The star apple is an exotic tropical fruit known for its unique appearance, pleasant taste, and umpteen health incentives. Native to the Caribbean and parts of Central America, this fruit has gained huge popularity across the globe. They are different from other kinds of apples and are Scientifically known as Chrysophyllum cainito, it belongs to the family Sapotaceae. This delicate tropical fruit has a ‘starburst’ core, vibrant purple hue and juicy flesh.

What Is A Star Apple?

Star apple is a deep, purple-coloured fruit that is also known as a caimito or a cainito. This fruit gets its name from the shape of its seed, which is similar to stars. Star fruits have very pulpy, sweet and jelly-like texture. 

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Star Apple Plant

The star apple tree is a medium-sized evergreen that grows 8-20 m tall and thrives well in tropical and subtropical regions. It grows in a humid climate and has a glossy green leaf with a golden underside, making it very attractive. The fruit itself has a smooth, leathery skin that can range from green to deep purple, depending on the variety. Inside, it contains a white or purple translucent pulp filled with a star-shaped arrangement of seeds.

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Star Apple Varieties

Star apples come in several varieties, with the two most common being:

Purple Star Apple: The skin is a deep purple colour with a soft white or purple interior.

Green Star Apple: This variety has a green outer skin and white flesh inside.

Both varieties have a similar taste and texture, with minor colour differences.

Star Apple Nutrition

Star apples are low in calories but packed with vital nutrients, making them a nutritious addition to the diet. They are rich in:

Nutritional Breakdown (per 100g):

Calories: 67 kcal

Proteins: 0.7- 2.3 g

Carbohydrates: 14 g

Dietary Fiber: 3g

Vitamin C: 20 mg

Calcium: 20 mg

Phosphorus: 17 mg

Potassium: 90-100 mg

Phenols 217- 387 mg

*Source As Per The Food and Drug Administration, USDA

Health Benefits Of Star Apple

Loaded With Antioxidants

Star apples are endowed with antioxidants -polyphenolic compounds such as catechin, epicatechin, and quercetin. It is also a rich source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps in triggering the immune system. Adding foods rich in antioxidants can lower the damage caused by free radicals and ease inflammation, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

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Gut Health

Potent anti-inflammatory traits of star apples are effective against attacking pathogens like bacteria and fungi causing food poisoning including Staphylococcus, and Salmonella to name a few. Thus, having this fruit can improve the gut microbiome and lower the risk of intestinal infection.

Regulates Diabetes

Star apples are heaped with bioactive plant compounds such as including alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, triterpenoids, and steroids. Studies have shown that these compounds can impede the glucosidase enzyme activity, which converts carbohydrates into glucose and spikes blood sugar levels. Adding this fruit to a diabetes meal plan helps to control blood sugar levels and improve overall health.

Controls Blood Pressure

Star apples are commonly used in herbal medicine for regulating high blood pressure. Potent alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids in star apples can inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. ACE narrows the blood vessels, which may elevate blood pressure. This humble fruit almost mimics the action of hypertension drugs contains ACE inhibitors and is valuable in managing blood pressure.

Augments Heart Health

Star apples contain cardiac glycosides which are used in traditional folk medicine as heart tonic. Plant-obtained cardiac glycosides can lower blood pressure by eliminating salt and excess water from the system. Thus, star apples serve as a healthy addition to a heart-friendly diet plan and maintain cardiac health.

Uses Of Star Apple

Culinary Uses: Star apple is primarily consumed fresh as a snack or dessert. The fruit can also be used in smoothies, jams, jellies, and syrups. Some cultures even use the pulp in sauces or to flavour beverages.

Traditional Medicine: In various regions, the star apple tree's bark and leaves are used in traditional remedies to treat ailments like diarrhoea, stomach ulcers, and inflammation.

Side Effects

Though star apple is generally safe and well tolerated by most people, there are a few potential side effects:

The skin and seeds of the fruit contain a latex-like substance, which can cause allergic reactions in some people.

Eating large quantities of star apples may lead to digestive issues, such as bloating or diarrhoea, due to their high fiber content.

 It’s advisable to consult a doctor before consuming star apples during pregnancy, especially in large amounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Star Apple Taste Like?

Star apple has a sweet, mild taste with hints of lychee and apple. The texture is soft and custard-like, with a slightly juicy consistency.

What Are The Varieties Of Star Apple?

The two main varieties are Purple Star Apple and Green Star Apple, which differ mainly in skin colour. Both varieties have a similar sweet taste, though some people might detect subtle differences.

What Is Star Apple Called in India?

In India, the star apple is commonly known as "Chrysophyllum" or "Kamarkha", though it is less widespread compared to other tropical fruits.

What Does Star Apple Do To Your Body?

Star apple improves digestion, boosts immunity, and helps maintain healthy bones and heart health. It is also a great source of antioxidants, which help protect cells from oxidative damage.


Star apple is an exotic and wholesome fruit with numerous health benefits. From improving digestion to boosting immunity, this power-packed fruit is a great addition to a balanced diet. Remember, like all healthy foods, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid possible side effects.  


Chrysophyllum cainito: A Tropical Fruit with Multiple Health Benefits

Hau V. Doan and Thao P. Le

Chrysophyllum albidum (African star apple) fruit-supplemented diet enhances cognitive functions and attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced memory impairment, oxidative stress, and release of proinflammatory cytokines

Abayomi Mayowa Ajayi,corresponding author1 Emmanuel Oyinyechukwu Chidebe,1 Benneth Ben-Azu,1,2 and Solomon Umukoro1