Do you feel constantly week, tired or have you gained weight out of the blue or have an increase in mucus secretion? Well, if these issues are impeding your quality of life, then it may be due to an imbalance in kapha dosha.

Doshas are strong forces known to support the system. They determine the state of good health and any prevailing disease. As per the holistic science of Ayurveda, Kapha is one of the three major elements present in the body. While Vata and Pitta are the other two elements.

Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Kapha dosha is known to govern several bodily processes and lubrication in one’s body and mind. It is the basic element that holds the cells together that comprises the muscle, fat, lubricates the joints and bones in the body as well as triggers the immune response by safeguarding the tissues. An individual governed by kapha dosha is well built with strong stamina and a healthy gut. Any imbalance in this can alter functions and can cause fluid retention, allergies and fatigue.

Meditating For Kapha Dosha

Causes Of Kapha Imbalance:

Signs and symptoms that show an imbalance in kapha dosha include:

Kapha Dosha Characteristics

Some of the traits of the kapha body type person include

  • Large body frame
  • A moderate appetite
  • Sound sleepers
  • Large eyes that may be blue or dark
  • Glowing skin
  • Cool body
  • Voluminous hair that may be blonde or dark
  • Excessive secretion of mucus
  • Pleasing voice
  • Calm and well-mannered
  • Good resistance and power

If you observe any changes and imbalance, then making necessary dietary modifications can lessen the symptoms and avert the reoccurrence of the imbalance. According to Ayurveda, it is essential to eat a wholesome diet in order to get rid of excess kapha from the system as well as maintain normal balance. Kapha dosha is easily worsened by heavy, pungent and oily substance, therefore a kapha pacifying diet comprising of light, dry and warm foods are highly beneficial.

Also Read: Shotha/Edema: Time-Tested Ayurvedic Remedies To Get Relief From Painful Water Retention

Kapha foods
Kapha Dosha Diet:


One day of liquid diet in a week can help you balance system, as well as eliminate excess kapha from the body. Adding fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies and warm concoctions like herbal teas and soups are perfect for pacifying kapha dosha.

Dairy Products:

We all know milk products can aggravate kapha, however, consuming low-fat milk is the best option. Remember to boil the milk well before drinking, adding a teaspoon of turmeric or ginger to it greatly helps in lessening kapha and also boost the qualities of milk. Ghee or yoghurt made from low-fat milk can also be included in kapha balancing diet.


Fruits like apples, pears, watermelon, pomegranates, apricots and cranberries etc., form the main part of a kapha diet. These are better than consuming heavier ones like bananas, oranges, pineapples, avocado, coconut and dates.


Apart from honey, all other sweeteners must be totally avoided if you keenly want to clear out kapha from the system. Honey is considered as the only natural sweetener which can pacify kapha dosha as well as aids to lose weight. Consuming 1 teaspoon of raw honey every day in the morning is the best way to release excess kapha from the system.

Warm Beverages:

Herbal concoctions brewed from ginger, mint, tulsi, cinnamon are a great addition in kapha diet as they support to kindle the digestive system as well as refine the taste buds.


Minimising salt intake in the diet can remarkably help to balance kapha dosha. Instead opt for pungent spices like pepper, mustard, ginger, cloves and cayenne that offer flavour and taste to the food. These spices are well-known to stimulate and pacify kapha and also enhance the smooth functioning of the digestive system

Oils & Nuts:

Kapha diet recommends using milder oils like olive, almond, sunflower oil and pure ghee. In addition, adding pumpkin and sunflower seeds confers a host of benefits, then going for heavier nuts like cashews, pistachios and pine nuts.

Light Meats

For people who love having non-vegetarian foods it is best to go for lighter and organic meats like white chicken, eggs, turkey and avoid eating red meat, lamb or pork.


Whole grain cereals form a chief part of the diet. To balance and pacify kapha dosha, barley, corn, millet rye and buckwheat are favoured options over oats, rice and wheat.


A perfect kapha diet is one that boosts up your energy and vitality. The key is to eat at specified times, adding wholesome and nutritious foods in moderate amounts. The best diet regimen comprises of three meals a day where the breakfast should be the heaviest, followed by a hearty lunch and light dinner. A minimum rest of three hours between the meals is recommended to avoid indigestion issues and also must avoid lying down post any meal. Apart from this, regular workout and staying physically active helps a person live a healthy and balanced life.