Ayurveda, the ancient and holistic form of healing practice, came into practice thousands of years ago in India, and ever since, it has become a way of life. This ancient medical science bestowed mankind with comprehensive knowledge about one's health, various anomalies that might affect the human body, and the different ways the ailments can be treated naturally. The ayurvedic form of healing mainly focuses on certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to achieve a balance between the mind, body, spirit, and the environment. 

Netmeds.com came into existence seven years ago with a promise of providing top-notch medicinal facilities to all its customers. And prospering stronger another year, on our Anniversary month, we can proudly tell that it has now become a well-known brand all over the nation while bringing different wellness products, supplements, beauty essentials, diagnostic testing facilities, and even doctor consultation right to your fingertips from the comfort of your home. With the growing dependency on the Ayurvedic form of healing, Netmeds.com even has a huge range of herbal supplements and products, catering to well-known brands.
Sapta Dhatu in Ayurveda

Well, 'Last But Not The Least!' This week, as a part of our 7th Anniversary series, with a peek into the world of Ayurvedic healing, we bring you how seven specific herbs, when incorporated into the daily diet or taken as a supplement, can actually nurture the seven tissues or dhatus that make up the human body.

What Is Ayurveda?

The term "Ayurveda" is derived from two Sanskrit words, where "ayu" denotes "life" and "veda" signifies "science" or "sacred knowledge." Hence, it is also known as the "Science of Life" or the "Mother Of Healing ."As mentioned in the various Ayurvedic scriptures, 'Health' in reality is a state of equilibrium that depends upon the normal functioning of the various Mahabhutas, Doshas, Dhatus, Gunas, Malas, and Agni. When all these components are in synchronization with each other, they foster health, but when they are unsynchronized or out of balance, they lead to erratic functioning of the various systems of the body, causing health anomalies.

What Is Rasayana Therapy?

Ayurveda in itself is a vast world consisting of 8 branches of treatment (Ashtanga Ayurveda), one of which is Rasayana which mainly deals with methods and remedies that rejuvenate and revitalize the body to promote longevity.

Rasayana therapy includes several herbs, spices, herbal formulations, and powerful detoxification methods that purify the energy channels within the body and enhances the quality of life.

What Are The Benefits Of Rasayana Therapy?

According to Ayurveda, the preliminary benefit of Rasayana therapy is helping in the formation, transportation, and nourishment of the Dhatus in the body. Additionally, it also helps in the following:

  • Promotes longevity
  • Improves the memory capacity and intellectual power 
  • Fortifies the sense organs
  • Enhances virility and stamina
  • Uplifts the general health and immunity
  • Augments skin radiance

So, What Are Dhatus?

According to Ayurveda, Dhatus are the elements or the various organs and systems that make up the human body. They are chiefly categorized into seven divisions or Sapta Dhatus, which are:

  • Plasma (Rasa)
  • Blood (Rakta)
  • Muscles (Mamsa)
  • Fatty tissue (Meda)
  • Bones (Asthi)
  • Bone Marrow (Majja)
  • Semen & Reproductive tissue (Shukra)

Now that we are well-acknowledged about Rasayana therapy, its versatile benefits, and the Sapta Dhatus, let's find out about the herbs that benefit the seven tissue systems of the body.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta, And Kapha Doshas

Mother Nature has bestowed humankind with a bountiful supply of herbs and spices that are sanctified with immense therapeutic qualities enriching the body with essential phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to promote longevity and vitality of the body and mind. These herbs promote the functioning of the Sapta Dhatu and provide deep nourishment and renewal for the entire body.

Below, we have curated a list of 7 incredible ayurvedic herbs, one for each Dhatu, that help in their functioning and promote overall well-being.
Sapta Dhatu - 7 Ayurvedic Herbs To Nourish The Body Tissues

The Seven Herbs For The Sapta Dhatus

1. Rasa Dhatu


The dried fruit of the Terminalia chebula plant is famed as the 'Conqueror of the Tridoshas .'Not only does this myrobalan cleanses the bodily tissues of Ama, but it also improves neuromuscular weakness and vision. It also supports the healthy functioning of the heart, liver, and kidneys and boosts digestion. Additionally, it also promotes sexual health and stamina, manages diabetes, enhances weight loss, remedies respiratory woes, and bestows one with beautiful skin and hair.

Also Read: Haritaki: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Formulations, and Side Effects

2. Rakta Dhatu 


Prized as one of the best restorative and immune-boosting herbs, the Tinospora cordifolia plant has excellent antioxidant and rejuvenating qualities. Imbued with essential nutrients and minerals like zinc and copper, these herbs are extremely beneficial for expelling Ama from the body and treating a host of neural disorders. Being a natural anti-depressant, it not only improves verbal and logical abilities but also relieves one from stress and anxiety. It also pacifies Pitta Doshas, regulates body temperature, and kindles the Agni dhatu that directly promotes digestion. Additionally, it also bestows one with healthy, glowing skin. 

3. Mamsa Dhatu


The term 'Amla' is made of two Sanskrit words, 'A' means 'no,' and 'Mala' signifies 'toxins,' i.e., a herb that removes harmful toxins from the body. Embelica officinalis, commonly known as Amalaki, is prized as a super-food owing to its blood-purifying qualities. Amla is intrinsically blessed with 5 tastes or Rasa ( Madhura, Amla, Tikta, Kashaya, and Katu) and helps in mitigating Pitta Doshas. Not only does it uplift the functioning of the liver, eye, and uterus, but it also strengthens the nervous system and sense organs. It also promotes brain activity and helps in proper digestion, assimilation, and excretion of food.

4. Meda Dhatu


The wondrous benefits of the green gel-like substance obtained from Kumari or Aloe Vera need no introduction. Going by the botanical name Aloe barbadensis, this incredible herb balances vitiated Pitta Doshas and helped cool and purify the blood. From vanquishing gynaecological problems like menstrual cramps, PCOD, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menopausal symptoms, improving digestion, promoting weight loss, augmenting skin and hair, and boosting immunity, Aloe Vera does it all. 

5. Asthi Dhatu


Call it Guggulu or Commiphora mukul; this resinous substance is an effective balancer of all three Doshas. It is not only significant in relieving pain and inflammation from joints but also fortifies bone health to reduce porosity in old age. Imbued with powerful Lekhaniya properties, it helps in shedding excess weight, regulates high cholesterol levels, and promotes the presence of healthy lipids. It is also effective for purifying blood.

Also Read: Ashwagandha: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Formulations, and Side Effects

6. Majja Dhatu


Brahmi, which goes by the botanical name Centella asiatica is an extremely praise-worthy plant that uplifts the brain and the entire nervous system. Being a potent adaptogenic herb, it promotes intelligence, cognition, and memory capabilities. Infused with powerful antioxidants, it promotes awareness, builds focus and concentration, and increases mental acuity. It also relaxes the mind and helps one get a peaceful night's sleep.

7. Shukra Dhatu


Touted as a powerful aphrodisiac, Ashwagandha, a.k.a Withania somnifera is well-known for promoting sexual wellness owing to its Vata balancing properties. Additionally, it fortifies the adrenal glands, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts energy and immunity, relaxes the nervous system, and fosters deep sleep.