We all know bananas are a delicious and nutritious snack, full of amazing health incentives. Ever thought about what happens to the banana peel after you enjoy the fruit? Most of us toss it away without a second thought. But did you know that banana peels are brimming with beauty benefits? That's right! Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, banana peels can work wonders for your skin and hair. From rejuvenating your skin to giving your hair that extra shine, banana peels can be a game-changer in your beauty routine. So, next time you're about to chuck that peel, think again, your skin and hair are going to thank you!

Also Checkout: Skin Care: 5 Natural Fruit Peels You Can Use For A Healthy Glow - Infographic

How Do Banana Peels Benefit The Skin And Hair?

Banana peels are a treasure trove of nutrients that benefit both skin and hair. For skin, the peels are rich in potassium, antioxidants, and moisture, which help hydrate and soften dry skin, reduce acne and inflammation, lighten dark spots, and combat signs of ageing. They also soothe conditions like psoriasis. For hair, banana peels add shine, condition strands, reduce dandruff, promote growth, and strengthen hair due to their natural oils, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating banana peels into your beauty routine is an easy, natural way to boost your skin and hair health, making them look vibrant and feel nourished.

Also Read: DIY Banana Peels For Skin: 3 Uber-Cool Ways To Use This Fruit Husk In Your Daily Beauty Regime

How To Use Banana Peels In Your Beauty Routine?

To Exfoliate: 

Rub the inner side of a banana peel on your face in circular motions to gently exfoliate and brighten your skin.

To Treat Acne: 

Apply banana peel to acne-prone areas to reduce inflammation and prevent breakouts.

To Minimise Ageing Signs: 

Use mashed banana peel with honey as a face mask to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.

To Reduce Dark Spots: 

Regularly rub a banana peel on dark spots and pigmentation for a more even skin tone.

To Improve Hair Quality: 

Blend banana peel with coconut oil and honey to create a nourishing hair mask for soft, shiny hair.

Banana peels are rich in potassium, antioxidants, and moisture, which help hydrate and soften dry skin, reduce acne and inflammation, lighten dark spots, and combat signs of ageing.

Foray through this infographic to find five superb benefits of banana peels to achieve spotless, glowing skin and soft, bouncy hair naturally at home.

(This article is reviewed by M Sowmya Binu Health & Nutrition Expert)

Author Profile

Soumita Basu:

Soumita Basu holds a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and is keenly interested in Ayurveda, home remedies, yoga, fitness, diagnostics, and beauty. With nearly 6 years of experience, she produces evidence-based health content, including articles, videos, and infographics, to provide valuable insights to her audience.


1. Banana Peels: A Waste Treasure for Human Being

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2. Active compounds in kepok banana peel as anti-inflammatory in acne vulgaris: Review article

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