The modern age man has walked a long way from the primitive stage of using stones to create fire to using the latest technological devices. And to achieve this, he had to move from one place to another. And what helped him pass through the stages of evolution is his legs, especially his knees. The knee joints are extremely essential for the body as they lay the foundation of a stronger base and help balance much of the body weight before it is moved further down the calves where the bones are much smaller. This causes constant undue stress on the knees throughout the day.

Moreover, a majority of the populace is afflicted with problems related to the knee joints arising due to either injury, degeneration, or inflammation which in turn deeply impacts normal movement, daily activities, sleep, and the overall standard of life. While, modern medications are sure to subdue the pain, if you want a safer way sans side effects to mitigate chronic knee pain, let Ayurveda be your guiding light. This timeless holistic science of alternative medication brings an incredible, long-lasting remedy in the form of Janu Basti.
Janu Basti

What Is Janu Basti?

Janu Basti is one of the best and most effective Panchakarma therapy that delivers intense relief from painful and inflammatory conditions and effectively remedies acute to chronic knee and bone-related disorders. Additionally, it can also be administrated as a preventive measure to healthy individuals and health enthusiasts to stay healthy and prevent different types of mobility problems and degenerative disorders.

Janu Basti mainly comprises 2 Sanskrit words; where ‘Janu’ refers to ‘Knee joint’ and ‘Basti’ signifies ‘Holding’, thus describing the process in which warm, medicated oil is poured and pooled for a selective period in a pocket around the knee joint using a dough made of wet black gram flour. The calming, medicated, herbal oils are poured into these formed compartments and left to stay for some time, so that their full benefits can easily seep through the skin into the joint tissues, lubricating them and providing intense comfort, relaxation, and a major reduction in pain and inflammation.

Thus, Janu Basti is an incredible pain-relieving, oil-pooling therapy primarily conducted for inflammation of the knee joint and several manifestations associated with it.

After the Janu Basti procedure, an Abhyanga or full-body massage is chiefly administered with calming herbal oils. Abhyanga mainly involves rhythmic massage of warm, aromatic oils, into the body tissues, which extensively helps to get rid of toxins, calms the nervous system, and delivers rest, nourishment, and rejuvenation to the overall body. When Janu Vasti is followed with Abhyanga, it not only boosts blood circulation and tones, and moisturizes the skin, but also improves lymphatic flow, diminishes inflammations and soothes the mind and nervous system.

Also Checkout: Abhyanga: These 5 Essential Oils Is All A New Mom Needs For Relief From Body Aches- Infographic

Medical Indications Of Janu Basti:

The remedial therapy of Janu Basti can be indicated in the following medical conditions:                      

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
  • Knee bursitis
  • Arthrosis of knee joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis changes
  • Ligament tear
  • Rheumatism
  • Subluxation of knee joint
  • Chronic pain of the knee joint
  • Ilio-tibial band syndrome
  • Strains and sprains
  • Post-trauma
  • Degenerative disorder of knee joint

How To Do Janu Basti?     

Steps Of Janu Vasti:                     

Start the therapy by making the patient lie down in a supine position

Construct a reservoir or pocket-like structure on the knee (the compartment is made using a dough prepared from wet black gram flour. This reservoir mainly functions by holding the medicated herbal oil in place for a specific period)

Select the required oil or a combination of various medicated oils to be poured into the reservoir

After proper selection depending upon the condition and therapeutic effects of the oil, warm it up in a hot water bath

Pour the medicated luke-warm oil into the Janu Sandhi (knee joint)

Maintain the temperature of the poured oil using a dryer or periodically removing the oil and replacing it with warm oil

Keep the oil in the reservoir depending upon the stringency of the disease and the bio-energies of the oils used

After the required time, empty the oil from the compartment by piercing and draining it

Perform an Abhyanga using herbal massage oils for some time for added overall relaxation and benefit

What Are The Medicated Fluids Used For Janu Basti?

According to the Ayurvedic scriptures, the following herbal oils or tailams and ghees or ghritams have spectacular medicinal benefits and are hence used for Janu Basti:

  • Sesame oil
  • Almond oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Brahmi oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Corn oil
  • Olive oil
  • Bhringraj oil
  • Neem oil
  • Mahanarayana tel
  • Black seed oil,
  • Ksheerbala tailam
  • Balashwagandhi tailam
  • Pinda tailam
  • Sahacharchadi tailam
  • Dhanvantari taialm
  • Tila tailam
  • Tiktaka ghritam
  • Guggulutiktaka ghritam
Benefits of janu basti

Benefits Of Janu Basti

Relieves Pain And Inflammation

Janu Basti involves powerful medicinal oils that are sanctified with potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which work in synch to reduce joint and muscle pain, thereby reducing the chances of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteopenia, strains and sprains; a majority of which occurs due to the vitiation of Vata Doshas. Janu Basti helps in boosting blood circulation, thus strengthening and nourishing the knee joints. Being a natural vasodilator, it is also used to successfully mitigate painful muscle spasms, sore muscles, gout and various arthritic conditions. It is also highly beneficial in the case of cervical lumbar, tennis elbow, spondylolisthesis, and ligament tear. A complete Janu Basti therapy along with Abhyanga using medicated oil delivers ultimate relief from any kind of joint and muscle pain.

Also Read: What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Learn How To Deal With It

Fortifies Bone Health

Oils like Mahanarayana tel, Black seed oil, Ksheerbala tailam, Sesame Oil etc used in the Janu Basti procedure is highly pivotal for forming and maintaining healthy bones. It extensively assists in absorbing calcium by the bones and improving their bone mineral density, while fortifying them and preventing them from breaking. The warm medicated oils when massaged in the skin around the bones help in the production of collagen in the bones, protecting the bones from damage and promoting overall bone health.

Also Checkout: 5 Effective Ways To Build Healthy Bones - Infographic

Remedies Osteoarthritis

Arthritis caused by an imbalance of the Vata Doshas is termed Sandhivata or Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disorder caused by damage, ageing, and weakness in the cartilage surrounding the joints that chiefly affect the knee joints. As the adherent cartilage degenerates, it increases the friction between the bones at the joint leading to stiffness and pain. The oils used in Janu Basti help in lubricating the joints and maintaining the integrity of the structures involved in the joint. Regular application of Janu Basti therapy helps bring Vata dosha in balance and is incredibly effective in treating and preventing age-related degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis.

Manages Iliotibial Band Syndrome

IBS is the injury that ensues due to overuse of the connective tissues located between the outer thighs and knee. The intense pain stemming due to IBS can be especially felt while running as the heels touch the ground with every stride. The pooling method using warm medicated oils in Janu Basti treatment extensively helps diminish the inflammation in the targeted areas of the knee. It also helps moisten the rigid knee joints to make the move painless.

Treats Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter Disease is a type of painful condition that manifests in the form of inflammation right beneath the knee where the tendon runs from the kneecap to the shin. Janu Basti therapy not only remedies knee pain and inflammation but also readily improves the mobility of the knee joints and helps in comfortable knee extension and flexion. Additionally, it also helps in decreasing chronic inflammation immobility, pain, and rigidity in the knee joint.

Contraindications of Janu Basti:

According to Ayurvedic doctors and physicians, Janu Basti is majorly contra-indicated in some of the following conditions:

  • Chronic Sinusitis
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Infectious diseases
  • Hemorrhagic disorders
  • In heart-related disorders
  • Diarrhoea
  • Chronic Fever
  • High Pitta, Kapha and Ama condition
  • Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis

Janu Basti Side Effects

Although this ayurvedic therapy is extremely beneficial for painful and inflammatory conditions, the therapy should not be done at home without proper doctor’s consultation or help from a specialist as an improper massage on the inflamed part can lead to undue pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Is Janu Basti Therapy?

Janu Basti is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves creating a reservoir (basti) of medicated oils or herbal decoctions around the knee joint (Janu). It is a form of localized external oleation therapy.

  1. How Does Janu Basti Therapy Work?

The therapy works by allowing the medicated oil or herbal decoction to penetrate deeply into the knee joint region. This process aids in lubricating the joint, reducing friction, nourishing the joint tissues, and improving mobility.

  1. What Conditions Can Janu Basti Therapy Help With?

Janu Basti therapy is commonly used to alleviate pain, stiffness, and inflammation related to conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and knee injuries.

  1. What Are The Benefits Of Janu Basti Therapy?

The therapy can help reduce pain, improve joint mobility, strengthen the knee joint, and promote overall joint health. It also helps reduce the need for pain medications.

  1. Is Janu Basti Therapy Safe?

Janu Basti therapy is generally considered safe when performed by trained practitioners. However, it may not suit everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions. It's always suggested to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before undergoing the therapy.

  1. How Many Sessions Of Janu Basti Therapy Are Required?

The number of therapy sessions needed usually differs based on the individual's health condition. Typically, 7 to 14 sessions may be recommended for optimal results.

  1. Can Janu Basti Therapy Be Done At Home?

A trained Ayurvedic practitioner best performs Janu Basti therapy to ensure safety and effectiveness. However, some simple forms of self-massage and oil application around the knee joint can be done at home under guidance.


Janu Basti, a traditional ayurvedic therapy has been known for its immense anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and analgesic properties since ancient times. Not only does this incredible therapy provide intense relief from joint and arthritic pain, but also treats ligament tears, osteoporosis, muscle pain, strains and sprains, degenerative disorder etc. Get the therapy done at an ayurvedic treatment centre or by an ayurvedic therapist at home to enjoy the innumerable benefits and steer clear of the side effects.


A comparative clinical study of Janu Basti (medicated oil retention over knee) and Matra Basti (medicated oil enema) with Sahachara Taila along with Adityapaka Guggulu on osteoarthritis of knee joint

Singh, Sarvesh Kumar; Rajoria, Kshipra; Kumar, Amit1

A controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Janu Basti and Asthi Shrinkhala in management of Janusandhigata Vata w.s.r to Osteoarthritis

Dr. Rakesh,Dr. Gopala Krishna G, Dr. Sowmyashree U.P