Well, the sweltering summer season is at its peak and with every passing day, the rise in mercury levels is causing extreme dehydration, skin problems, digestive woes and all other health aberrations related to hot weather. But if heat is bombarding us with all these discomforting manifestations, it is also gifting us with natural resources to keep us hydrated, diminish the internal body heat, and boost immunity. And one such extremely juicy, succulent fruit that can very well fit in a weight loss plan as well as combat various summer-related health woes is the humble Muskmelon.

Muskmelon is a species of melon that goes by the scientific name Cucumis melo and belongs to the gourd family i.e., the Cucurbitaceae family. Its common name Muskmelon comes from its strong sweet-musky smell. Also known as Indian Hog Plum in English and Kharbooza in Hindi, this vibrant yellow fruit is prized for its tempting sweetness, pleasant aroma and culinary versatility. 

Muskmelon is believed to be a native of Iran and is broadly cultivated in the northwest regions of our country. It is a summer fruit and is widely available in the market between the months April to August.

Also Read: Muskmelon: 5 Amazing Reasons To Relish This Summer Fruit

Muskmelon a.k.a kharbooza is a popular summer bounty which is loved by most people. But as much as we love its delicious, sweet taste, did you know it is also loaded with extraordinary health benefits as well? Muskmelons have an impressive nutritional profile. In fact, not only is it an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium but also replete with vitamins B1, B6, and K, folate, copper, and magnesium. 

Also Read: Nectarines: Nutrition, Health Benefits And Uses Of This Summer Fruit 

Being low on calories and high in dietary fibre makes the humble kharjuba good for your weight loss diet as it keeps you satiated for a long time besides improving digestion. Additionally, the abundance of vitamin A in muskmelon makes it a great choice for improving vision in children and adults alike. It is also known to be beneficial for warding off dehydration and mitigating the various associated symptoms of pregnancy. 

A nutrient-dense fruit, the succulent Muskmelon has been linked to several health benefits. Foray through this infographic to find a few of the best muskmelon health advantages.
