Ever pondered upon the tantrums of your four-legged friend? Indeed, a lot more than your human friends or kids have. One day your furry pet would love to play with its toy and another day you will see them tearing it to pieces. Pets, specifically puppy temper issues are very common and despite not being physically painful to them, it can be emotionally overwhelming both for the pet as well as for the pet parent. In the same way, every human feels- happy, angry overstimulated, or frustrated; pets also have mood swings. Most of the time, they throw tantrums when you force them to do something, and they are not in the mood for it. While it can be annoying for you, the poor animal does not have any other mode to display anger, fear, or pain to you. Therefore, you need to be patient, it cannot be the other way around.
Pet behaviour

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Signs Of Pet Tantrum

If you are in a public place and your dog or cat starts throwing a tantrum, it will certainly be embarrassing.  But, you must deal with it just like you do with your toddlers.

Below are some of the most common signs that can help you identify when your pet is acting nasty:

Refusal To Listen

If your obedient and eager-to-please puppy is suddenly not listening to a word you say, it is often the first indication that a dog is getting overstimulated or frustrated. Keep an eye on your fluff ball and if the temper does not subside, take him to a veterinary doctor or a trainer.

Unnecessary Barking or Growling

Barking or growling is an identifiable sign of a tantrum. Probably, they are trying to express displeasure over what they are feeling. This can be handled by patting them and giving them some time to get tired. Eventually, they may go quiet.

Random Nipping Or Biting

Nipping onto their surroundings such as biting into doors, newspaper, shoes, or whatever is available to them is a sign that they are emotionally weak and need help. It can be ignored initially, but when they become destructive, you must intervene. Reach out to a trained professional. They are better at dealing with these issues and will have a remedy at hand.

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How To Manage Pet Anger?

It is important to handle a pet fit easily unless it becomes physically detrimental. Here is how it can be dealt with:

Let Them Cry It Out

Sometimes the pet parent must let the tantrum run its course. More often, the dog knows this is how it works, and that attention can get them what they want. Figure out if it is fake or genuine and act accordingly.

Hold Them

Your cat or dog may be experiencing a real problem due to fear. Hold them and pat them gently. However, this handling should never be uncomfortable and a forced one, and if they want, they should be able to escape your hold and go to their own space.

Give Them A Familiar Command

When your puppy or kitten is in a deep bout of a tantrum, he or she is likely so overwhelmed with his feelings and not thinking rationally. To snap them out of this cycle, giving them a well-known command is an excellent way to help them to obey. If your pet knows commands like sit, lay down, or settle, it will help to calm them down.

Get Them To Sleep

Like a child behaves at times, being tired is a common cause of frustration in pets. Animals specifically puppies need 16 -18 hours of sleep. They should be left undisturbed for prolonged periods. Resist the urge to cuddle or bother them when they sleep, despite they may appear adorable, and you may want to hold them.

Keep Calm

Any pet will most likely determine how he or she should act based on the response. Dogs can recognize six different emotions from a human’s facial expressions and can pick up on them. Despite being a thin line, learn to differentiate between real emotional turmoil and a false tantrum.