition

According to the USDA Food And Drug Administration, honey offers the following nutrition in 1 tablespoon.

Calories: 64

Fat: 0g

Sodium: 0mg

Carbohydrates: 17g

Fiber: 0g

Sugars: 17g

Protein: 0.1g

It is a natural sweetener and has a low GI value, which does not elevate blood sugar levels as rapidly as sugar does. Also, honey is sweeter than sugar, which means that adding a little amount of honey goes a long way in meeting your sweet cravings. In addition, it is a powerhouse of antioxidants such as phenolic compounds including flavonoids and other organic compounds, that aid in reducing the risk of cardiac diseases and supports healthy vision. Evidence has also revealed that adding honey for weight loss can aid in regulating blood pressure levels and cholesterol.               
Is Honey Good For Weight Loss?

Well, honey does contain sugar but when compared with simple sugar, honey is enriched with beneficial vitamins and minerals as well, that deliver health-benefiting properties. Simple or refined sugar is packed with empty calories and offers no health benefits upon adding it. Thus, when you consume a lot of sugar, you tend to gain weight as it is loaded with calories and devoid of any essential nutrients. On the contrary, honey balances this effect as it is an impressive source of vital nutrients promoting good health and reducing weight if taken in moderate amounts.

Raw organic honey is chock full of nutrients that triggers the body’s ability to burn fat by accelerating metabolism. While plant compounds in honey aid in weight loss by reducing appetite. Thus, honey is valued as the ideal food to lose weight.

Also Read: Honey And Its Various Avatars For Therapeutic Benefits- Infographic

Even studies reveal that athletes who had consumed foods abundant in fructose like honey burn more fat and improved endurance levels as well. Thus, honey serves as a fuel that helps the liver produce glucose. The glucose maintains brain sugar levels and assists in releasing fat-burning hormones. Remember adding too much honey to the regular diet may add up to the calories and not be helpful in losing weight.

How To Use Honey For Weight Loss?

Honey can be substituted for refined sugar in coffee, tea, cereals, desserts and other beverages. It is also used to improve the function of the digestive system, as it contains enzymes that help in the digestion of food by breaking down carbohydrates in food. Having a teaspoon of honey after a heavy meal aid in burning the static weight that has built up in the GI tract. Thus, using honey for weight loss is the best possible way to keep yourself active and fit.

One of the ways to use honey for weight loss is, by having a teaspoon of honey at bedtime, which helps the system to burn fat during the early hours of sleep. It is also known to be valuable in suppressing appetite. Remember one must not starve but be mindful about the portion size of your meal. Honey also helps in curbing hunger pangs throughout the day, which helps in averting unwanted snacking by keeping you full and satiated.

Ways To Have Honey

Cinnamon And Honey Infusion

Cinnamon and honey tea is valued greatly for its impressive health incentives. The blend of these two ingredients aids in triggering the metabolism throughout the day and keep you energised. Also, this infusion assists in maintaining appetite and avoiding binge eating.

Lemon And Honey Water

Having this drink, first thing in the morning will help to cleanse the system and fuel the organs. Lemon and honey concoction will keep you refreshed all through the day and boost your metabolism.

Also Read: 6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon And Honey Water

Green Tea With Honey

Drinking green tea can largely help in shedding weight. Further adding honey to it triggers the metabolism and supports weight loss.