Pittapapada or Fumitory is a robust medicinal herb widely distributed as a weed across the plains of India. The entire plant is used largely in Ayurvedic, and folkloric systems of medicine and it is known by the botanical name FlumariaIndica. In the traditional systems of medicine, the plant is famed for its incredible therapeutic properties including anthelmintic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, stomachic, sedative, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, prokinetic, laxative, dermatological, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, reproductive, anticholinesterase, and smooth muscle relaxant. Potent medicinal qualities of this herb aid to treat several health conditions like dyspepsia, skin infection, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, fever, jaundice, leprosy, and syphilis. Additionally, the plant is valuable in purifying blood in those suffering from liver and skin problems.

Pittapapada Plant

Pittapapada is a small, branched plant that grows in plain and lower hilly regions, which is a diffusely spreading herb with watery latex. This plant is found across the Himalayas that shows huge variation in height and grows up to 15 to 60 cm. It bears small rose to purple colour blossoms, that are borne in racemes of 15-20 flowers. The fruit is elongated, bracts are longer, and is one seeded with a bitter acrid and astringent taste.

Common Names of Pittapapada

English- Fine leaf fumitory, Indian fumitory

Hindi - Pittapapada, Dham Gajara, Pitpara, Pitpapda

Tamil - Tura, Tusa

Telugu - Parpatakamu, Chatarasi

Punjabi - Shahtara

Malayalam - Parppadakam

Bengali - Shotara, Pipapapra, Bandhania

Marathi - Pittapapra

Gujarathi - Pittapapdo

Kannada - Parpataka, Kallu, Sabbasige

Punjabi - Shahtara, Pittapapara

Assamese - Shahtraj

How Did The Name Pittapapada Originate?

The word Pittapapada finds its origin in Sanskrit and derives its English name Fumitory because of its flower's appearance, which is translucent and looks to be smoky.

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Chemical Components Of Pittapapada

The key chemical components of this herbal plant include methyl fumarate, protopine, bicuculine, fumariline, tetrehydrocoptisine, narceimine and narlumidine. All the parts of the plant are valued and used for their indispensable medicinal and therapeutic purposes.

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Ayurvedic Uses

The use of this herbal plant has been mentioned in Sushruta and Charaka scripts to treat blood disorders and fevers. While the Sushruta manuscript values Pittapapada for treating illnesses caused due to urinary infections and cough.

In the Unani system of medicine, the Fumaria plant is remarkably valuable in treating blood disorders, syphilis and other skin woes. While it is also used as a blood sanitizing mix in Unani medicine.

Health Benefits of Pittapapada

Treats Vomiting

Vomiting develops due to an imbalance of all three doshas, mainly Pitta and Kapha Dosha. This imbalance of dosha is a result of various eating behaviours like having food that is excessive Teekshna (sharp), Kashaya (pungent), Amla (sour), Vidahi (which causes a burning sensation), Guru (heavy and oily foods), Ati-Sheeta (cold foods) and Apakwa Ahaara (intake of raw/uncooked) in nature. This results in the formation of Ama leading to poor digestion and other gastrointestinal woes. Pittapapada herb supports easing vomiting by pacifying Pitta and Kapha doshas.

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Gut Health

Pittapapada is a strong digestive stimulant. Laden with appetite stimulant and Rochaka (taste enhancer) traits, this herbal plant assists in breaking down food and stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, thereby enhancing the absorption of nutrients. Moreover, it also helps to ease abdominal gas, bloating, distension, and cramps. Pittapapada extract works as an amazing natural remedy for a range of digestive issues and improves gut function.

Remedies Diarrhoea

Improper eating habits, impure water, toxins, mental stress and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire are the root causes of diarrhoea (Atisar in Ayurveda). All of these factors are responsible for the worsening of Vatta dosha which brings fluid to the intestine from several tissues of the system and mixes with the faeces that leading to loose watery motions or diarrhoea. Thanks to the Grahi (absorbent) property of Pittapapada which aids in the control of diarrhoea and absorbs the excessive loss of water and lowers the frequency of loose stools.

Promotes Appetite

Poor digestive fire (Mand Agni) results in weak digestion, where the ingested food may not get assimilated and leads to the formation of Ama (toxic remains in the body). This eventually leads to anorexia or loss of appetite (Aruchi in Ayurveda). This condition results in the imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. Pittapapada is a strong ayurvedic medicine that helps in improving anorexia owing to its Pitta-Kapha pacifying nature. Further, this herbal medicine averts the formation of Ama and enhances the taste sensation due to its Rochaka (taste improving) quality that further aids in increasing appetite

Heals Insect Bite

Pittapapada is credited to have Sita (cold) properties which help in soothing the area bitten by the insect and reduce pain, swelling and itching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Take Pittapapada For Treating Asthma?

Asthma is caused when vitiated Vata dosha melds with deranged Kapha dosha in the lungs, causing obstruction in the respiratory passage and leading to breathing problems. This potent herbal medicine aids, to ease the symptoms of asthma owing to its Kapha balancing traits, thereby preventing obstruction in the lungs and improving breathing.

Is Pittapapada Beneficial In Treating Constipation?

Yes, Pittapapada may offer respite from constipation issue owing to its laxative nature. It promotes gastrointestinal stimulation and regularizes bowel movements.

Can I Take Pittapapada For Controlling Diabetes?

Pittapapada may help regulate type 2 diabetes due to its anti-diabetic property, by averting the damage of pancreatic cells and improving insulin secretion. Thus, taking this herbal formulation may help in lowering blood sugar surges. However, it is best to consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

Does Pittapapada Improve Male Sex Hormones?

Yes, this powerful ayurvedic medicine may increase the number of cells that produce male sex hormones (testosterone), thereby uplifting the reproductive health of the male sex organs.

How To Take Pittapapada For Digestive Issues?

Pittapapada is a strong herbal medicine that is valuable in treating digestive woes by improving digestive fire and lowering the risk of indigestion. Take about 1-3 gm of Pittapapada powder along with lukewarm water once or twice a day to enhance digestive functions.

Effects On Dosha

Pittapapada is empowered with laghu (lightness) guna (qualities) and tikta(bitter) rasa (taste). It has vipaka katu (undergoes pungent taste after digestion and sheeta (cold potency) veerya. It is known to balance Kapha and Pitta Dosha and mildly increase Vata dosha.

According to Bhojana Kutuhalam manuscript, Pittapapada relieves pitta and rakta dosha, treats jwara, thirst, diminished Kapha dosha, giddiness and grahi (improves absorption). This herbal plant is a potent cholagogue (pitta saraka- that promotes the flow of bile) as well.

Dosage of Pittapapada

Pittapapada herbal medicine is available in the form of powder and decoction. The appropriate therapeutic dose of Pittapapada may vary from person to person depending on their age, the severity of the health condition and the effects on dosha. It is recommended to consult an ayurvedic practitioner, as he or she will evaluate the patient’s condition and prescribe an accurate dosage for a specific period.

Side Effects

Pittapapada is generally well tolerated and considered safe when taken in the prescribed dose by most people. Also, this herbal extract has no side effects on children, as it is one of the main ingredients of the herbal formulation Aravindasavam, which is used to improve stamina, body weight and digestive power in children.


There is no scientific evidence on the effects of Pittapapada during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Thus, it is advisable that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this without medical supervision. Further, patients on medication for diabetes, or hypertension should consult their doctor before using this herbal medicine. Also, no studies are available on the use of Pittapapada in allergies, hence, it is suggested to avoid or consult with your healthcare provider before taking it.