Chavikasavam is a traditional Ayurvedic proprietary medication that is primarily indicated for digestive troubles and urinary disorders. This traditional Ayurvedic formulation, prepared through a meticulous fermentation process, brings together a synergistic blend of natural ingredients that promote overall well-being and rejuvenation, making Chavikasavam a potent herbal tonic. This medication is highly beneficial for the treatment and management of abdominal distension, flatulence, loss of appetite, poor digestion, bloating, constipation, urinary disorders, common cold, allergic rhinitis, phthisis, cough, gout or hyperuricemia, hernia, etc.

How Is Chavikasavam Prepared?

Chavikasavam is a liquid formulation that comprises 5-10% self-generated alcohol and is prepared by fermenting herbs in an aqueous solution with jaggery or sugar.  The key ingredients of Chavikasavam include Chavya (Piper chaba), Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa), Jaggery (Guda), and water. The combined effect of the herbs in this aqueous mixture bolsters appetite promotes digestion and increases alleviation and prevention of excessive intestinal gas. It also prevents the stickiness of stool and increases good bowel movement.


Kwatha Dravya:

Chavya – Piper Chaba

Chitrakmool – Plumbago zeylanica

Dikamali – Gardenia gummifera  

Pushkarmool – Inula Racemosa  

Vacha – Acorus Calamus  

Hauber – Juniperus Communis  

Kurchi – Holarrhena Antidysenterica  

Indravaruni – Citrullus Colocynthis Roots  

Dhania – Coriandrum Sativum  

Rasna – Pluchea Lanceolata  

Dantimool – Baliospermum Montanum

Kachur – Curcuma Zedoaria  

Patolamoola –  Trichosanthes Dioica  

Haritaki or Harad – Terminalia Chebula  

Bibhitaki – Terminalia Bellirica  

Amalaki – Phyllanthus Emblica (Emblica Officinalis)  

Ajwain – Trachyspermum Ammi   

Vaividang – Embelia Ribes  

Nagarmotha or Mustak – Cyperus Rotundus  

Manjistha – Rubia Cordifolia  

Devdaru – Cedrus Deodara  

Sonth – Zingiber Officinale  

Kali Mirch – Piper Nigrum  

Pippali – Piper Longum  


Prakshepa Dravya:

Gur – Jaggery

Dhataki Flower- Woodfordia Fruticosa

Sonth – Zingiber Officinale

Kali Mirch – Piper Nigrum

Pippali – Piper Longum

Kankol – Piper Cubeba

Dalchini – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum

Elachi – Elettaria Cardamomum

Tejpata – Cinnamomum Tamala

Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea

Laung – Syzygium Aromaticum


Wash all the herbs listed under Kwatha Dravya, sun dry them and powder them separately

Take the required amount of water and boil the powdered herbs in it till the original volume of water reduces to ¼ 

Filter the decoction to get a clear fluid

Next, when the filtrate is slightly warm, add all the prakshepa dravyas and mix everything

Pour the mixture into an earthen pot (asava) vessel smeared with ghee from the inside

Plug the mouth of the vessel with a clay-smeared cloth

Put the vessel in the fermentation room for 30 days without any disturbance

After completion of a month, filter the mixture to remove impurities and herb parts

Decant the clear asava liquid in food-grade bottles, and store it away from direct heat and sun for future use

Medicinal Properties Of Chavikasavam 

Chavikasavam is sanctified with the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-flatulent
  • Appetizer
  • Aam Pachak
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Digestive
  • Carminative
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Cholagogue 
  • Decongestant
  • Anti-inflammatory, 
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Rejuvenation
  • Lithotrophic
  • Diuretic

Ayurvedic Indications Of Chavikasavam

The timeless practice of Ayurveda has extensively mentioned the use of Chavikasavam numerous times in several Ayurvedic scriptures and journals of Charaka, Susruta, Raj Nighantu and Bhaishajya Ratnavali. It is primarily indicated for the treatment and management of the following conditions: 

  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite) 
  • Vamana (prevents nausea and vomiting) 
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Agnimandya (treats digestive weakness)
  • Amlapitta (treats acidity and heartburn)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Kasahara (Relieves cough)
  • Shwasha (relieves breathing difficulties) 
  • Jvara (useful for fever)
  • Anulomana (improves breathing) 
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms)
  • Mehahara ( treats urinary tract disorder)
  • Ashmari ( treats urinary calculi)
  • Mutrakrichra ( treats dysuria)
  • Dahahara (tears burning sensation)
  • Mutraghata ( treats urinary obstruction)
  • Amavata (relieves rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Sandhi shula (treats gouty arthritis)

Health Benefits of Chavikasavam
chavikasavam 2

Promotes Digestion

Thanks to its dominant digestive properties, Chavikasavam plays a significant role in breaking down food particles in the stomach and intestine. This action triggers the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach and thereby enhances assimilation and the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines. It also helps to dispel abdominal gas while treating bloating, abdominal distension, and gaseous cramps.

Also Read: 7 Foods To Improve Gut Digestion

Remedies IBS

IBS a.k.a Grahani in Ayurvedic terms primarily stems due to unhealthy food options, excessive intake of food particles which are difficult to digest, intake of allergy-causing foods, or the ones that are nutrient-deficit, overeating, eating at irregular intervals, and other physical, mental and emotional factors. IBS can cause both diarrhoea and constipation in some cases. However, the presence of spectacular digestive herbs in Chavikasavam makes it an ultimate choice for treating this painful inflammatory condition.

Also Read: Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Relieve IBS

Mends Bloating And Flatulence

Sanctified with a host of bioactive components like saunf, sonth, hing and dhania, this digestive liquid plays a significant role in eliminating stomach gas and diminishing flatulence, bloating and abdominal heaviness. It is also highly beneficial in the case of colitis along with Praval Pishti, Mukta Pishti, Vanshlochan, and Swarna Parpati.

Treats Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa a.k.a Aruchi in Ayurveda is an eating disorder which is chiefly characterised by the loss of desire to have any food even when the person is hungry. This condition is often correlated to the patient’s emotional health as the individual suffers from violent weight issues, anxiety about gaining weight or becoming obese, poor self-confidence and an extreme feeling of losing body weight in any possible way, sometimes even by putting a finger in the throat and inducing forceful vomit to get rid of the consumed food. According to Ayurveda, Anorexia chiefly stems from Agnimandya (weak digestive fire) and is majorly a manifestation of irregular Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha levels in the body. Chavikasavam, deemed as a natural digestive and appetiser, promotes the digestion of food, ups appetite and ensures that the person eats a well-balanced food.

Improves Respiratory Health

Chavikasavam is sanctified with powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, and anti-asthmatic qualities, which is beneficial for respiratory health, delivering relief from cough, bronchitis, asthma and other disorders due to Kapha imbalance.  It plays a key role in treating the common cold, sore throat, congested throat, and cough and flu symptoms. The formulation acts as an expectorant, helping to expel excess mucus and catarrh deposits from the respiratory tract and soothe inflamed airways, thereby facilitating normal breathing. 

Also Read: 5 Home Remedies To Soothe Sore Throat And Cough

Bolsters Immunity

Chavikasavam holds significant value in improving the general stamina and energy level of the body. The immune-enhancing traits of this alcoholic preparation help fortify the body's natural defence mechanisms which assist in combating infections. It also diminishes the severity of cold and flu symptoms, reduces weakness and fatigue of muscles and improves the overall vitality of the body. Additionally, it upgrades the function of the adrenal glands which in turn helps in ameliorating the stress levels.  It also rejuvenates the body and mind, providing a sense of revitalization.

Also Read: Immunity Boosters: Benefits, Uses, Sources And Must Add Supplements For Overall Health And Stay Disease-Free

Cures Liver Disorders

Chavikasavam acts as a liver tonic, aiding in detoxification and promoting liver health. The presence of powerful hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative traits in this classical formulation offers a magical remedy for the treatment and management of jaundice. Chavikasavam not only tones down the bilirubin levels in the blood and supports the elimination of toxins but also cleanses and detoxifies the Yakrit or liver and promotes overall liver efficiency. Thanks to its lipolytic traits, it is also useful in curbing fatty liver disease. Furthermore, this formulation has been known for treating hepatitis, hemolytic jaundice, liver cirrhosis, and other types of liver abnormalities.

Alleviates Urinary Disorders

Imbued with powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic traits, Chavikasavam is a potent remedy for managing urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful micturition, and burning sensation that occur while urinating. The lithotrophic activity of the medication breaks down the stones in the urinary tract and increases the production of urine and thereby providing solace from painful urination. Comprising mild diuretic or Mutral herbs,  Chavikasavam also treats dysuria and prevents urinary infections. 

Relieves Pain And Inflammation

Chavikasavam is inherently blessed with dominant analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving qualities which offer extensive relief from pain and inflammation, thereby diminishing the incidence of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis which mainly ensues due to the vitiation of Vata Doshas in the body. Chavikasavam showcases a natural vasodilatory function, which extensively helps in mitigating painful muscle spasms, arthritic conditions, sore muscles, and other inflammatory conditions.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Rheumatoid Arthritis: Phenomenal Herbal Remedies To Mitigate Joint Pain

Treats Gout

The presence of Triphala in this magical anti-inflammatory formulation showcases potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-gout ( anti-hyperuricemic effect) which plays a vital role in reducing serum uric acid levels in the body. Additionally, an abundance of Guggulu in it has the synergic effect of diminishing inflammation, pain and stiffness in patients afflicted with hyperuricemia (i.e., the presence of abnormally elevated serum uric acid levels in the body) and gouty arthritis.

Also Read: Gout: 5 Incredible Foods To Ease Joint Pain And Swelling

Dosage and Administration Of Chavikasavam

The appropriate dosage of Chavikasavam may vary from person to person depending on the individual's age, health condition, and the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor or health practitioner. 

The usual recommended dosage is:

Adults: 10 to 30 ml, mixed with an equal quantity of water, after meals, twice daily. 

Chavikasavam Side Effects

Chavikasavam is generally considered safe to use for most individuals who are suffering from increased or aggravated Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha when taken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. However, if it is taken in excess or by people who have Pitta abnormalities, they might notice the following side effects:

  • Heartburn
  • Burning sensation in the abdomen
  • Hyperacidity
  • Gastritis
  • Vertigo

Kindly stop taking the medications and seek medical help if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms after taking Chavikasavam.

Chavikasavam Precautions

Chavikasavam is strictly forbidden from being used during pregnancy as it contains herbs like Chitrak, and Pushkarmool which can increase uterine contractions and may promote uterine bleeding leading to a failed pregnancy. Moreover, without the availability of credible information regarding the usage of this formulation during the lactation period, it is strictly recommended that breastfeeding moms avoid consuming this medication without consulting their treating doctor.

Chavikasavam Contraindications

Chavikasavam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Acid Reflux and GERD
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Hyperacidity
  • Vertigo
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Mouth ulcer
  • Diabetes
  • Allergies


Chavikasavam is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for digestive anomalies and urinary troubles. It is extensively used for treating numerous gut problems including irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, gastritis, constipation, bloating etc. It also helps in remedying gout, urinary infections and diseases, liver problems and inflammatory conditions.