Pets are an integral part of a family for whoever chooses to make any four-legged animal a part of their world. With immense unconditional love, companionship, and loads of cuddles, a pet can also help beat stress and uplift mood. While there is not much that a pet asks for, unfortunately, some of us have health issues that are beyond our control, and they occur or get inflamed because of owning a pet. Various allergies and asthmatic problems are some of them. The most common allergens that can affect a human are found in a pet’s dander. Pet dander is nothing, but tiny flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs, birds, and other animals that have fur or feathers. When dander from a pet gets released into the air, it causes health problems to the pet parent, specifically with the above-mentioned health conditions. Besides it triggers allergy symptoms in some human beings, it can also aggravate their ongoing health problems.

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pet dander

Pet Dander Allergy Symptoms

Animal dander is one of the most common allergens that can cause trouble. Though allergy symptoms due to pet dander vary depending upon the amount of exposure, the most common symptoms could be as follows:

  • Runny nose and itchiness
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness and chest congestion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Watery, red, and itchy eyes
  • Skin rash, hives, and eczema

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Causes Of Pet Dander

Many thick-coated furry animals release their protective under-layer of fur, which is the main cause of dander. As they shed heavily, besides skin flecks and hair, dried saliva can also become airborne and cause problems.  Moreover, harmful proteins found in urine can cause allergic reactions in human beings. Pet dander can be very problematic due to it being tiny sized and the fact that it can linger in the air for a very long time and become an allergy-causing component for human beings.

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How To Prevent Pet Dander?

If you have a pet allergy, the simplest way to reduce or eliminate symptoms is to prevent pet dander. If you are lucky and the allergy symptoms are recurrent but not severe, the following ways can help you to get rid of pet allergens without getting rid of your pet:

  • Invest in a good quality air purifier. Not only it will reduce pet dander but also help to get rid of other allergens from the air for which you must be blaming your pet in your head
  • Use the right quality of medicated pet shampoo and conditioner to bather your four-legged friend. Pet shampoos have ingredients that help to keep your pet’s coat dander free 
  • Wash your hands with a medicated shampoo after petting your pet. This is a must-do before touching your face or nose
  • Clean your home more often to remove pet allergens from soft and hard surfaces. Floors, counters, and walls can be cleaned with non-toxic household cleaners and soft ones can be vacuum cleaned
  • Give your pet a bath to reduce the level of dander released into the air. If you are not sure how to go about it, consult a veterinarian who will guide you on how to bathe your pet and how often
  • Clean fabric surfaces such as upholstery and carpets to remove dander and the sticky proteins that cause allergic reactions. Try to get rid of carpets, if possible, to keep things easy for you

How To Prevent Pet Dander Allergies

Like their human friends, dogs, and cats must undergo certain changes.  Since you would not like to get rid of your pet, to minimize your health woes certain modifications can create a win-win situation. The first is to keep your bedroom a pet-free zone. keep your exposure limited to the animal during the times when you are off to sleep to avoid night allergy attacks. If you do choose to share the bedroom with your pets due to space constraints or anything inevitable, change your sheets as much as possible to minimize allergens. The air quality in a room can be monitored the air to keep allergens to a minimum. Use an air Purifier to eliminate pet dander.


A pet is a bundle of joy and some of us love to own a dog, cat, or any other animal and share our lives with them. But certain health conditions can pose health hazards. To keep things balanced, with proper house cleaning methods, and personal and pet hygiene, it is feasible for someone affected by allergies to still own a pet and stay healthy. However, the bottom line is that if someone has allergic issues, consult with an allergist before taking any pet home to avoid grave health problems.