A popular Italian delicacy, pasta has been a favored food for so long that many people often wonder where exactly it came from! While a famous legend claims that Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant who traveled through Asia along the silk route introduced pasta to Italy and it can be traced back to the 4th century B.C. Surprisingly, back in the day, it was not Italian, but the Chinese who relished this food item.

Today, eaten by many different cultures, pasta is an authentic Italian food made from flour and eggs, cooked, and served with various sauces. It is processed from durum semolina, a type of flour that is slightly coarse than normal flour. Spaghetti, penne, ravioli, linguine, rigatoni, farfalle, and fusilli, there are many names pasta goes by. It is molded into various shapes and sizes and cooked into many delectable forms of recipes.
Pasta for weight loss

Also Read: Cheat Day/Cheat Meals: Here’s How You Binge Eat And Yet Lose Weight

How Pasta Can Aid Weight Loss?

In present times, we cannot deny that pasta tops the list of every food menu across the globe. Whether you are trying to lose weight or maybe simply eat healthfully, pasta can be on the list of your food item. You do not have to worry about gaining weight when planning to eat a bowl of it. Just keep one thing in mind, if you choose pasta made from healthy whole grains, this delicacy will certainly stand the test of time.

Also Read: Durum Wheat/Semolina Flour: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Recipes and Contraindications

How To Choose The Right Pasta?

A million-dollar question, how to choose the right one? There is some extra care that needs to be taken while picking pasta. Always check the ingredients list and look for a hundred percent whole-wheat flour listed as the key ingredient. Gluten-free options are also available in the market. Even though whole-grain pasta is healthier than regular ones made from all-purpose flour, watching the portion is always necessary. For those who are suffering from celiac disease or digestive issues, gluten-free can be consumed in limited quantities. For weight watchers, there are pasta variants such as organic pasta made from durum wheat, whole grain spaghetti options, fiber-rich pasta, and low-carb pasta. Walk into any grocery store and there is no dearth of options for health-conscious who want to gorge on something delicious occasionally.

Here is a list of things you can do while planning to add pasta to your eating regime:

Load With an Array Of Vegetables

One of the best ways to increase the portion is by adding vegetables. A small portion of whole-grain pasta piled on with veggies like spinach, onions, squash, zucchini, and, peas will work well and taste great.

Add More Protein

Apart from the bunch of assorted veggies, there are many ways that your dish can be filled with extra protein to get a better dose of it especially when you are planning to shed those calories and build muscle instead. Vegetarians can add peas, mushrooms, legumes, and broccoli, and nonvegetarians can go for lean meat options.

Go Light On Sauces

Heavy creams are one of the culprits of weight gain. Homemade pasta can be topped with sauces that are made with less cream and healthy versions of oil. You can also choose to ignore them completely.

Top With Various Herbs

Herbs are nature’s best gift to mankind. Not only do they season the food to satiate our senses, but they also have fabulous healing and health-benefiting properties.  Any pasta topped with basil, oregano, chives, parsley, or thyme will turn a normal portion of this meal into an extraordinary one.

Also Read: Digestive Health: 5 Amazing Herbs For Uplifting Gut Health And Function-Infographic

So, all you weight watchers, do not fret and stay in one corner. Have a great time enjoying your meal like others on any normal day or a special one. This weekend, try this super sumptuous pasta recipe at home and call your friends over for a gala time.

Fenugreek Leaves Pasta


2 cups of wholewheat pasta of your choice

1 cup chopped fenugreek leaves

1 cup green peas

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup assorted bell peppers

½ inch grated ginger

1 tablespoon olive oil

5 cloves garlic

1 teaspoon peppercorns

1 cinnamon stick

1 cup soaked cashews

1 tbsp poppy seeds

¼ cup of milk

Salt and a pinch of sugar to taste


Boil pasta for 30 minutes and keep it aside

In a large pan, heat the oil

Add cardamom, cumin, peppercorn, cloves, and cinnamon, and cook for about a minute

Add bell peppers, ginger, and garlic

Add onions and cook for a few minutes

Add cashews and poppy seeds to the mixture

Remove the cinnamon stick and transfer this mixture to a blender

Add the milk and water to the blender and blend into a paste

Put the paste into the pan, and add fenugreek leaves and green peas

Add additional water to get a smooth consistency

Add the cooked pasta

Stir in salt and sugar to taste 

Simmer for three to four minutes

When ready to serve, season with the herbs of your choice


This healthy and simple version of whole pasta is full of many nutrients. Fenugreek is a rich source of magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin D that aid bone health. Cashews are rich in heart-healthy fats. Peas are power packed with protein that helps to lean muscles.