As much as we dread visiting a hospital or a doctor's clinic, even our furry friends do not like the idea of seeing them one bit. In fact, a bit more apprehensive, the voiceless creatures do not even know it is going to benefit them in any way, unlike humans who at least know the purpose of their visit to a medical practitioner.
Pet Health Checkup

Considering the fact that a pet has a relatively shorter life span and is not prone to many illnesses, as responsible pet owners, we can add another layer of protection and help them lead a healthy life. This can be done by focusing on following certain guidelines advised by veterinarians as well as keeping them in pink health by inculcating certain things that will go a long way in letting your pet stay disease free. This will not only benefit the pet but the pet parent in many ways. And of course, it offers a lot of happiness to both!

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A health check-up for a pet at least thrice a year is imminent. Your pet's vaccination schedule, health condition, and sudden illness may have him or her visit the vet more frequently.  While they are young make sure the vet visits are regular to make them get used to this routine. As they age, the visits may increase. Trips to the vet can be challenging as leaving the comfy confines of their home is not well taken by either cats or dogs. Dogs do like going for rides occasionally since they enjoy vehicle rides, but cats prefer their own spaces and will sneak into one corner.

Also Read: Hydrolyzed Diet For Dogs: Why Is It Given, Benefits And Side Effects Of This Food Plan

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Here is what your four-legged friend needs as an infant in terms of taking care. These basic practices will go a long way to creating a happy life for your furry buddy.


Vaccinating your pets is a vital component of pet care. Soon after welcoming your new pet, schedule the immunization to protect them from many kinds of illness and disease. Vaccinations for puppies should happen in the early first few weeks after you bring the pet home. Dogs are prone to diseases such as rabies, lyme disease and Cats benefit from vaccines by getting attacked with the feline herpes virus, feline leukemia, and rabies. 

Toilet training

One of the most essential parts of pet health and hygiene is to train them for toilet obedience.  A pet does not take very long to learn about his toilet space. Once they get used to it, it will become their habit. Since you are going to share your house with your friend, working on this aspect is crucial and comfortable for the pet and everyone around. Healthy hygiene reduces the chances of air and water-borne illnesses and infections in the pet.


Sterilizing the female pet will prevent a host of health problems, including unwanted pregnancies and different types of cancers. Ovarian cancer is quite common in female dogs. Neutering the male puppy helps reduce his aggression and prevents him from getting testicular cancer at a later stage of life.  Moreover, one of the added benefits of spaying and neutering is the reduction of the animal population.

Nutrient Dense Diet

Pet ownership has a lot of rewards in terms of cuddles, stress relief, and love. But then it also asks for the responsibility that includes providing animals with food that has all nutrients and clean water. A mix of some human ingredients combined with the right pet food gives your best buddy's life a robust and disease-free body and a shiny coat. Keep protein, carbs, and fats in balanced quantities. Age, health conditions, and activity levels also play a key role in determining a pet diet plan. Add fruits into the meal from a very young age to enhance immunity.

Comfy Home 

Besides hygiene, such as bathing brushing, trimming nails, and combing their coats to keep them tip-top, give them a space that gets them to sleep peacefully. A comfortable space is every pet's right just like its human friend. If you have decided to bring a pet, these responsibilities come as a part of the fur and love-loaded package.