Dhatryasava also spelt Dhatri asava is an ayurvedic proprietary medication used extensively for the treatment and management of anemia, jaundice, heart diseases, cough, persistent hiccups, gout, malaria, anorexia and breathing difficulties. The primary action of Dhatryasava is mainly noticed on the digestive system, hence its powerful digestive traits also make it useful for cases of gastritis, excessive thirst, indigestion, heartburn, and acidity. Additionally, it is also beneficial for obesity, cracked heels (feet) and chronic fever. By promoting the absorption of iron by the body, it is highly advantageous to treat anaemia. Moreover, the dominant antioxidant actions of this medication help in scavenging free radicals from the body, thereby augmenting skin health and delaying the various signs of ageing.

How To Prepare Dhatryasava?


2000 Fresh Amla Fruits             

8 Part of Amla Juice Extracted from 2000 amla fruits

120 gm Pippali – Piper Longum

3000 gms Sharkara (Sugar)   



Wash and sundry the amla fruits

Extract the fresh juice from 2000 amla of fruits

Take honey and 8 parts of amla Juice in a vessel

Now, add pippali churna and sugar with amla juice, and honey

Pour the entire mixture into the Asava Vessel

Plug the opening with a mud-mixed cloth

Leave it undisturbed for 15 days in a cool, dry place

Then decant the liquid (Dhatryasava) using a muslin cloth and preserve it in food-grade glass bottles for future use

Medicinal Properties Of Dhatryasava

Dhatryasava is blessed with the following medicinal properties:

  • Antioxidant
  • Cardiac tonic
  • Haematinic
  • Hematogenic
  • Antacid
  • Anti-gout
  • Antiulcerogenic
  • Cardioprotective
  • Anti-obesity
  • Digestive
  • Fat Burner
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Mucolytic
  • Tonic
  • Cholagogue

Ayurvedic Indications Of Dhatryasava

The holistic science of Ayurveda describes this herbal compound as a powerful Rasayani Dravya and cited it in several ancient ayurvedic scriptures of Raj Nighantu, Charaka Samhita, and Bhavprakash Nighantu for dealing with numerous problems, including:

  • Pandu Roga (treats anaemia)
  • Hridaya (treats heart problems)
  • Amahara (treats indigestion)
  • Anaha (treats bloating)
  • Deepana (enhances stomach fire)
  • Pachana (helps in digestion)
  • Rochana (stimulates appetite)
  • Vibandha (treats constipation)
  • Krimihara (treats intestinal works)
  • Shoola (treats abdominal colic)
  • Mutrakrichra (treats dysuria)
  • Medahara (treats obesity)
  • Vatahara (treats arthritic)
  • Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst)
  • Kustha (treats skin disorders)
  • Varnya (improves complexion)
  • Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body)
  • Shandhivatahara (treats gout)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Antravruddhi (treats Hernia)
  • Arsha (treats haemorrhoids)
  • Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorder)
  • Ashmari (treats urinary calculi)
  • Dahahara (treats burning sensation)
  • Mutraghata (treats urinary obstruction)
  • Kamala (prevents jaundice)
  • Gulmajit (treats abdominal tumours)
  • Udara (treats ascites)
  • Antravruddhi (treats Hernia)
  • Arsha (treats haemorrhoids)

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Health Benefits Of Dhatryasava

Ameliorates Anaemia

Dhatryasava is the ultimate antidote for dealing with Pandu Roga or iron deficiency anaemia that mainly ensues due to depreciated Pitta doshas. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the treatment and management of the various associated symptoms of anaemia like general fatigue, jaundice, shortness of breath, dizziness, physical debility, vertigo, swelling, headaches and sluggishness.

In people dealing with severe anaemia, in some cases, the pulse rate and heartbeat become rapid and irregular. Usage of this medication along with Arjuna powder promptly helps reduce the symptoms of anaemia and augments the overall functioning of the heart.

Also Read: Feeling Fatigued? Superb Yoga Poses To Keep Up Your Energy Levels Throughout The Day

Wards Off Digestive Anomalies 

The dominant carminative and digestive traits of Dhatryasava make it a one-shot cure for all digestive despairs. The Deepana and Pachana attributes of Amla used in the formulation readily diminish the formation of gas in the alimentary canal, which in turn treats and averts flatulence, constipation, bloating, and abdominal distension. It is also highly useful in staving off the formation of excessive acids in the stomach thereby dealing with gastric anomalies like indigestion, gastritis and ulcer, and promoting better absorption of nutrients within the bodily tissues.  

Also Check Out: Digestive Health: 5 Amazing Herbs For Uplifting Gut Health And Function-Infographic

Manages General Weakness

General weakness or debility is a feeling of constant tiredness, severe emotional and body fatigue and a feeling of drastic loss of energy. This chiefly emerges when the torso is deprived of a continuous flow of energy and oxygen for a long time. In Ayurvedic terms, fatigue is also termed Klama and it stems due to vitiation of Kapha dosha and an intense deficiency of essential minerals in the body. Dhatryasava imbued with Balya (strength provider) and Rasayani essence extensively assists in diminishing the symptoms of fatigue. The presence of Amla and Pippali in the formulation also meets the prerequisite of important essential minerals, especially iron which helps in attaining overall strength and enhances body metabolism.

Cures Liver Anomalies

Bequeathed powerful hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative characteristics, this purified amla-rich formulation offers a magical remedy for treating liver abnormalities like jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis etc.  Dhatryasava not only lessens the abnormal bilirubin levels in the blood but also extensively detoxifies the liver and augments overall liver functioning. Thanks to its lipolytic facets, it is also useful in treating fatty liver disease by inciting lipolysis action. Also, this formulation plays a crucial role in remedying haemolytic jaundice.

Also Check out: Liver Health: 5 Superb Foods That Helps To Boost Liver Function-Infographic

Prevents Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disturbance which chiefly involves an individual dealing with self-starvation or reduced desire to eat. Some scientific studies also correlate this disease to the person’s emotional health as the individual suffers from extreme weight issues, fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, poor self-confidence and a fierce desire to reduce body weight in any way possible, sometimes even eliciting forceful vomiting to get rid of the consumed food. In Ayurveda, Anorexia chiefly occurs due to Agnimandya (weak digestive fire) and is majorly induced by a disturbance of the normal Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha levels in the body. Dhatryasava deemed as a natural digestive and appetizer enhances the digestion of food, increases appetite and warrants that the person eats a well-balanced food.

Effect On Doshas:

Dhatryasava has a positive impact on the Tridoshas as it readily helps in bringing them to equilibrium, but it mainly works on depreciated Pitta Doshas. The various Dhatus or bodily tissues on which Dhatryasava works are Rasa (i.e., Plasma), Rakta (i.e., Blood), and Medas (i.e., fats) and it mainly showcases Hematinic property or prabhab on the body. Dhatryasava has a beneficial impact on the stomach, intestine, liver, spleen, heart & blood.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas


The useful remedial dosage of Dhatryasava varies from one person to another depending upon their age, body stability, effects on appetite, the stringency of the disease, and the condition of the patient. It is strictly suggested to talk to an ayurvedic doctor or medical practitioner for the required dosage.

Adults: 5 to 10 ml, along with water, twice a day, after meals or as suggested by the health care provider. But ensure that the maximum dosage doesn’t exceed 30 ml per day.

Side Effects:

Dhatryasava is primarily considered safe to consume when taken in prescribed doses, but some patients may experience slight heartburn or burning sensation in the abdomen and issues with digestion.


Without much valid knowledge regarding the intake of this medication during pregnancy and the lactation period, it is strictly suggested to speak to the treating doctor before consuming Dhatryasava. Self-medication during pregnancy or lactation is strictly prohibited.


Dhatryasava has been depicted in several ayurvedic scriptures and journals as an ultimate remedy for anaemia owing to its tremendous therapeuanaemiaficacy. This incredible herbal formulation is categorized as a powerful hematogenic, and hematinic. Additionally, it also guarantees smooth digestion, prevents obesity, relieves liver disturbances, deals with anorexia, and thus bolsters overall stamina and body immunity.