Does your dog's constant scratching, licking, and chewing into its skin keep you up all night? Chronic or severe itching and biting or scratching in dogs can be due to various reasons. Unfortunately, in winter, it increases manifold times. Depending upon the cause of bacterial or fungal infections, flea allergy dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, or food allergies, several natural remedies for itchy skin in dogs can be given orally, including fish oil and supplements, coconut oil, olive oil and certain pet supplements

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Diagnosing Itchy Skin In Dogs

If the itching does not go away in a few weeks, it could be due to a mild or severe health condition. Your vet will recommend a range of testing options, including skin scrapings and blood tests, to determine the underlying cause of itching in your dog. Here are some other tests that your pet may have to take:

Skin cytology: This test involves analyzing a tissue sample through a microscope. The vet will look for mites or infections from some bacteria or fungus.

Intradermal testing: In this test, the skin is pricked using a small amount of allergen. If the area swells after some time, it means your pet is allergic to that particular substance.

RAST (Radio Allergosorbent Testing): A blood test used to identify environmental allergens such as pollen.

Food trial: If food is a suspected allergen, then a vet may suggest a home-cooked or a prescription diet. If the itchiness subsides, then the food may be the cause of itching

Also Read: Do Your Pets Have Seasonal Allergies? Help Your Pup Find Relief Against Allergens

While serious issues may need a veterinarian's intervention, for mild ones due to winter dryness or seasonal allergies, here is a list of natural remedies for your itchy dog before your pet develops a self-inflicted wound due to constant itching. Remember, individual dogs may respond differently to these remedies, and consulting with a vet is always advisable to ensure the most appropriate care for your furry companion. 

Chamomile Tea Soak

Chamomile and herbal tea soaks offer a natural solution to alleviate itching in dogs. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and calming properties. To prepare a soak, brew a few chamomile tea bags, let it cool, and then gently apply it to your dog's skin using a soft cloth or sponge. This can help reduce redness and irritation, providing relief from itching. Regular use of these soaks may contribute to the overall skin health of your furry friend.

Sugar-Free Plain Yogurt

Sugar-free plain yogurt is a beneficial addition to a dog's diet, especially for those experiencing skin issues. Rich in probiotics, yogurt can promote a healthy gut microbiome, indirectly influencing skin health. The probiotics in yogurt contribute to a balanced digestive system, reducing inflammation and itching. When introducing yogurt to your dog's diet, opt for plain varieties without added sugars. Start with small amounts and monitor your dog's response.

Oatmeal Bath 

An oatmeal bath for dogs is a classic and effective remedy for relieving itching. Oatmeal contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin. To prepare the bath, simple oatmeal can be made into a fine powder and mixed in warm water or milk. The oatmeal bath can help moisturize the skin and alleviate itching. Regular use can contribute to a healthier coat and skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a versatile remedy for itchy skin in dogs. Its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties can provide relief from dryness and irritation. To use coconut oil, apply a small amount to the affected areas, massaging it gently into the skin. Additionally, incorporating coconut oil into your dog's diet can contribute to overall skin health. It is important to introduce coconut oil gradually and be mindful of the quantity to avoid excessive fat intake.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for its antimicrobial properties, making it a potential solution for itchy dogs. When diluted with water, it can be used as a skin spray or added to bathwater. The acidity of apple cider vinegar may help combat fungal or bacterial issues contributing to itching. However, it is crucial to dilute it adequately to prevent skin irritation. Regular use should be monitored for any adverse reactions, and it is also advisable to consult with a veterinarian before incorporating it into your pet care routine.