The wedding season is about to arrive in all its frenzy. All the brides to be and the ones planning to be a part of upcoming extravaganzas have a lot to accomplish. This is the time when everyone tends to scrutinize themselves in the mirror. Why not? When it comes to garnering attention and compliments, who does not want to be at the top of the game?

Societal pressure on the bride to look ultra-beautiful at her wedding is immense and sometimes one may feel overwhelmed. Though having a certain vision in mind to be a star on your big day is a fantastic thought, ironically, shedding those extra pounds or losing thick-skinned love handles is a strenuous task. For some women, it is a matter of little effort and a few weeks, for others it can be months of wild goose chase to reach an ideal weight benchmark. Various factors influence our weight and with an overload of information around us to get in shape, making these lifestyle changes may seem easier than they are. Changing lifestyle patterns and dietary modifications can be hard. Moreover, everyone's body is unique, so most changes may work better for you than for someone else. One must understand why the weight needs to be dropped and how weight loss may bring positivity, happiness, and radiance on that special day and afterward.

Also Read: Pre-wedding Diet Guidelines For Every Bride To Be: This Is What You Should Eat and Shouldn’t – Know Sample Meal Here
Pre-wedding weight loss

Losing weight without a plan comes with more cons than pros. While crash dieting will thin the waistline, calorie deficit brings harsh consequences. When it goes extremely low, it can cause cardiovascular diseases, abnormal insulin levels, or high infertility. Instead of going low on calories and getting grave health issues, try taking a strategic approach when aiming for weight loss. Make a to-do list and set clear goals for yourself a few months before the actual nuptial excitements begin. To make your upcoming nuptials time memorable, this festive season, here are simple lifestyle changes that can help you help you shed those extra pounds without bringing ill effects to your health.

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Avoid Hardcore Crash Diets Before D-Day

It may sound like the quickest way to get into shape but jumping straight onto a crash diet may only add to your anxiety and not be of much help in aiding weight loss. Crazy crash diets are often based on eating far fewer calories than what the body needs. These fad diets will change the scale but in a misleading way. Unfortunately, during these diets, our body is losing water weight and not the actual fats! And to make the matter worse, it brings a host of nutritional deficiencies, causes fatigue, may give dark circles, and adversely affect hair and nails. None of those is what anyone has aspired for when the wedding day is around the corner.

Try A Probiotic

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria integral to digestion. Many health practitioners suggest that probiotics can influence weight and fat mass. The human body acts as a host to these bacteria and provides them with food. In return, the bacteria benefit the intestine, and energize the gut wall and liver cells thus regulating body weight.

Watch What You Eat

Follow a simple rule, read and watch what you eat. To practice mindful eating, avoid distractions such as watching television or using laptops, and focus on the food. Concentrate on how the food tastes and be aware of signs of when the body is full and when to stop.

Go Yoga Way

Yoga is the best way to get rid of extra body and facial fat without causing any stress to the body and skin. Not only do yoga asanas make you perspire gradually, but they also tone your body improving blood circulation.

Pamper Your Skin

On a special day, all eyes are going to be on you. Besides a well-toned body, you deserve the perfect flawless skin. Don’t forget the importance of bridal skin care. Ancient Ayurvedic sciences insist on frequent oil massaging to provide nourishment to the skin. Such treatments are important in bridal preparation as they provide deep relaxation to the entire body and combat skin issues like hyperpigmentation, tanning, and skin breakouts.

Get Sound Sleep

Six to eight hours of sleep is essential for weight maintenance. Poor sleep disrupts vital hormones, including those involved in metabolism. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep can increase the risk of being overweight besides causing the body to get fatigued. Sleep calms the central nervous system and helps you stay energized for all hectic days.

Reduce Pre-Wedding Stress

Raised stress levels can cause acute hormonal imbalance. When a person is stressed, the body produces hormones called glucocorticoids. Too many glucocorticoids can increase appetite, leading to weight gain. Practice meditation to reduce stress levels.

Fill up on Fiber And Protein

Fibre is found in healthy foods including vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. Along with fibre-rich foods, include protein-rich foods like eggs, tofu, or protein-dense sauteed veggies that can help you shed extra pounds. A high protein intake in the early hours of the day will also curb your hunger cravings throughout the day.

Also Read: Lost Weight? Here Are Tips To Sustain It

Keep Yourself Busy

An empty mind is indeed a devil’s workshop. Being idle contributes to an increase in overall calorie consumption because it makes people eat out of boredom. To stay busy, join some dance or aerobics or find a buddy to accompany you for walks and jogging, but do not overdo it. Have fun when preparing for D-day.