Taking a shower is a daily thing for humans. Unless we are sick, stuck someplace where taking a bath is not possible, are in a subzero zone where bathing every day does not seem very important or are feeling lazy to do so, we all take a bath regularly.  And some of us even overdo it! But have you ever wondered how often your pet needs a bath? Or if at all the furry buddies should be given a bath, considering no roadside animals take a bath, perhaps rarely ever. The answer is yes! They do need a bath for many reasons, unlike stray ones that can protect themselves against many health problems, not keeping your pet clean can hamper its health.
Dog Hygiene

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Bathing your pet is not about enhancing their beauty or giving them relaxation but about maintaining a defensive shield around them that can protect them against many mild to severe health woes. Of course, unlike humans, there's no reason particularly to bathe any healthy dog every day. Moreover, the life of a pet dog is different from a stray animal. Stray dogs also need a bath but since they do not have someone who can do it for them, nature keeps them strong as compared to a homebred dog who is not used to many pathogens and may not have the best immunity levels against deadly pathogens. Thus, washing and even conditioning them plays an important role in the health and texture of their coat and skin.

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Myths About Dog Bathing

Here are the most popular myths that float around pet bathing

Myth #1: All dogs hate bathing.

Fact: Not really! On the contrary, some dogs will jump with joy as they come to know they are being taken for a bath. Only a few of them have a hydro phobia which eventually subsides as they grow and as they are bathed often

Myth #2:  Bathing a dog gives them stress after the bath.

Fact: Not true. Many dog breeds have a thick coat of hair that attracts dirt, dust, and grime. When a dog is given a bath, it cleans the skin and makes the coat light and smooth. It gives the dog a sense of lightness and relief.

Myth #3: Bathing damages the dog’s skin and coat.

Fact: It does not unless you bathe them once a day which is unnecessary for any animal. Besides, there are ample high-quality pet shampoos designed to be gentle on the coat while washing off the grime and sebum. Use good quality shampoo and a conditioner and then fluff-dry the pet.

Myth #4: There's no need for a specific dog shampoo.

Fact: It is! Dogs should never be given a bath with human shampoos. Both have very different ingredients and pH levels.

Myth #5: Smooth-coated dogs do not need a frequent bath

Fact: Untrue. As much as a furry pet needs to be cleaned, even the smooth or non-furry coat dog needs a cleansing. Even if it may appear tidy on the outside bacteria are on the skin which may not be visible.

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When Should You Bathe Your Dog?

While once in 18 to 20 days is ideal for any dog to be given a shower, the conditions they live in also matter. As a rule, here are the most obvious reasons that you should know, it is time that you must give your best buddy a bath

  • If you notice that your dog has flakes of dandruff on his or her scalp
  • The dog starts to throw a bad smell
  • If you see the presence of fleas, lice, or ticks on your dog's coat
  • Your dog frequently rubs its back across the floor trying to get rid of itching
  • If the dog has been into some puddle and you notice it by dirty footprints around the house
  • If you trace recurrent episodes of allergy in your dog