Honey is a versatile ingredient that has been in use since times immemorial owing to its amazing healing power and numerous therapeutic properties. Honey has always been an integral part of home remedies, cuisine and even as a beauty agent.

Raw honey has the most powerful effect when applied topically on the skin and it plays a pivotal role in curing acne, healing scars, chapped lips and enhancing the skin glow and radiance. The treasure trove of nutrients in honey including antioxidants, flavonoids and other essential nutrients are strongly recommended by health experts for bolstering immunity, uplifting mood and as a source of instant energy. The vast reserves of potent antibacterial, antiseptic and antioxidant properties of honey facilitate collagen synthesis and in revamping the skin cells from deep within. Also Read: The Astonishing Benefits of Honey on Your Skin

The exfoliating and moisturising properties of honey make it a key component in most of the beauty products ranging from facial masks, lip balms and lotions. Honey is the best ingredient gifted by Mother Nature for promoting skin health and beauty. Honey, when blended with natural ingredients in the kitchen, makes for an effective beauty regimen and goes a long way in making you look youthful.

Foray this infographic to know about the overnight beauty benefits of applying honey on the skin
overnight beauty benefits of honey