Kali or Shyah-Musali is a powerful herbal medicine used extensively in the traditional Indian system of medicine for its extremely impressive therapeutic qualities. It is an endangered flowering plant species that go with the botanical name Curculigo orchioides and belongs to the Hypoxidaceae family. It is commonly called golden eye-grass, xian mao, weevil-wort (Nepal), Black Musli, Kali Musli and Kali Musali. This herbal plant is native to Nepal, China, Japan, and India and is highly valued as one of the vital Rasayana formulations that offer strength and vitality to the body.

The spermatogenic and aphrodisiac actions of Kali Musli root is beneficial in improving sexual dysfunction. Kali Musli is attributed to have Vrishya (aphrodisiac) and Balya (strength provider) traits which help to correct male sexual problems and promote stamina. It also supports pacifying Vata dosha which aids to enhance sexual drive and increase sperm count. Furthermore, Kali Musli Mutral nature help in treating urinary problems. While its Rasayana (rejuvenating) action may also support liver detoxification.

Also Read: Safed Musli: Benefits, Formulation, Uses, Dosage, And Side Effects
Kali Musli/Black Musli

Kali Musli Plant

Kali Musli is a tuberous perennial herb with short or elongated roots bearing numerous fleshy lateral roots. The leaves are sessile or petiolate, linear, or lanceolate, tips at times rooting, scape very short, and clavate. It is a short plant with leaves resembling that of a palm, 8-18 inches long, with 1-2-inch-wide ridges. The stalk of floral emerges from the grounds and is yellow in colour. The fruits are 0.5-inch-long obtained from the inferior tricarpellary syncarpous ovary and the seeds inside the fruit are black, shiny about 30 mm long, and deeply textured in wavy segments. The flowers bloom in the month of June-August and shed leaves in the winter, leaving behind the root in the ground. It grows widely as a forest herb and since times immemorial it is used as folk medicine. However, in several regions of India due to its overutilization, Kali Musli is slowly becoming uncommon. Every part of this medicinal herb has been utilised for several purposes.

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Synonyms of Kali Musli

This herbal plant is known by different names in different parts of the globe such as Golden eye-grass, Xian mao, Weevil-wort, Muralisyahoa, Sadamurali, Black Musali, and Black Musli in English. Other common names in vernacular Indian languages include:

  • Hindi - Kalimusali, Kali Musli
  • Bengali - Sadamurali, Talamali, Talura
  • Gujarati - Kalimusali
  • Kannada - Neladali, Nelatenga, Nela tatigadde
  • Malayalam - Nilappana, Nellapanakilonace
  • Marathi - Bhuyimaddi, Kalimurali
  • Oriya - Musali, Talamuli, Talamulika
  • Punjabi - Syahoomusali
  • Tamil - Nilappanaikilangu
  • Telugu - Nalla-tudi, Nelatadai

Chemical Composition

Kali Musli rhizome is bestowed with a rich array of bioactive compounds such as saponins, sapogenins, phenolic glycosides, tri-terpene alcohol, and a pentacyclic tri terpene, an aliphatic compound, hentriacontanol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol and sucrose. Apart from these, beneficial compounds isolated from fruit include peptides, curculin, and 114 amino acids all of these are credited for its indispensable therapeutic and medicinal values.

Ayurvedic Indications Of Kali Musli

The holistic science of Ayurveda recognizes this medicinal herb as a powerful Rasayani Dravya and it is cited in ayurvedic scriptures for treating various health problems, including:

  • Vrushya - aphrodisiac, improves vigour
  • Rasayan - anti-ageing, promotes cell and tissue regeneration
  • Brimhana - increases weight
  • Daha - treats gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes
  • High Pitta disorders - cures hyperacidity, gastritis
  • Balya - improves muscle strength
Kali Musli Plant

Health Benefits of Kali Musli

Promotes Male Reproductive Health

The formulation is indicated for optimising men’s reproductive health. It is bequeathed with a potent spermatogenic action that is beneficial for treating asthenozoospermia (sperm motility), oligospermia (low sperm count), hypospermia (low volume of semen), teratospermia (abnormal sperm shape) and enhances spermatogenesis (sperm production). Aside from these, taking this supplement on a regular basis helps to correct premature ejaculation and improves vitality owing to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) and Balya (strength provider) characteristics.

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Remedies Urinary Tract Infection

Kali Musli is an effective herbal formulation for treating urinary tract infections. According to Ayurveda UTI is referred to as Mutrakcchra, where Mutra denotes ooze, and krichra denotes pain. An imbalance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) often causes painful micturition. Taking Kali Musli offers relief from the burning sensation and increases urine output due to its diuretic property and diminishes the symptoms of UTI.

Augments Liver Health

Jaundice or any other conditions affecting the liver occur due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha, Kali Musli is a potential medicinal supplement for regulating liver problems like swelling in the liver, jaundice, and poor liver function. Rasayana(rejuvenating) action supports liver detoxification and sustenance of liver health.

Also Read: Saw Palmetto: 5 Splendid Wellness Incentives Of This Herbal Formulation

Women's Health

Kali Musli is an amazing herbal medicine suggested for women who are going through menopause. The goodness of bioactive compounds helps to avert osteoporosis and strengthens the muscle mass. Further, it also helps women to overcome leucorrhoea and menorrhagia.

Boosts Skin Complexion

The rhizome of Kali Musli is grounded into a fine paste and applied externally to the skin, which works incredibly well in curing eczema and other skin diseases. It uplifts the skin's glow and complexion. Additionally, antibacterial traits accelerate wound healing and speed up the healing process.

Strengthens Immunity

Kali Musli is highly effective in improving general debility. The Rasayana nature of this herb supports building a robust immune system and strengthens the body. Moreover, the strong antioxidant property of this herbal medicine slows down the process of ageing and supports the regeneration of new skin cells. It is also used as a key ingredient in many immune-boosting ayurvedic formulations.
Black Musli powder

Difference Between Safed Musli And Kali Musli

Musli is categorized into Black and White, each of which exhibits distinct medicinal traits. Safed Musli is largely grown and used for its powerful aphrodisiac nature, while Kali Musli is becoming rare due to its over-exploitation. Safed Musli is used in high proportion as an herbal supplement than Kali Musli.

Effects On Doshas

This powerful herb exhibits Madhura (sweet) rasa and Guru (heavy to digest) gunas. It has strong Vrushya (aphrodisiac, improve energy), and Rasayana (anti-ageing, cell, and tissue regeneration) qualities. Kali Musli is attributed to have Brimhana (promotes weight gain) action. The Daha pacifying nature of Kali Musli (eases burning sensation, gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes). This herbal plant is helpful in treating high pitta disorders like gastritis and hyperacidity.

Kali Musli Dosage

The appropriate dosage of Kali Musli may differ from person to person depending upon their age, the severity of the disease and health condition. It is always best to consult with an ayurvedic practitioner before having it. Kali Musli is available in the form of powder, tablets, and capsules. This herbal supplement is consumed along with milk or water, preferably after meals.

Side Effects

When taken in the appropriate dosage Kali Musli is well tolerated and does not have side effects. However, people with Kapha dosha should take this in minimal doses, as it is known to aggravate Kapha dosha.


Since there is no reliable information on the effects of Kali Musli during pregnancy or lactation period, it is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this herbal extract without medical supervision. Also, people taking allopathic medication for heart disease and hypertension should consult their doctor, before taking this supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can A Diabetic Person Take Kali Musli?

Kali Musli is bestowed with anti-diabetic action which may be valuable for diabetic patients to regulate their blood sugar spikes. However, it is always advisable to consult your physician before taking Kali Musli.

Is Kali Musli Useful In Treating Diarrhea?

Yes, Kali Musli supports curing digestive issues like diarrhea. The root extract is powdered and mixed along with sugar and milk into a thick consistent liquid. This should be taken before or after meals to get relief from digestive problems.

Does Taking Kali Musli Improve Overall Health?

Kali Musli is a powerful herbal supplement that may augment overall health and well-being. This is credited to its Balya nature which aids to trigger energy levels and keeps you active and energetic all through the day.

Can I take Kali Musli To Manage Asthma?

Anti-asthmatic traits of Kali Musli may help in controlling the symptoms of asthma. However, it is suggested that you consult your doctor before taking this supplement.

Is There Any Diet Restriction To Be Followed While Taking Kali Musli?

There are no specific instructions to be followed while taking this supplement unless advised by the physician. Generally, while taking any ayurvedic formulations or medicines, it is suggested to decrease the intake of spicy food, junk foods, and aerated drinks.


Kali Musli is a potent ayurvedic supplement that may help augment overall health and well-being. This is credited to its Balya (improve strength) nature that supports boosting energy levels, sexual health and vitality in men, enhances skin complexion, and averts the risk of osteoporosis in women.