Patala, also known as ‘trumpet’ or ‘Padiri’ is a potent medicinal plant used in the preparation of several ayurvedic formulations. It is one of the key elements used in making ayurvedic medicine Dashmula. This formulation is used largely to treat inflammation, pain, fever, asthma, and vomiting. According to various ayurvedic manuscripts, Patala herb is effective in controlling the symptoms of arthritis owing to its Vata pacifying nature. While it also helps in promoting digestive health and functions due to its Deepan(appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) qualities.

Patala is attributed to have various therapeutic qualities such as diuretic, cardiac tonic, anti-inflammatory and many more. Most parts of this herbal plant are used in the treatment of different health maladies. Roots of Patala are helpful in pacifying Vata dosha and related disorders, while its flowers are cold in potency and are beneficial in regulating blood-related problems.
Patala /Stereopermum Suaveolens

Patala Plant

Patala is a large tree known by the botanical name Stereospermum suaveolens that belongs to the Bignoniaceae family. The tree is around 25m long, cylindrical in shape, intensely brown to creamy, and very rough due to vertical fissures, cracks, ridges, transverse fine lenticels and lamellation of layer owing to the presence of concentric bands of fibres. It is an indigenous plant to India and found widely in North circus, Deccan in deciduous forests, Western ghats and in the hilly regions of Mysore, Malabar and Trivandrum and in Bangladesh and Myanmar. Several research reveals that the bark of plant has potent health-benefitting traits.

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Synonyms Of Patala

Patala is known by its English name Rose Flower Fragrant. This powerful plant is also known by several the vernacular names in different regions of India, these include:

Hindi: Padhal, Podal

Telugu: Kalugottu, Padiri, Kokkesa, Podira

Bengal: Parul

Punjabi: Padala

Marathi & Gujarathi: Padal

Tamil: Padari

Assamese: Parul

Kannada: Padramora

Malayalam: Padiri

Oriya: Boro, Patulee

Chemical Constituents

The main chemical component of this herbal tree includes naphthoquinone, and its root bark comprises 6-sitosterol, n-triacontanol, lapachol, dehydro-a-lapachone and dehydrotectol. The leaves of Patala contain flavone glycoside scutellarenin, dinatin-7-glucuronide. The seed of the plant contains non-drying oil, sterols, glycosides and glyco alkaloids. Lapachol isolate exhibits highly remarkable action against walker 256 carcinomas. As per Bhavaprakasha, it has two varieties such as Patala and Sitapatal. Patala is known as Stereospermum suaveolens and Sitapatala as Stereospermum chelonoides.

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Ayurvedic Indications

  • Pavanajit: helpful in pacifying Vata disorders
  • Asrajit: purifies the blood
  • Hikka: manages hiccups
  • Vami,Chardi: ease vomiting
  • Shopha: reduces oedema, inflammation
  • Arochaka: treats anorexia
  • Shwasa: helpful in managing asthma, bronchitis
  • Trushna: controls excessive thirst


This medicinal plant is well-known to pacify Kapha dosha and get rid of excess mucus from the lungs, thus offering respite from symptoms related to asthma. Patala is also beneficial in regulating symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes owing to its Kashaya (astringent) and Tikta (bitter) nature. Furthermore, this herbal formulation exhibit Hridya (cardiac tonic) nature, which strengthens cardiac muscles and arteries and helps to augment heart functions and maintain heart health. The root of Patala is a natural coolant and has diuretic properties. Bark, fruits, and flowers are vatakaphashmaka. The flowers are taken in the form of a concoction that works as aphrodisiacs and improves semen quality and sexual health in men.

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Health Benefits of Patala

Remedies Arthritis

Patala is bestowed with anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic traits which makes it the perfect herbal formulation for offering respite from pain, swelling and inflammation caused by arthritis. It works as an effective herbal remedy to ease painful conditions like osteoarthritis, which is known as Sandhivata in Ayurveda. It develops due to an aggravation of Vata dosha and build-up of Ama in the joints, causing pain, swelling and joint stiffness. Taking Patala supplement aids in pacifying the aggravated Vata and lessens inflammation due to its Vata balancing actions.

Augments Liver Health

Thanks to the incredible hepatoprotective action of the phytochemical constituents. Patala holds a significant role in uplifting liver functions and health. It is a powerful herbal medicine that is beneficial in treating jaundice, liver enlargement and other liver-related conditions. Apart from this, it safeguards the liver from harmful toxins, and pathogens and avert infection and maintains its normal function. Furthermore, it also acts as a digestive stimulant owing to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) qualities.

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Treats Asthma

Bestowed with strong anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and antioxidant characteristics, Patala is valued as a traditional remedy for all kinds of respiratory woes. As per ayurveda, Vata and Kapha are the main doshas involved in asthma, where the vitiated Vata combines with disturbed Kapha dosha in the lungs resulting in obstruction of the respiratory passage and this condition is known as Swas Roga (asthma). This herbal medicine can ease the symptoms of asthma, balances Kapha dosha and help the body get rid of excess mucus from the lungs.

Manages Diabetes Mellitus

Madhumeha (diabetes in Ayurveda) is caused by the aggravation of Vata and poor digestive functions. Improper digestion leads to a build-up of Ama (toxic remains in the body) due to inappropriate digestion in the pancreas which impedes the function of insulin. Patala is a powerful ayurvedic formulation that aids to control symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes owing to its Kashaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter) quality.

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Relieves Heart Anomalies

The holistic system of Ayurveda values Patala as a sure-shot remedy to manage the symptoms of cardiac disease and optimise heart function. It also supports maintaining normal blood pressure and heart rate. Regular intake of Patala strengthens cardiac muscles and maintains heart function owing to its Hridya (cardiac tonic) action.

Effects on Dosha

Patala is endowed with tikta, kasaya (bitter, astringent) rasa (taste). It has vipaka katu (undergoes pungent taste after digestion and the flower of Patala is sheeta (cold potency) virya in nature. While it has laghu, rooksha (light, dry) physical property and ansuna virya (not very hot) in potency.

Patala is an amazing herb that balances all three doshas (tridosahara) - vatta, pitta and kapha. Thereby aids in managing anorexia (aaruchi), asthma and bronchitis (shwas), inflammation, edema (shoth), vomiting (vaman) and hiccups, blood disorders (raktprokap) and excessive thirst (trisha).

Dosage of Patala

The root bark, flower, seed, leaf, kshara of this medicinal plant is used to prepare several ayurvedic formulations. It is readily available in the form of powder and decoction. The right therapeutic dose of Patala may vary from person to person depending upon their age, severity of the health condition, and the effects on dosha. It is always suggested to consult an ayurvedic practitioner, as he or she will evaluate the patient's health status and recommend an accurate dosage for a specific time.

Side Effects

Patala is generally well tolerated and safe when taken in the prescribed dose by most healthy adults.  This herbal formulation has no known side effects on children. However, self-medication should be avoided.


There is no scientific evidence on the effects of Patala during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Thus, it is advisable that pregnant and lactating women should avoid using this without medical supervision. Further, patients on medication for hypertension should consult their doctor before using this herbal formulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Uses Of Patala?

This powerful medicinal tree is used in preparing various ayurvedic formulations. These supplements are used for the treating inflammation, pain, fever, asthma and vomiting.

 Can I Take Patala With Multivitamins?

No, it is always best to consult your ayurvedic practitioner before taking Patala with multivitamin supplements to avoid any contraindications.

Is Patala Good For A Diabetic Person?

Yes, diabetic patients can take this herbal medicine to control blood sugar surges. Natural Kashaya (astringent) and Tikta (bitter) qualities of Patala is beneficial to control high blood sugar levels. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor if you are on diabetes medication.

 How To Have Patala?

You can have about 2-3 gm or ½ teaspoon of Patala root powder with lukewarm water, preferably after food.

Is Patala Beneficial To Alleviate Hiccups?

Yes, Patala is helpful in easing hiccups. The flowers of the Patala can be blended with honey and taken orally to control hiccups.