Apples are highly famed for their impressive nutrient profile and incredible health-benefiting traits. They contain ample reserves of vitamins, minerals, fibre and polyphenols that may improve gut health and overall well-being. However, for a few people, eating certain fruits can be troublesome. Especially those with acid reflux disease (GERD) may find that consuming acidic foods may worsen symptoms when taken in large amounts. Apples are believed to contain natural acids. You may be speculating where apples fall in the acidity category. Read this article to learn more about the pH of apples, which fruits are most acidic, and more.
does eating apples trigger acidity

Are Apples Acidic?

Converse to their tart flavour, apples are low in acidity regarding their pH level. Most apple varieties have a pH range of approximately 3.3 to 4.0, which is considered mildly acidic. Generally, people tolerate the acidic nature of apples, and it does not significantly contribute to acidity-related issues such as acid reflux or heartburn.

Apples are a non-citrus fruit, which is well tolerated by those with acid reflux. Apples are loaded with ample reserves of magnesium and calcium that may assist in neutralizing acid. It is important to jolt down acid reflux symptoms from eating apples, this will help you make informed decisions about foods you can accept well and safely eat.

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Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) develops when stomach contents flow back into your oesophagus. While some believe eating apples after a meal can neutralize stomach acid. However, there isn’t enough evidence to support these claims. Generally, apples are a safe bet for most people with acid reflux. Since apples are mildly acidic, people sensitive to acids may find it troublesome when taken in excess amounts and if their diet contains other different acidic foods.

Also Read: Apples: 5 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Adding Wonder Fruit In The Daily Diet

Are Apples Good or Bad for Acidity?

Apples are generally considered beneficial for managing acidity for several reasons:

Despite their mild acidity, apples have alkalizing effects on the body once digested. They contain minerals and enzymes that help balance pH levels, potentially reducing acidity.

Apples are abundant in dietary fibre, including soluble fibre like pectin, which can help regulate digestion and a healthy gut microbiome, thus lessening the risk of acid reflux.

Apples are packed with antioxidants like quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe gastrointestinal discomfort associated with acidity.

Also Read: Green Apple: Origin, Health Benefits, And Side Effects of This Crispy Fruit With Recipes

What Are Other Fruits That Can Worsen Acidity?

Some of the fruits that are known to trigger acidity or worsen symptoms in susceptible individuals:

 Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are citrus fruits that are highly acidic and can irritate the oesophageal lining, potentially triggering acid reflux or heartburn.

Tomatoes are acidic and can cause discomfort in individuals prone to acidity issues.

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can sometimes exacerbate acidity in sensitive individuals.

What Are Fruits That Help Relieve Acidity?

If you're looking to soothe acidity-related symptoms, consider adding these fruits to your meal plan:

Bananas, rich in potassium and fibre, help neutralize stomach acids and are gentle on the digestive system.

Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are packed with high water content and low acidity, making them soothing acidity choices.

Papayas contain papain, an enzyme that aids digestion and can alleviate symptoms of acidity.

While some berries, like cranberries, can be acidic, others, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are lower in acidity and packed with antioxidants that support digestive health.


Apples are generally considered beneficial for managing acidity due to their alkalizing effects, fibre content, and antioxidant properties. However, individual tolerance may vary, so observing how your body reacts to different foods is important. While some fruits like citrus and tomatoes may exacerbate acidity, others like bananas, melons, papaya, and certain berries can help alleviate symptoms and promote digestive wellness.

It is essential to maintain a wholesome and varied meal regimen and consult a healthcare expert for customised advice if you experience persistent acidity issues. Relish a rich array of colourful fruits mindfully, and let their natural goodness contribute to your overall well-being!

( This content is reviewed by Kalyani Krishna, Chief Content Editor )

Author Profile

M Sowmya Binu:

 With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.


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Functional Food in Relation to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

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Berkeley N. Limketkai, Academic Editor