Who doesn’t love a freshly brewed cup of morning coffee to help power up for the entire day? Many people love the taste of coffee, but often have to avoid it owing to its high caffeine content. For those, die-hard coffee lovers who want to enjoy sipping on a hot beverage with a similar taste to coffee but also want to steer clear of the negative impacts of caffeine, here is Kasani or Chicory, a wonderful coffee-substitute which is sure to evoke a feeling of warmth and a dose of energy.

And what’s more? This caffeine-free drink is a powerhouse of antioxidants and a rich source of iron that has numerous health benefits. Not only does it help in managing anaemia and heart-related problems, but also treats gastrointestinal issues, gall stones, liver woes, controls sudden hunger pangs and eliminates toxins from the body to boost kidney health. Additionally, an abundance of vitamin C and other antioxidant elements make Kasani a useful skincare ingredient and hence is widely found in skin care essentials like moisturisers, face washes, toners and serums.

Let this 3-minute read enlighten you of the myriad of benefits Kasani bestows humankind with!

Botanical Description Of Kasani

Kasani is a perennial herbaceous plant coming from the Asteraceae family. It goes by the scientific name Cichorium incubus and chiefly grows up to a height of 1m. Kasani has spherical leaves that have a characteristic bitter taste and hard branches that bears blue flowers. The flowers of Kasani have 15-20 petals that bloom during the early morning and close later in the day. The plant mainly gives rise to angular light-coloured fruits and has a long fleshy root system resembling a cow’s tail. While the young kasani leaves are added to salads, the mature ones form an integral part of regular cooking.

Geographical Distribution Of Kasani

Kasani is native to the temperate regions of Europe, Africa, the USA and India. In the Indian subcontinent, it is widely distributed in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra and Bihar.

Nutritional Value Of Kasani

Kasani is a good source of various nutritional components such as manganese, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid and potassium. It is also abundant in vitamins like Vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. This impressive profile of nutritional content in Kasani bequeaths it with a wide range of medicinal properties and curative uses.


Kasani goes by different names in different parts of the nation. This includes:

English: Chicory, Succory, Coffee weed, and Blur sailors

Hindi: Kasani, Chicori and Kasni

Marathi: Kachani

Malayalam: Chiccari

Kannada: Chikory

Telugu: Kasini, Kasini-vittuli

Gujarati: Kashi, Kaasni, Kssni, and Hinduba

Tamil: Kasinivirai and Kashni

Medicinal Properties Of Kasani

  • Hepatoprotective
  • Hepatocyteprotective
  • Hematogenic
  • Haematinic
  • Aam Pachak
  • Antioxidant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Appetizer
  • Hepatic stimulant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiviral
  • Anti-hepatitis
Kasani/ Chicory properties

Ayurvedic Indications Of Kasani

The holistic science of Ayurveda asserts this herb as a powerful Rasayani Dravya and described it in several ancient ayurvedic scriptures of Charaka Samhita, Raj Nighantu and Bhavprakash Nighantu for dealing with numerous health conditions, including:

  • Pandu Roga (treats anaemia)
  • Yakritvikara (treats liver disorders)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Anaha (treats bloating)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Medahara (treats obesity)
  • Vatahara (treats arthritic)
  • Hridya (treats cardiac problems)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Krimihara (treats intestinal works)
  • Shoola (treats abdominal colic)
  • Mutrakrichra (treats dysuria)
  • Dahahara (treats burning sensation)
  • Mutraghata (treats urinary obstruction)
  • Kamala (prevents jaundice)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Swara (improves voice quality)
  • Shandhivatahara (treats gout)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorder)
  • Ashmari (treats urinary calculi)
  • Vibandha (treats constipation)
  • Gulmajit (treats abdominal tumours)
  • Udara (treats ascites)
  • Antravruddhi (treats Hernia)
  • Arsha (treats haemorrhoids)
Health Benefits Of Kasani

Health Benefits Of Kasani

Alleviates Anaemia

Kasani is a one-shot restorative cure for dealing with Pandu Roga or iron deficiency anaemia or microcytic anaemia that stems from an imbalance of the Pitta doshas in the body. Additionally, it holds high importance for the treatment and management of the various associated symptoms of anaemia like general fatigue, yellow discolouration of the skin or jaundice, dizziness, vertigo, physical weakness, shortness of breath, swelling, headaches and sluggishness.

In people battling severe anaemia, the pulse rate and heartbeat become rapid and irregular. The intake of this herbal medication along with Arjuna powder helps ameliorate the symptoms of anaemia and fosters the overall functioning of the heart.

Manages General Weakness

General weakness or debility is an unusual feeling of tiredness, severe mental and body fatigue and a feeling of intense lack of energy. This condition chiefly arises when the torso is curbed of a continuous flow of energy for a long time. In Ayurvedic terms, fatigue is also termed Klama and it ensues due to an imbalance of Kapha dosha and a deficiency of essential minerals in the body. Kasani imbued with Balya (strength provider) and Rasayani trait assists in reducing the symptoms of fatigue. The plethora of biochemical components in this herb also meets the daily requirement of important essential minerals, especially iron which enables gaining overall strength and boosts body metabolism.

Cures Liver Anomalies

Endowed with potent hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative traits, this refined iron-rich herb offers an ultimate cure for treating liver abnormalities like jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis etc.  Kasani not only regulates the bilirubin levels in the blood but also detoxifies the liver and boosts overall liver functioning. Thanks to its lipolytic aspects, it is also pivotal in dealing with fatty liver disease by provoking lipolysis action.

Also Check out: Liver Health: 5 Superb Foods That Helps To Boost Liver Function-Infographic

Treats Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which chiefly refers to individuals suffering from self-starvation or reduced desire to eat. Some scientific studies also associate it with mental health as the individual suffers from extreme weight issues, the anxiety of becoming obese, poor self-esteem and an intense desire to reduce weight in any way possible, sometimes even resulting in forceful vomiting to get rid of eaten food. In Ayurveda, Anorexia chiefly arises due to Agnimandya (weak digestion) and is majorly elicited by a disruption of the normal Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha levels in the body. Kasani being a natural digestive and appetizer enhances the digestion of food, boosts appetite and ensures that the person eats healthily.

Alleviates Digestive Anomalies

Agnimandya a.k.a Indigestion in medical vocabulary mainly ensues due to worsened Pitta doshas within the body and depicts a state of an unfinished process of digestion. Being a strong digestive herb, Kasani extensively helps in dealing with a wide range of gastrointestinal aberrations like heartburn, flatulence, GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation, peptic ulcer, and stomach pain. Thanks to its powerful carminative essence, the prescribed usage of Kasani broadly assists in breaking the food particles in the stomach and intestine. This action boosts the production of digestive juices and thereby improves the absorption of essential nutrients in the body cells. It also helps to exterminate abdominal gas and in turn prevents bloating abdominal distension, and gaseous cramps. 

Also Read: Indigestion: Best Home Remedies To Treat Your Stomach Woes Naturally

Remedies Constipation

Ayurveda, a centuries-old alternative practice strongly proposes the use of this herb in the treatment of constipation. It energetically boosts the secretion of bile by the liver, which in turn, works on the peristalsis movement of the intestines and liver, thereby stimulating smooth passage of faecal matter and wastes from the large intestine. It also plays an important role in decreasing mucous and excess fat content in the stools and thwarting them from attaching to the intestinal walls and thereby letting easy passage of stools out of the body.

Also Check out: 5 Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Constipation – Infographic

Treats Urinary Disorders

A urinary tract infection (UTI), termed Mutrakrichha in Ayurvedic terms is a type of infection where ‘Mutra’ implies ‘ooze’ and ‘krichra’ signifies ‘pain’. Thus, both the urinary infections; dysuria and painful urination exemplify Mutrakriccha. This condition may affect any part of the urinary system, right from the kidneys, ureters, bladder, to the urethra. Kasani consecrated with dominant anti-inflammatory and diuretic traits is one of the most useful Ayurvedic herbs prescribed for urinary disorders.  In case of urinary tract infection, Kasani decreases the symptoms of UTI, like a burning sensation during urination due to its Pitta balancing property.

It also furnishes a strong remedy for dealing with urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful micturition and burning sensation while urinating. It enhances the production of urine by shattering the stones in the urinary tract and thus provides comfort from painful urination. Comprising diuretic or Mutral qualities, Kasani also cures dysuria. The wealth of anti-microbial and anti-bacterial qualities treat different types of urinary infections.

Relieves Stress And Anxiety

Thanks to its powerful adaptogenic predisposition, Kasani is highly essential in treating numerous psychotic situations like depression, dementia, Parkinson's etc. It balances the Vata and Pitta doshas in the body which in turn keeps the serotonin levels under control and assists in curtailing the various symptoms of anxiety which comprises restlessness, uneasiness, cold hands, feet, etc.

The antidepressant trait of this herb also helps in calming the mind, diminishing all sorts of physical and mental stress, irritability and boosting energy and stamina.

Also Read: Anxiety Attacks? Here’s How You Deal With It

Aids In Weight Loss

Weight gain mainly materializes due to unhealthy dietary preferences, poor sleep timings, and lack of physical activity that causes a reduction of the digestive fire in the stomach or Agni leading to an accretion of fatty deposit or Meda Dhatu in the bodily tissues. The abundance of alkaloids and flavonoids in this herb diminishes unhealthy food cravings at odd hours and helps the body reduce excess weight faster by enhancing the metabolic transformation and preventing further accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. Owing to its property to expel AMA doshas from the body, it effectively removes unwanted toxins from the body and improves Agni in the stomach. Additionally, it also reduces the accumulation of LDL cholesterol (i.e., Low-Density Lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) in the body, thus stimulating further weight loss.

Enhances Cardiac Functioning

The abundance of iron in this herb makes it a powerful cardio tonic and enhances the left ventricular function of the heart. The herb is extremely effective in treating various heart diseases due to its strong antioxidative nature. It strengthens the heart muscles, wards off the sediment of plaque in the blood vessels and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis (i.e., hardening of the arteries), thereby reducing the risk of mitral regurgitation, heart attacks, blood clots, heart blocks, ischemic cardiomyopathy etc. It also plays a critical role in decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

Also Check Out: Cardiac Health: 5 Must-to-Add Foods To Augment Heart Functions -Infographic
Ayurvedic properties of kasani

Ayurvedic Properties Of Kasani

Rasa (Taste): Tikta (bitter)

Anu Rasa (After Taste): Kasaya (Astringent)

Guna (Main Quality): Laghu (light), Rukshna (dry)

Virya (Potency): Ushna (Hot)

Vipaka (Resultant Taste After Digestion): Katu (Pungent)

Prabhava (Action): Detoxifier

Effects on Doshas

Kasani mainly normalized aggravated Kapha (earth and water) and Pitta (fire and air) doshas.  Owing to its rudimentary characteristics and doshas, Kasani has  a favorable impact on the selective Dhatus (i.e., body tissues) which are Rasa (i.e., Plasma), Rakta (i.e., Blood) and Medas (i.e., adipose tissue ). This action has a positive outcome on the intestine, liver, kidneys and pancreas. However, it is mainly indicated for liver and gastrointestinal anomalies.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Kasani Dosage

The absolute remedial dosage of this herb may differ from one person to another on basis of their age, stringency of the condition, and health of the patient. Ensure you consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, as he or she will examine the indications of the disease and prescribe the exact dosage.

Kasani Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day, or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor

Kasani Juice - 2-3 tsp once a day, or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor

Kasani Churna - ¼ - ½ tsp twice a day, or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor

Kasani Ark - 6-10 tsp twice a day, or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor

Kasani Side Effects

Blessed with powerful nutritional profile, this conventional herb displays no reported side effects when used in the accurate dosage. However, if taken for a long duration without medical supervision, it may lead to stomach problems like nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and even gall stones. People with allergic reactions to ragweed, marigolds and daisies may also have allergy towards Kasani. Pregnant women should avoid consuming Kasani as it can increase the risk of having a miscarriage by stimulating menstruation due to its hot nature.


Due to its laxative action, Kasani may induce uterine contractions leading to miscarriage or preterm delivery. Additionally, being warm, Kasani is not suitable for pregnant women. Hence it is strongly advocated that pregnant women should avert from using this herb. However, Kasani can be consumed during the lactation period, but it is necessary to get prior approval from the lactation specialist or treating doctor before consumption.


Kasani is an extraordinary Rasayani herb that has enormous regenerative and detoxifying qualities. Infused with the goodness of the essential bioactive components and the plethora of medicinal properties, it is extensively used for the treatment and management of anaemia, liver problems, kidney disorders, urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal issues, obesity and many more. Consume it in prescribed amount to reap in the numerous benefits and steer clear of any side effects.