Kachur is a perennial herb that is known by several common names like Curcuma zedoaria, Dravida, and Katuri. It is a natural herb imbued with potent medicinal properties and the dried rhizomes of this herbal plant are used for its therapeutic purposes. Kachur is similar to ginger or turmeric in appearance, but it is a unique medicinal herb attributed with analgesics, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiulcer traits that aid in curing several health anomalies and uplifting overall health.

The traditional system of ayurvedic medicine values Kachur for treating several health anomalies. It is good for managing respiratory function and problems due to its Kapha balancing property. Inhaling kachur oil aids to lessen nasal blockage and manage the cough. Further, Kachur oil melded with an equal amount of coconut oil when applied topically on wounds speeds up the healing process. Also, it promotes hair growth and removes dryness due to Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) qualities.


Kachur is an incredible medicinal herb that helps to stimulate appetite by triggering digestive functions and metabolism. The antioxidant action of this herb aids to regulate the symptoms of epilepsy by averting free radicals damage to brain cells. It supports mitigating the symptoms of arthritis and improves the condition. The anti-inflammatory trait of this medicinal plant reduces inflammation in the lungs and alleviates lung infections. Besides these, the antiseptic and analgesic qualities of kachur are beneficial in treating dental issues like toothache, plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath.

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Kachur Plant

Kachur is a medicinal plant known by the botanical name Curcuma zedoaria and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It is one of the species of turmeric and is white in colour and famed as white turmeric. The plant grows up to 3-4 feet and the leaves are smooth, pink in colour from the mid part, while the florals are bright yellow in colour. This herbal plant has a bitter taste.

Common Names of Kachur

Kachur has been largely used for ages for its numerous medicinal benefits and therapeutic purposes. Kachur is known by Zedoary, White turmeric in English. Some of its common names in regional languages include:

Sanskrit - Karchura

Hindi- Karchur

Kannada - Kachora

Tamil - Poolangizhangu, Kizangu

Telugu - Kachoramu

Bengali - Kachura, Shori

Marathi - Kachora

Gujarati- Kachuro

Malayalam - Kachchurikizhanna

Chemical Components

This medicinal plant comprises powerful chemical compounds that are known to attribute its healing properties. Kachur contains around 36 compounds including essential oils, 17 terpenes, 13 alcohols and 6 ketones. Kachur powder is helpful in treating gut problems as it cleanses the digestive tract and improves digestive functions.

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Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa (taste)- Katu (pungent, Tiktha (bitter)

Vipaka (post-digestive effect- Katu (pungent)

Virya (potency)- Ushna(hot)

Guna (qualities) -laghu (easy to digest) Teekshan (diffusing) Sughandhi (odoriferous)

Karma (action)-Deepana (triggers digestive fire)

Ruchya (improves taste perception)

Effects on Doshas: Balances Vata and Kapha Dosha

Ayurvedic Indications

  • Kushta: treats skin diseases
  • Arshas- cures haemorrhoids
  • Vrana- heals wounds
  • Kasa - remedies cough
  • Shvasa- treats asthma
  • Gulma- prevent abdominal tumours
  • Krimi - gets rid of intestinal worm infestation
  • Pliha - remedies spleen disorder
  • Mukhavaishadya: cleanses the mouth, eliminates bad breath, treats Kapha-related disorders like congestion, removes phlegm, clears hoarseness of voice

Health Benefits of Kachur

Wound Healing

Thanks to anti-inflammatory and ropan actions, Kachur is useful to ease pain and inflammation caused due to wounds. Topical application of kachur extracts speeds up the wound healing process.

Relieves Nasal Congestion

Kachur is a powerful herb that helps in managing respiratory problems like nasal congestion and improves breathing due to its Kapha balancing action.

Add 2-3 drops of kachur oil to lukewarm water and boil it. Inhaling the steam aids to decrease nasal block and cough.

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Prevents Hair Loss

Kachur is a sure-shot natural remedy for averting hair loss caused to dandruff and other infections. Strong antibacterial traits combat dandruff-causing pathogens, while Tikshna and Kashaya's actions promote hair growth.

Remedies Arthritis

The goodness of anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic qualities in Kachur makes it the most preferred choice of herb for offering relief from pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Kachur is used largely to reduce intense pain, swelling, and inflammation and ease mobility due to Vata balancing trait. Blend Kachur along with sesame oil on the region where the pain is intense to get instant relief.

Boosts Digestive Health

Kachur is valued for its digestive qualities, which promote the secretion of digestive enzymes. This improves the digestion process and alleviates common issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Regular consumption of Kachur can help maintain gut health and function.

Enhances Skin Health

Thanks to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, Kachur paste helps treat several skin conditions. It can be used to reduce acne, pimples, and other skin infections. Applying Kachur paste to the skin can also enhance skin texture and provide a natural glow.

Supports Liver Health

Kachur has hepatoprotective properties, which can help protect the liver from damage. It aids in detoxifying the liver, improving its function, and promoting overall liver health.

Manages Diabetes

Kachur may help in managing blood sugar levels due to its anti-diabetic properties. It can help promote insulin sensitivity and regulate blood glucose levels, making it a beneficial herb for diabetic patients.

Weight Loss

Kachur can aid in weight management by enhancing metabolism and promoting fat loss. Its digestive properties also ensure proper nutrient absorption and reduce fat accumulation.


Kachur is readily available in the form of essential oil, churna, tablet and powder. The appropriate therapeutic dosage of Kachur may vary from person to person depending on their age, effects on dosha, the severity of health conditions and health status. It is strictly advocated to consult an ayurvedic practitioner before taking this herbal medicine.

Remember Kachur powder should be blended with oil or any other cooling agent due to its Tikshna and Ushna traits. Furthermore, Kachur oil is mixed with coconut oil when used topically due to its ushna (hot) characteristics.

Side Effects

Kachur is not recommended for women with burning sensations, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding disorders and aggravated pitta problems owing to its hot and penetrating nature.


Women should take this herbal medicine only after consulting their doctor, as Kachur may cause profuse bleeding if taken for a long duration or a high dosage. Pregnant women should avoid taking this formulation and breastfeeding women should consult their doctor before taking it. Additionally, avoid having kachur on an empty stomach if you suffer from gastritis or acidity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Take Kachur To Remedy Lung Inflammation?

Yes, this herbal formulation is known to ease the symptoms of certain problems linked to the lungs like coughing. The potent Kapha and Vata pacifying traits help to clear excess mucus and reduce the inflammation of the lungs.

Does Kachur Helpful In Treating Piles?

Kachur is one of the best ayurvedic formulations that help to lessen the symptoms of piles. Poor digestion is the main cause of piles, taking this supplement corrects the digestion process due to deepen action. It also reduces swelling and pain caused by piles.

Can I Take Kachur To Treat Bad Breath/ Dental Issues?

Yes, Kachur can be chewed to ease bad breath, as it helps to combat bacteria responsible for the infection. While it also has a pleasant odour that aids to freshen the breath. Kachur oil is beneficial in treating dental problems like toothache, and gingivitis. The antiseptic and analgesic actions help to ease pain and inflammation and regulate dental issues.

Does Kachur Cause Skin Rashes?

Yes, mainly for people with hypertensive skin, taking this herbal medicine may cause skin rashes due to its Ushna potency.

( This article is reviewed by Soumita Basu, Ayurvedic Pharma Expert )

Author Profile
M Sowmya Binu:
With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.


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