The GM diet, also known as the General Motors diet, is a famous weight loss plan, that assures people to lose up to 6.8 kg (15 pounds) in a span of one week. In the GM diet, a person is allowed to eat specific foods or choose from certain food groups each day. Also Read: Why the Keto diet is more than just a weight-loss programme

This diet plan has been hyped a lot as it claims to enhance weight loss and burn fat at a faster and quicker pace than other diet plans. The GM diet was apparently formulated for the employees of General Motors in 1985 to help them lose weight. It was created with assistance from the US Department of Agriculture and the FDA, with widespread testing and research done at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre.

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The GM diet is a seven days diet regimen where the individuals are asked to precisely choose and eat from a particular food group. The diet included only low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables on all the seven days which facilitates weight loss. Also Read: Mediterranean Diet: Know Why This Is Not Just Another Food Fad To Follow in 2020

How Does A GM Diet Work?
GM diet for weight loss

Going on a low-calorie diet may help an individual to lose weight, however, these diets are very intense and not safe to practice in the long run.

The GM diet worked on the following guidelines which include:

Low Calories

It is basically a low-calorie diet and weight loss is measured by the number of calories you consume, and calories burnt. When there is a calorie deficit the body naturally shifts to a negative energy balance and this assists you to lose weight.

Triggers Metabolism

The array of food added in this diet plan is known to trigger metabolism and promote the burning of fat.

Focus On Negative Calorie Foods

The diet plan also focuses on choosing many of the “negative -calorie foods”, which renders fewer calories than what it takes to digest and absorb.

Cleanse The System

The GM diet focused on foods that are loaded with water, which keeps the body hydrated, shed the excess fat and also helps you to clear the toxins from the system.

Improves Digestion Process

GM diet, a high fibre diet is packed with fruits and veggies. A diet abundant in dietary fibre is known to promote bowel movement and stimulate digestion.

To attain your long-term weight loss goals, one should strictly repeat the diet several times and the recommended spacing is 5-7 days between every cycle.

What Do You Eat In A GM Diet?

The GM diet is divided into seven days and each day a set of rules has to be followed. It is recommended to stay well hydrated throughout the diet and drink at least 12 glasses of water in a day.

Guidelines To Be Followed On GM Diet

Day 1

Include all varieties of fruit except bananas.

The maximum amount of fruit allowed is not specified.

Recommended fruits are mostly watermelons, muskmelons and berries which support weight loss.

Day 2

Consume only raw or cooked vegetables without oil.

No restrictions on the quantity of vegetables consumed.

Potatoes to be added only for breakfast.

Day 3

Consume a combination of fruits and vegetables of any variety, however, avoid bananas and potatoes.

The amount of fruits and vegetables consumed is not restricted.
GM diet foods to include

Day 4

Take only bananas and milk.

Include 6-8 large bananas and preferably 3 glasses of skim milk.

Day 5

Consume about 250 grams of proteins like fish, chicken or lean meat.

Add at least 6 whole tomatoes.

Vegetarians ideally can swap meat with brown rice or cottage cheese.

Most important is to increase the water intake, this helps to get rid of uric acid.

Day 6

Vegetarians include either brown rice or cottage cheese.

About 250 grams of chicken, fish or lean meat is only allowed.

May add an unlimited amount of vegetables but avoid potatoes.

Ensure to increase the water intake by two glasses to flush out uric acid, as non-vegetarian sources are rich source of uric acid.

Day 7

Consume brown rice, fruits, fruit juice and vegetables and there are no restrictions in any of these foods.

Foods To Be Avoided In GM Diet

  • Beans and legumes are avoided as it is high on calories
  • Coffee and green tea are allowed provided without any sweeteners.
  • Alcoholic beverages and soda are not allowed
  • Cottage cheese and soymilk are allowed as an alternative for meat

After completing one week, then the individual is advised to have high protein and low carb diet to sustain weight loss.

Side Effects Of GM Diet

This diet is not scientifically backed.

It is not recommended for long-term weight loss goals.

It is deficient in certain vital nutrients like vitamin B12, calcium and iron.

A low-calorie diet more often results in muscle loss and can slow metabolism which makes it hard to lose weight in the future. It may also cause irritability and mood swings.

A person following may feel very weak and tired due to a sudden cut down in the calorie consumption.

Sample Indian GM Diet Plan

The General Motors (GM) diet is a strict, one- week eating schedule that’s is designed to shed surplus fat, which focuses on assuring the intake of complex carbohydrates, together with an array of low-calorie foods. The whole concept of this weight loss regimen is to restrict one’s weekly meal regimen to only fruits, vegetables, brown rice and meat.

While the original GM diet permits the intake of meat in the form of beef, this is replaced in the Indian version with chicken, paneer since most of the population does not consume it. Here’s a sample seven day Indian GM diet plan.

Day 1

Time                     Meal Plan

8:00 AM            1 medium apple or bowl of oranges, apple and a few plums

10.30 AM              ½ bowl of watermelon

12.30 PM              1 bowl of musk & water melon

4.00 PM                 1 sweet lime

6.30 PM                  1 katori of muskmelon and grapes salad

8.30 PM                   ½ bowl of watermelon


Day 2

Time              Meal Plan

8:00 AM         1 cup of boiled potatoes

10:30 AM        ½ bowl of cucumber

12:30 PM         1 cup of spinach, cucumber, and capsicum

4:00 PM         ½ cup sliced carrots and a glass of lemon juice with a pinch of salt

6:30 PM         1 cup boiled cauliflower and green peas

8:30 PM          1 cucumber

Day 3

Time               Meal Plan

8:00 AM         ½ bowl of watermelon

10:30 AM        1 cup of pineapple or pear

12:30 PM        1 cup of celery, spinach, cucumber, and capsicum

4:00 PM           ½ cup sliced carrots and a glass of lemon juice with a pinch of salt

6:30 PM            1 cup of boiled cauliflower and green peas

8:30 PM             1 cucumber

Day 4

Time               Meal Plan

8:00 AM         2 bananas

10:30 AM       1 banana

12:30 PM       Milkshake (2 bananas + 1 glass of milk)

4:00 PM          2 bananas

6:30 PM          1 banana & 1 glass of milk

8:30 PM           1 glass of milk

Day 5

Time                    Meal Plan

9:00 AM          3 tomatoes

12:30 PM      ½ cup of brown rice & Sautéed veggies

4:00 PM         2 tomatoes

6:30 PM           1 bowl of brown rice & 1 tomato, ½ cup of sautéed veggies


Day 6

Time                Meal Plan

9:00 AM        1 glass carrot/cucumber juice

12:30 PM       ½ cup of brown rice + ½ cup of veggies

4:00 PM         1 cup of cucumber slices

6:30 PM          ½ bowl of brown rice & ½ cup of veggies Chicken/Paneer


Day 7

Time                      Meal Plan

9:00 AM       1 glass of orange/ sweet lime juice

12:30 PM      ½ cup of brown rice & ½ cup of sautéed veggies

4:00 PM         1 cup of watermelon & strawberries

6:30 PM         1 bowl of Cabbage/ tomato Soup


As the GM diet is a quick remedy to lose weight, it is not possible and advisable to follow this type of diet in the long run as it is against the guidelines of a balanced diet. Moreover, it is not proven by studies and you may be nutritionally deficient. Besides these, as you undergo a drastic change in your eating habits, the body shuns weight and the moment you resume a normal diet plan, one might gain as much weight than what you may have lost. The best possible way to sustain weight loss is to practice mindful eating, choose a well-balanced diet and be physically active.