It is quite common for any woman to face menstrual woes at some point during their monthly menstrual cycle either before, after, during the periods or even during the onset of menopause. These menstrual anomalies usually manifest in the form of heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular periods, missed menstrual flow or persistent abdominal cramps during the periods. While these hormonal and menstrual aberrations are surely annoying and cannot be evaded altogether, there are numerous ways to soothe the underlying symptoms and furnish relief from the pain and discomfort. And one such spectacular Ayurvedic herbal remedy that conveys respite to these menstrual woes is Patrangasava.

What Is Patrangasava?

Patrangasava is an ayurvedic medicinal formulation prepared according to the principles of asava arishtam that is primarily targeted for restoring women’s health to an optimum level. It mainly assists in dealing with conditions like leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, and uterine abnormalities. Additionally, it is also useful for the treatment of anaemia, loss of appetite, fever, and anorexia.

Furthermore, it enhances overall body strength, perseverance, and stamina. It promotes digestive functions and improves appetite. It also furnishes a one-stop remedy for women suffering from intense weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome.

How To Prepare Patrangasava?


Kwatha Dravya:

20 parts Munakka – Vitis Vinifera Variety      

16 parts Dhataki Flower- Woodfordia Fruticosa

512 parts Water

100 parts Sharkara (Sugar)  

50 parts Shahad – Honey    

Kalka Dravya: 1 part each of:

Patranga – Caesalpinia Sappan       

Khadira (Catechu) – Acacia catechu         

Gurhal or Japa (China rose) – Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis          

Aam (Mango seed kernel) – Mangifera Indica  

Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) – Berberis Aristata     

Kalmegh (Bhunimba or Nilavembu) – Andrographis Paniculata           

Jeera (Cumin Seeds) – Cuminum Cyminum      

Lauh (Loha) Bhasma     

Shuddha Rasoth (Rasanjana) – Berberis Aristata       

Vasaka – Adhatoda Vasica     

Semal flowers – Bombax Ceiba       

Bala – Sida Cordifolia    

Shuddha Bhallataka (Marking Nut) – Semecarpus Anacardium  

Sariva (Anantmool or Indian Sarsaparilla) – Hemidesmus Indicus        

Bilva (Bael) – Aegle Marmelos        

Bhringraj – Eclipta Alba         

Dalchini (Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum    

Kesar (Saffron) – Crocus Sativus     

Laung (Clove) – Syzygium Aromaticum   


Wash and dry all the herbs individually

Grind them into a fine powder and keep them seperately

Take water in the Asava Vessel and submerge powdered Dhataki Flower, Munakka, Sharkara, and Shahad in it

Boil for some time until the water reduces

Next,  one by one add all the other powdered herbs in the vessel and mix them properly

Close the mouth of the vessel with a mud-smeared cloth to make it airtight

Leave the vessel undisturbed for 30 days

Open the vessel and decant the liquid (Patrangasava) using a clean muslin cloth

Preserve the medication in amber-coloured food-grade bottles

Medicinal Properties Of Patrangasava

Patrangasava endorses the following pharmacological traits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-haemorrhagic
  • Uterine tonic
  • Depurative
  • Antitoxin
  • Detoxifying
  • Appetizer
  • Digestive Stimulant

Ayurvedic Indications Of Patrangasava

Several Ayurvedic scriptures and journals have illustrated this polyherbal formulation for treating menstrual anomalies and other health woes time and again for the following indications:

  • Garbhaprada (treats infertility)
  • Vamana (prevents nausea and vomiting)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Sonisthapana (treats bleeding)
  • Gulmajit (useful in abdominal tumours)
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms)
  • Krichra (treats painful micturition)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Dahahara (relieves burning sensation)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)
  • Hikkanigrahana (controls hiccups)
  • Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Vayasthapana (prevents ageing)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Pushtida (gives nutrition)

Health Benefits Of Patrangasava

Remedies Menorrhagia And Metrorrhagia

A healthy woman has a menstrual cycle that usually continues for 3-5 days, but in case the period flow stretches beyond this, then this condition is termed Menorrhagia. Also understood as Raktapradara in Ayurveda, it depicts heavy menstrual bleeding. Moreover, when a woman bleeds or has another period at any time in between two menstrual cycles, then it is termed Metrorrhagia, a condition in which the menstrual flow repeats after 10-15 days of the earlier cycle. According to Ayurvedic scriptures, both these menstrual abnormalities are together known as Asrigdara and they largely arise due to an exacerbated Pitta dosha within the body. Patrangasava having Sita (cold) and Kashaya (astringent) traits harmonize the abnormal Pitta Doshas and remedy both menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.

Also Read: Menstrual Worries: 5 Different Period Problems And Their Ayurvedic Remedies

Cures Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea, a.k.a Sweta Pradara in Ayurvedic terms is a condition characterised by the discharge of thick, white mucus from the female genitals. According to Ayurvedic texts, leucorrhoea chiefly occurs due to depreciated Pitta doshas in the body. Patrangasava is a herbal medication with powerful astringent traits that play a crucial role in the treatment of leucorrhoea. It assists in regulating abnormal Kapha and decreases the symptoms of leucorrhoea. Apart from vaginal discharge, it also plays a key role in normalizing periods, dealing with postnatal diseases, and even treating excessive abdominal discomfort and/or bleeding.

Also Read: Shweta Pradara/ Leucorrhea: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Abnormal Vaginal Discharge At Home

Thwarts Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disturbance depicted by an individual suffering from self-starvation. This eating problem might also be connected to the mental health of the person as he or she suffers from intense low-weight issues, the stress of gaining weight, poor self-confidence and a fierce craving of losing weight, sometimes even inducing vomit. Additionally, the person also encounters a loss of appetite or decreased food cravings. According to Ayurveda, Anorexia mainly stems due to Agnimandya (weak digestion) and is vastly stimulated by a disruption of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. Being a natural digestive and appetizer, Patrangasava boosts the digestion of food, elevates appetite and warrants that the person eats healthily.

Relieves Digestive Problems

Indigestion, termed Agnimandya in Ayurveda generally ensues due to the vitiation of the Pitta dosha and describes a state of incomplete digestion. Being a classical digestive remedy, Patrangasava helps in treating a host of gastrointestinal aberrations as well, like constipation, heartburn, flatulence, piles,  gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer, and stomach pain. Thanks to the powerful carminative nature of the herbs in use, Patrangasava extensively helps in demolishing the ingested food particles in the stomach and intestine. This action thereby stimulates the production of digestive juices in the stomach which in turn improves the absorption of essential nutrients. It also helps to expel abdominal gas, thus preventing abdominal distension, bloating and gaseous cramps. 

Also Read: Indigestion: Best Home Remedies To Treat Your Stomach Woes Naturally

Ameliorates Anaemia

The haemolytic trait of Patrangasava makes it a one-shot remedy for dealing with Pandu Roga or iron deficiency anaemia that chiefly arises due to the imbalance of Pitta dishes in the body. Additionally, it plays a key factor in the treatment and management of the various associated symptoms of anaemia like general fatigue, yellow discolouration of the skin or jaundice of stamina, vertigo, swelling, headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness,  and sluggishness.

Also Read: Feeling Fatigued? Superb Yoga Poses To Keep Up Your Energy Levels Throughout The Day

Effects on Doshas

Patrangasava pacifies mainly the Pitta (fire and air) Doshas and also has a positive impact on the Vata (air) doshas but an excess of it can increase the Kapha (earth and water) doshas. The bulk of fundamental properties and doshas in Patrangasava has an optimistic consequence on the various Dhatus (i.e., body tissues) which are Rasa (i.e., Plasma), Rakta (i.e., Blood), Mamsa (i.e., Muscles), Majja (i.e.,  cartilage) and Shukra (i.e., Reproductive Fluids).

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Patrangasava Dosage

The recommended curative dosage of this herbal decoction may vary from person to person relying upon their age, stringency of the disease, and the health potential of the patient. It is a must to take medical guidance, as the doctor would cross-examine the indications and prescribe the perfect dose for a specific time.

Adults:       10 to 30 ml, twice a day with an equal quantity of water preferably after meals

Patrangasava Side Effects

Bestowed with powerful bioactive ingredients of the herbs in use, this conventional asava preparation exhibits no recorded side effects when used in the correct proportion. However, if taken for long periods without medical supervision, it may lead to irregular menstruation, menstrual delay and intense discomfort and pain in the abdomen.


The warm nature of Patrangasava may induce bleeding during pregnancy and may ultimately lead to abortion or foetal anomalies, hence it is strongly advocated that pregnant women should avoid using this herbal formulation without medical advice. Also without a proper understanding of the consequences of Patrangasava during the lactation period, it is rigidly proposed that breastfeeding mothers should evade using it without the approval of the treating doctor or a lactation specialist.


Patrangasava is an incredible Striroga nirodhak polyherbal remedy that has tremendous regenerative and detoxifying traits. Infused with the goodness of the essential herbs and the host of medicinal properties, it is extensively used for the treatment and management of menstrual anomalies like menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea etc. It is also important in relieving loss of appetite,  digestive anomalies, fever and anorexia alongside other secondary indications.